[Federal Register: July 27, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 143)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 43273]
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Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 23

[Docket No. CE229, Special Condition 23-168-SC]

Special Conditions; Duncan Aviation Inc., EFIS on the Raytheon 
300 King Air; Protection of Systems for High Intensity Radiated Fields 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final special conditions; request for comments; correction.


SUMMARY: The FAA published a document on June 22, 2005 concerning final 
special conditions for Duncan Aviation Inc., on the Raytheon Model 300 
King Air. There was an error in the preamble of the special conditions 
in the reference to the docket number. The correct document number 
appears in the addresses section in one place; however, the docket 
number is incorrect in the heading, in one other location in the 
address, and in the ``Comments Invited'' section. This document 
contains a correction to the docket number.

DATES: The effective date of these special conditions is June 15, 2005. 
Comments must be received on or before July 22, 2005.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed in duplicate to: Federal Aviation 
Administration, Regional Counsel, ACE-7, Attention: Rules Docket Clerk, 
Docket No. CE229, Room 506, 901 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. 
All comments must be marked: Docket No. CE229. Comments may be 
inspected in the Rules Docket weekdays, except Federal holidays, 
between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Standards Office (ACE-110), Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 901 Locust, 
Room 301, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; telephone (816) 329-4127.


Need for Correction

    The FAA published a document on June 22, 2005 (70 FR 35985) that 
issued final special conditions with a request for comments. In the 
document under the heading, in the ``Addresses'' section, and in the 
``Comments Invited'' section, the docket number ``229'' appears. The 
correct docket number is ``CE229.'' This document corrects that error.

Correction of Publication

    Accordingly, the preamble of the special conditions is revised to 
remove the docket number ``229'' and to replace it with ``CE229'' 
wherever it appears.

Comments Invited

    Interested persons are invited to submit such written data, views, 
or arguments, as they may desire. Communications should identify the 
regulatory docket or notice number and be submitted in duplicate to the 
address specified above. All communications received on or before the 
closing date for comments will be considered by the Administrator. The 
special conditions may be changed in light of the comments received. 
All comments received will be available in the Rules Docket for 
examination by interested persons, both before and after the closing 
date for comments. A report summarizing each substantive public contact 
with FAA personnel concerning this rulemaking will be filed in the 
docket. Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their 
comments submitted in response to this notice must include a self-
addressed, stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: 
``Comments to Docket No. CE229.'' The postcard will be date stamped and 
returned to the commenter.

    Issued in Kansas City, Missouri on July 14, 2005.
John Colomy,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 05-14763 Filed 7-26-05; 8:45 am]