Mission Statement

Telecommunications Matchmaker Trade Delegation

Madrid, Spain and Rome, Italy

April 10-15, 2000

Mission Description:

Export Promotion Services' Matchmaker Program, in cooperation with the Office of Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), will lead a Telecommunications Matchmaker Trade Delegation to Madrid, Spain and Rome, Italy April 10-15, 2000. The Matchmaker will target telecommunication equipment and services. The focus of the delegation will be to match U.S. companies with qualified agents, distributors, representatives, licensees, and joint venture partners in those telecommunications markets.

Commercial Setting:

The Spanish and Italian telecommunications equipment markets show tremendous growth potential. United States technology is highly regarded in both markets as the leading source of innovative telecommunications products and services.

With an estimated value of $13 billion in 1998, Spain's telecommunications market is ranked ninth in the world and has shown sustained growth in the cellular phone and Internet application subsections as well as in digital networks and associated technologies. With a telecommunications equipment market valued at $3.7 billion in 1998, Spain ranks in the top twenty importers of telecommunications equipment from the United States. The telecommunications services sector holds unprecedented sales potential and is expected to expand at a 13% compound annual rate for the next several years, driving a similar expansion in the telecom equipment market.

Italy has the world's fifth largest market for telecommunications equipment (with an estimated value of $8 billion in 1998) and the sixth largest for telecommunications services (valued at $23 billion 1998). For the second year in a row, both the telecommunication equipment and services achieved double-digit growth in 1998 (estimated at 11 percent per annum). U.S. exporters account for 38 percent of Italy's imports of telecom equipment.

The United States is the leading source of innovative telecommunications products and services and our technology is highly regarded in both markets.

Mission Goals:

The Matchmaker's goal is to gain first-hand market information and provide access to key government officials and potential business partners for new-to-market, new-to-export U.S. telecommunications equipment and service firms desiring to enter the Spanish and Italian markets.

Mission Scenario:

Participants will spend two days in Madrid, and two days in Rome. At each stop, the Commercial Service will provide an extensive market briefing highlighting opportunities in the telecommunications industry and recent policy developments, schedule one-on-one appointments with potential business partners for each participant, and arrange a reception to introduce the participants to key business and government officials in the telecommunications equipment and services industries.


Mission participants will arrive in Madrid, Spain Sunday April 10th, participants will have two days of business meetings (April 11 and 12th). The mission will travel to Rome on April 13th. Two days of business meetings will be scheduled for the delegation in Rome. The Matchmaker will conclude the evening of Friday, April 15, 2000.

The Matchmaker will be promoted through the following venues: the Export Assistance Centers and Teams; TIA's weekly email newsletter "The Beat," and its monthly publication, "The Pulse; Federal Register; relevant trade publications; relevant trade associations; past Matchmaker and Commerce trade mission participants; various in-house and purchased industry lists, and on ITA's Internet home page.

Recruitment will begin immediately, and will close on February 28, 2000 approximately seven weeks prior to the start of the mission. The Matchmaker will target 15 companies. The participation fee for the event will be $2,850 per company.

Criteria for Participation:

Any partisan political activities of an applicant, including political contributions, will be entirely irrelevant to the selection process.

Contact Information:

Molly Costa, Project Officer
Matchmaker Trade Delegations Program
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 2012
Washington, D.C. 20230
Tel: (202) 482-0693

Fax: (202) 482-0178
Email: Molly.Costa@mail.doc.gov

website: www.ita.doc.gov/uscs/uscsmatc.html