Mission Statement

Clean Energy Trade Mission to India

November 26-December 3, 2000


The U.S. Department of Commerce is supporting President Clinton's International Clean Energy Initiative through the development of a dynamic trade promotion program which emphasizes the positive contribution that American companies and U.S. exports can make to a cleaner environment and energy efficiency.

The Department's Clean Energy Trade Initiative focuses on developing market opportunities for U.S. companies in the energy supply, manufacturing, commercial, residential, transportation, and environmental technology sectors.

The objectives of the Clean Energy Trade Initiative include: increasing the visibility of U.S. companies as global leaders in "clean energy" technology, deepening relationships with key developing country policymakers, participating in the policy dialogue (regulatory reform, privatization, etc.) with government officials, expanding communications with private sector organizations, trade promotion, and long-term market development.

Mission Description

The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Basic Industries or a designee will lead a clean energy trade mission to India on November 26 to December 3, 2000. The mission will include representatives from U.S. energy companies and energy equipment and service providers interested in entering the Indian energy market or in expanding their presence in the region. The focus of the mission will be natural gas infrastructure, renovation of existing power generation and transmission facilities, high efficiency turbines and boilers, waste heat recovery and cogeneration, clean coal technology, renewable energy technologies, industrial heat pumps, and energy efficiency products and services (including energy saving performance contracts).

Commercial Setting

India's demand for energy and electrical power is growing rapidly and at rates substantially in excess of the growth in supplies. The growing shortfall between demand and supply makes India among the largest markets in the world for goods and services for efficient energy production and use. India plans to invest as much as $15 billion dollars each year for the next decade to meet its power needs, creating significant potential opportunities for U.S. energy companies. Because improving the efficiency of energy production and use is much cheaper than creating greenfield capacity, opportunities in that sector are expected to be all the more lucrative.

Mission Goals

The mission will seek to increase exports of U.S. clean energy products and services. The mission will further U.S. commercial policy objectives, advance U.S. clean energy business interests, and address market access issues.

Mission Scenario

The mission will visit New Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta and Mumbai. The mission will expose the delegation to:

For small- and medium-sized companies that are new to the market, this mission will be an excellent opportunity to gather primary information on the commercial opportunities in these markets and to meet with key decision makers.


The mission is scheduled to arrive in New Delhi on November 26 and conclude in Mumbai on the December 3, after stops in Calcutta and Chennai. In Chennai, the mission will attend the biennial "Energy Summit, " organized by the Confederation of Indian Industries, which attracts over 1,000 delegates and over 5,000 visitors. The precise schedule will depend on the availability of the foreign government and company officials, as well as the specific goals and interests of the mission participants.

Criteria for Company Participation


Eligible companies must demonstrate a capacity to deliver relevant equipment or services to India.

Participating companies must be incorporated in the United States.

A company is eligible to participate only if the products and/or services that it will promote on the relevant mission are either (a) manufactured in the United States; or (b) if manufactured or produced outside the United States, are marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have U.S. content representing at least 51 percent of the value of the finished good or service.

Selection Criteria

Companies will be selected on the basis of:

Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner, including publication in the Federal Register, posting on the Internet, press releases to the general and trade media, direct mail and broadcast fax, e-mail, notices by industry trade associations and other multiplier groups, and at industry meetings, symposia, conferences, trade shows, etc.

An applicant's partisan political activities (including political contributions) are irrelevant to the selection process.

Time Frame for Applications

Applications may be submitted immediately to Nazir Bhagat, Basic Industries, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4043, HCHB, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3855; facsimile: (202) 482-5666; Internet: Nazir_Bhagat@ita.doc.gov

All applications must be received by June 1, 2000.