[October 31,2005 (Volume 70, Number 209)] [Unified Agenda] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [frwais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID: f:ua051064.wais] [Page 65719-65729] C. INDEX TO ENTRIES THAT MAY AFFECT SMALL ENTITIES WHEN A REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS IS NOT REQUIRED [[Page 65719]] The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601) requires that agencies publish regulatory agendas identifying those rules that may have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Agencies meet that requirement by including the information in their submissions for the Unified Agenda. Some agencies have chosen to identify additional regulatory actions that may have some impact on small entities even though a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis may not be required. The following index lists the regulatory actions in this publication for which agencies have chosen to indicate that some impact on small entities is likely even though a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis may not be required. The Sequence Number (Seq. No.) of the entry identifies the location of the entry in this edition. For further information, see the Regulatory Information Service Center's Introduction in part II of this issue. ___________________________________________________________________ Businesses ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seq. No. Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USDA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Revisions in the WIC Food Packages 18 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): WIC Vendor Cost Containment 19 Performance Standards for Pumped or Massaged Bacon 21 Performance Standard for Chilling of Ready-To-Cook Poultry 24 Nutrition Labeling of Single-Ingredient Products and Ground or Chopped Meat and Poultry Products 25 Food Standards; General Principles and Food Standards Modernization 175 Standards for Condition of Food Containers (FV-05-332) 246 Introductions of Plants Genetically Engineered To Produce Industrial Compounds 293 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): Miscellaneous Vendor-Related Provisions 296 Data Collection Related to Institutions, Organizations, Sites, and Facilities 303 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP): Implementation of the FMNP Provisions in the CN and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-265) and FMNP Funding Formula 304 Food Stamp Program: Expiration of Residual Paper Coupons 305 Revisions and Clarifications in Requirements for the Processing of Donated Foods for Use in the National School Lunch Program and Other Food Assistance Programs 318 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) 333 WIC: Implementation of the Nondiscretionary WIC Certification and General Administration Provisions in the CN and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-265) 348 Food Defense Plans 349 Accredited Laboratory Program 376 Sale and Disposal of National Forest System Timber; Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions 395 Special Forest Products and Forest Botanical Products 427 Equal Opportunity for Religious Organizations 431 Fiscal Transfer Agent--Secondary Market Sales of Guaranteed Loans 433 Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program--Implement the Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) of 1996 435 Annual Renewal Fee 455 Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR): Use of Biobased Materials ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 460 Annual Trade Survey 483 Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations 508 Export Administration Regulations: Support Documentation Consolidation and Reorganization 542 Measures to Prevent or Mitigate and Conserve, Manage, and Allow Full Utilization of Sharks 599 West Coast Highly Migratory Species, Correcting Amendment 616 Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS); 2006 Bluefin Tuna Quota Specifications and Effort Controls 634 Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Explosive Removal of Offshore Structures in the Gulf of Mexico 654 Announcement of the Optimum Yield and Harvest Limit for Pacific Mackerel 657 West Coast Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan, Correcting Amendment 662 2006-2007 Management Measures for Commercial, Recreational, and Treaty Salmon Fisheries Off the Coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California 668 2006 Scallop Research Set-Aside Request for Proposals 681 Civil Procedures Governing Prosecution and Administrative Proceedings 704 2005-2006 Management Measures for Commercial, Recreational, and Treaty Indian Salmon Fisheries Off the Coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California 718 Spiny Dogfish Management Program and Trawl Individual Quota Program 750 Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements ------------------------------------------------------------------ [[Page 65720]] DOD ------------------------------------------------------------------ 796 Earned Value Management Systems (DFARS Case 2005-D006) 800 Incremental Funding, Fixed-Price Contracts (DFARS Case 1990-037) 803 Contract Period for Task and Delivery Order Contracts (DFARS Case 2003-D097) 805 Consolidation of Contract Requirements (DFARS Case 2003-D109) 824 DoD Pilot Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program (DFARS Case 2004- D028) 825 Sole Source Award of 8(a) Contracts to Native Hawaiian-Owned Small Business Concerns (DFARS Case 2004-D031) 826 Incentive Program for Use of Domestic Machine Tools and Other Capital Assets (DFARS Case 2005-D003) 843 Contractor Performance of Acquisition Functions Closely Associated With Inherently Governmental Functions (DFARS Case 2004-D021) 851 Buy American Act Exemption for Commercial Information Technology (DFARS Case 2005-D011) 852 Codification and Modification of Berry Amendment (DFARS Case 2002- D002) 855 Acquisition of Ball and Roller Bearings (DFARS Case 2003-D021) 856 Unique Item Identification and Property Valuation (DFARS Case 2003-D081) ------------------------------------------------------------------ HHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 45 Content and Format of Labeling for Human Prescription Drugs and Biologics; Requirements for Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling 53 Organ Procurement Organization Conditions for Coverage (CMS-3064- IFR) (Section 610 Review) 990 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act--Enforcement 995 Amending the Regulations Governing Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Handicap, Sex, and Age To Conform to the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 998 Amendments to Quality Assurance and Administrative Provision for Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices 999 Amendments to Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Requirements for Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices 1012 Charging for Investigational Drugs 1016 Obstetrical and Gynecological Devices; Designation of Special Control for Condoms and Condoms With Spermicidal Lubricant 1017 Blood Initiative--Requirements for Human Blood and Blood Components Intended for Transfusion or for Further Manufacturing Use 1027 Designation of New Animal Drugs for Minor Use and Minor Species 1029 Index of Legally Marketed Unapproved New Animal Drugs for Minor Species 1036 CGMPs for Blood and Blood Components: Notification of Consignees and Transfusion Recipients Receiving Blood and Blood Components at Increased Risk of Transmitting HCV Infection (Lookback) 1055 Recordkeeping Requirements for Human Food and Cosmetics Manufactured From, Processed With, or Otherwise Containing Material From Cattle 1057 Supplements and Other Changes to Approved New Animal Drug Applications 1062 Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or Holding of Drugs; Revision of Certain Labeling Controls 1078 Registration of Food and Animal Feed Facilities 1114 Home Health Agency (HHA) Conditions of Participation (CoPs) (CMS- 3819-P) (Section 610 Review) 1116 Appeals of Carrier Determinations That a Supplier Fails To Meet the Requirements for Medicare Billing Privileges (CMS-6003-P2) 1117 Rural Health Clinics: Amendments to Participation Requirements and Payment Provisions and Establishment of a Quality Assessment and Improvement Program (CMS-1910-P2) 1118 Use of Restraints and Seclusion in Medicare and Medicaid Participating Facilities That Provide Inpatient or Residential Care (CMS-2130-P) 1119 Revisions to Conditions for Coverage for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (CMS-3887-P) 1120 Modifications to Electronic Transactions and Code Sets (CMS-0009- P) 1132 Fire Safety Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities: Sprinkler Systems (CMS-3191-P) 1133 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Prospective Payment System--Update for 2006 (CMS-1306-P) 1134 Prospective Payment System for Long-Term Care Hospitals FY 2007: Annual Payment Rate Updates (CMS-1485-P) 1136 Revisions to Payment of Ambulance Services under Medicare (CMS- 1317-P) 1141 Outpatient Hospital Services and Rural Health Clinic Services Amendment (CMS-2213-P) 1142 Five Year Review of Work Relative Value Units Under the Physician Fee Schedule (CMS-1512-PN) 1145 Requirements for Establishing and Maintaining Medicare Billing Privileges (CMS-6002-F) 1146 Hospital Conditions of Participation: Laboratory Services (CMS- 3014-IFC) (Section 610 Review) 1147 Medicare Hospice Care Amendments (CMS-1022-F) 1148 Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Residential Treatment Facilities Providing Inpatient Psychiatric Services to Individuals Under Age 21 (CMS-2065-F) 1156 All Provider Bad Debt Payment (CMS-1126-F) 1162 Fire Safety Requirements for Religious Non-Medical Health Care Institutions: Correction to Add Written Fire Control Plans & Maintenance of Documentation (CMS-3183-IFC) 1168 Hospice Wage Index for FY 2007 (CMS-1535-N) 1170 Hospital Conditions of Participation: Requirements for Approval and Re-approval of Transplant Centers To Perform Organ Transplants (CMS-3835-F) 1171 Hospice Care--Conditions of Participation (CMS-3844-F) (Section 610 Review) 1172 Medicare Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Data Reporting Requirements (CMS-3006-F) 1173 Standards for Electronic Health Care Claim Attachments (CMS-0050- P) 1175 Provider Reimbursement Determinations and Appeals (CMS-1727-F) [[Page 65721]] 1176 Health Coverage Portability: Tolling Certain Time Periods and Interactions With Family and Medical Leave Act (CMS-2158-F) 1184 Nondiscrimination in Health Coverage and Wellness Plans in the Group Market (CMS-4081-F) 1189 Electronic Prescribing Standards (CMS-0011-F) 1193 Medicare Integrity Program, Fiscal Intermediary and Carrier Functions, and Conflict of Interest Requirements (CMS-6030-F) 1194 Application of Inherent Reasonableness to All Medicare Part B Services (Other than Physician Services) (CMS-1908-F) 1195 Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): Program Revisions (CMS-1201-F) 1196 Electronic Submission of Cost Reports: Revision to Cost Reporting Period (CMS-1199-F) 1197 Loan Forgiveness Criteria for the Health Care Infrastructure Loan Program (CMS-1320-F) 1198 Health Care Infrastructure Improvement Program; Selection Criteria of Loan Program for Qualifying Hospitals Engaged in Cancer-Related Health Care (CMS-1287-F) 1205 Prospective Payment System for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities for FY 2006 (CMS-1290-F) 1210 Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities--Update for FY 2006 (CMS-1282-F) 1214 Hospice Wage Index for FY 2006 (CMS-1286-F) 1215 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Classification Rule Compliance (CMS-1480-N) ------------------------------------------------------------------ DHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 59 Marine Casualties and Investigations; Chemical Testing Following Serious Marine Incidents (USCG-2001-8773) 1327 Extension of the Deadline for Certain Health Care Workers Required To Obtain Certificates 1340 Petitions for Aliens To Perform Temporary Nonagricultural Services or Labor (H-2B) 1356 Traffic Separation Schemes: In the Strait of Juan De Fuca and Its Approaches; In Puget Sound and Its Approaches; In Haro Strait, Boundary Pass, and in the Strait of Georgia (USCG-2002-12702) 1361 Pollution Prevention Equipment (USCG-2004-18939) 1367 Limited Service Domestic Voyage Load Lines for River Barges on Lake Michigan (USCG-1998-4623) 1373 Review and Update of Standards for Marine Equipment (USCG-2003- 16630) 1375 Notification of Arrival in U.S. Ports; Certain Dangerous Cargoes; Electronic Submission (USCG-2004-19963) 1379 Discharge-Removal Equipment for Vessels Carrying Oil (CGD 90-068) 1381 Regatta and Marine Parade Regulations 1382 Drawbridge Regulations 1383 Escort Vessels in Certain U.S. Waters (CGD 91-202a) 1389 Salvage and Marine Firefighting Requirements; Vessel Response Plans for Oil (USCG-1998-3417) 1391 Improvements to Maritime Safety in Puget Sound-Area Waters (USCG- 1998-4501) 1393 Federal Requirements for Propeller Injury Avoidance Measures (USCG 2001-10163) 1394 Standards for Living Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water Discharged in U.S. Waters (USCG-2001-10486) 1397 Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River (USCG-1998-4399) 1401 Notification of Arrival in U.S. Ports; Certain Dangerous Cargoes; Electronic Submission (USCG-2003-16688) 1402 Long Range Identification and Tracking of Vessels 1403 Escort Vessels for Certain Tankers (CGD 91-202) 1404 Anchorage Ground; Safety Zone; Speed Limit; Tongass Narrows and Ketchikan, Alaska (CGD17-99-002) 1406 Marine Events: Permit Procedures (USCG-2001-10713) 1441 Aircraft Repair Station Security 1456 Security Programs for Aircraft Weighing 12,500 Pounds or More 1457 Private Charter Security Rules 1462 Criminal History Records Checks 1466 Enhanced Security Procedures for Operations at Certain Airports in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Flight Restricted Zone 1467 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport: Enhanced Security Procedures for Certain Operations 1472 Removal of Companies Holding a Certificate From the Secretary of the Treasury as an Acceptable Surety on Immigration Bonds 1473 Transfer of Flight Training Programs Under the Department of State Oversight to the Department of Homeland Security 1489 Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Adjustment ------------------------------------------------------------------ HUD ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1556 Manufactured Housing Installation Program (FR-4812) 1574 Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards (FR-4928) 1593 Empowerment Zones: Performance Standards for Utilization of Grant Funds (FR-4853) ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOI ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1632 General Permit Procedures; Revision to Appeal Process for Migratory Bird Permits 1635 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) 1636 U.S. Proposals for CITES Appendix III; American Eel 1654 Wild Bird Conservation Act; Review of Regulations To Allow Imports of Exotic Wild Birds 1663 Migratory Bird Hunting: Revision of Language Used in Regulations for Approving Nontoxic Shot for Use in Waterfowl Hunting 1697 Migratory Bird Hunting; 2006-2007 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations 1748 Migratory Bird Permits; Revisions to General Exceptions 1749 Revision of Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations 1759 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revisions to the Regulations Applicable to Permits Issued Under the Endangered Species Act 1785 2005-2006 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations 1860 Takes vs. Entitlements Reporting 1874 Federal Sodium and Potassium Valuation [[Page 65722]] 1876 Documents Incorporated by Reference for Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations 1886 Providing Contact Information to MMS 1905 Mining Claims Under the General Mining Law; Surface Management 1910 Public Lands and Resources; Law Enforcement--Criminal; Recreation Programs 1913 Sales of Forest Products; Preparation for Sale ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOJ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2033 National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Reporting Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOL ------------------------------------------------------------------ 74 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; Conform to the Supreme Court's Ragsdale Decision 81 Rulemaking Relating to Termination of Abandoned Individual Account Plans 82 Asbestos Exposure Limit 87 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Regulations 2047 Child Labor Regulations, Orders, and Statements of Interpretation 2094 Use of or Impairment from Alcohol and Other Drugs on Mine Property 2097 Part 5--Fees for Testing, Evaluation, and Approval of Mining Products 2102 Training Standards for Shaft and Slope Construction Workers at Underground Mines 2103 Fire Extinguishers at Temporary Electrical Installations 2126 Employer Payment for Personal Protective Equipment 2135 Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002: Contract Threshold and Eligibility Groups for Federal Contractor Program 2137 Notice of Rights, Benefits, and Obligations under the USERRA ------------------------------------------------------------------ STATE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2154 Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Registration Fee Change ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 92 Medical Certification Requirements as Part of the CDL 2164 Fees and Charges for Special Services 2172 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs 2179 Accessibility of Passenger Vessels to Individuals With Disabilities 2180 Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program 2182 Mentor/Protege Program 2187 Elimination of Commuter Air Carrier Registrations 2189 Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System and Mode S Transponder Requirements in the National Airspace System 2208 National Air Tour Safety Standards 2224 Airworthiness Directives 2226 Drug Enforcement Assistance 2232 False and Misleading Statements Regarding Aircraft Parts 2254 Safety Fitness Procedures; Safety Ratings 2255 Commercial Learner Permits 2257 New Entrant Safety Assurance Process 2258 Penalties, Inspection, and Decal Display Requirements for Mexico- Domiciled Motor Carriers 2260 Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance 2261 Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operations; Surge Brake Requirements 2264 Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents 2268 Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Safety 2269 General Jurisdiction Over Freight Forwarder Service 2270 Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers To Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.- Mexico Border 2272 Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors 2273 Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses With a Hazardous Materials Endorsement 2276 Commercial Driver's License Standards; Biometric Identifier 2277 Qualification of Drivers; Field of Vision 2278 Rules of Practice for Motor Carrier Proceedings; Investigations; Disqualifications and Penalties 2279 Transportation of Household Goods; Consumer Protection Regulations (Completion of a Section 610 Review) 2282 Acute and Critical Violations 2286 Rear Convex Cross-View Mirrors 2287 Roof Crush Resistance 2295 Upgrade Door Retention Performance 2297 Event Data Recorders 2308 Frontal Offset Protection 2310 Seat Belt Emergency Locking Retractor 2311 Adaptation of Instrumented Lower Legs for Hybrid III Male and Female Adult Dummies 2312 Idle Stop Technology Used in Some Hybrid Electric Vehicles 2316 Enhanced Passenger-Side Mirror System 2319 Importation of Commercial Motor Vehicles 2338 Safety Recalls 2346 Occupational Noise Exposure for Railroad Operating Employees 2358 Gas Gathering Line Definition and Safety Rules 2366 Safeguarding Food From Contamination During Transportation 2367 Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Carriage by Aircraft 2370 Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Lighters and Lighter Refills 2371 Hazardous Materials: Requirements for UN Standard Cylinders (Rulemaking Resulting From a Section 610 Review) 2380 Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions 2385 Application Fee for Administrative Waivers of the Coastwise Trade Laws ------------------------------------------------------------------ TREAS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2471 Proposed Revisions to the Beer Regulations 2476 Alternating Brewery Proprietors 2513 Labeling and Advertising of Malt Beverages 2530 Prohibited Marks on Packages of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes Imported or Brought into the United States 2572 Guidance on Changes to the Laws for Corporate Estimated Taxes 2574 Dollar-Value LIFO [[Page 65723]] 2580 Deductibility of Employer Contributions for Deferred Compensation 2585 Allocation of New Markets Tax Credit 2588 Accrual Rules for Creditable Foreign Taxes and Guidance on Change in Taxable Year 2622 Use of Electronic Technologies for Providing Notices and Transmitting Elections and Consents 2626 Shareholder's Basis in Stock of an S Corporation 2663 Start-up and Organizational Expenditures 2671 Capital Costs Incurred To Comply With EPA Sulfur Regulations 2702 Reductions of Accruals and Allocations Because of Increased Age 2713 Limitation on Use of Nonaccrual Experience Method of Accounting 2720 Partnership Equity for Services 2746 Dual Consolidated Loss Regulations 2752 Underpayment for Qualified Amended Returns 2764 Disclosure of Relative Values of Optional Forms of Benefit 2772 Capital Costs Incurred To Comply With EPA Sulfur Regulations (Temporary) 2795 Constructive Sales of Appreciated Financial Positions 2806 Application of Nondiscrimination Cross-Testing Rules To Cash Balance Plans 2811 Disclosures to Subcontractors 2825 Employer's Annual Federal Employment Tax Return--Form 944 2827 Employer's Annual Federal Employment Tax Return--Form 944 (Temporary) 2828 Application of Section 6404(g) Suspension Provisions 2838 Modifications to the De Minimis Deposit Rule Under Section 6302 2839 Modification to the De Minimis Deposit Rule Under Section 6302 (Temporary) 2857 Cash or Deferred Arrangements 2859 Withholding Tax on Foreign Partners' Share of Effectively Connected Income 2872 Deemed Corporate Election for Electing S Corporations 2893 LIFO Recapture Under Section 1363(d) 2896 Securities-Related Activities of Savings Associations 2897 Identity Theft Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation Program for Financial Institutions and Creditors 2899 Fair Credit Reporting Medical Information Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ CNCS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3005 Program Fraud Civil Remedies ------------------------------------------------------------------ EPA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 106 Implementing Periodic Monitoring in Federal and State Operating Permit Programs 113 Notification of Chemical Exports Under TSCA Section 12(b) 123 Test Rule; Testing of Certain High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals 124 Pesticides; Procedures for the Registration Review Program 126 Protections for Test Subjects in Human Research 130 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule 131 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule 3020 Utilization of Small, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises in Procurement Under Assistance Agreements 3026 Public Information and Confidentiality Regulations 3037 Review of New Sources and Modifications in Indian Country 3041 Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry NESHAP: Amendment To Implement Court Remand 3042 NESHAP: Ethylene Oxide for Sterilization Facilities--Residual Risk Standards 3045 NESHAP: Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities Residual Risk Standards 3046 NESHAP: Halogenated Solvent Cleaning--Residual Risk Standards 3049 National VOC Emission Standards for Consumer Products; Amendments 3051 Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Listing of Substitutes for Ozone-Depleting Substances: N-Propyl Bromide 3053 Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) for the Billings/Laurel, Montana Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Area 3058 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Modifications to Standards and Requirements for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline Including Butane Blenders and Attest Engagements 3061 Protection of Stratospheric Ozone; Allowance System for Controlling HCFC Production, Import and Export; Correction 3067 NESHAP: Area Source Standards--Ethylene Oxide Hospital Sterilization 3078 National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings--Amendments 3079 Control of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Lubricity: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 3082 Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Modifications to the Technician Certification Requirements Under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act 3087 Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignited Internal Combustion Engines 3094 NESHAP: Plastic Parts and Products (Surface Coating)--Area Source Rule 3096 Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Listing of Substitutes for Ozone-Depleting Substances in Foam Blowing 3102 NESHAP: Autobody Refinishing--Area Source Rule 3115 Federal Plan Requirements for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units Constructed On or Before December 9, 2004 3119 NSPS and Emission Guidelines for Other Solid Waste Incinerators 3122 NSPS: SOCMI--Wastewater and Amendment to Appendix C of Part 63 and Appendix J of Part 60 3150 Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines 3154 NESHAP: Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing; Reconsideration 3156 NESHAP: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; Reconsideration Notice 3164 Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators NSPS and EG: Definitions 3169 NESHAP: Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations Residual Risk Standard 3177 NESHAP: Group II Polymers and Resins--Residual Risk Standards [[Page 65724]] 3179 NESHAP: Secondary Lead Smelting Residual Risk Standards 3180 NESHAP: Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Surface Coating--Residual Risk Standards 3181 NESHAP: Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations--Residual Risk Standards 3182 NESHAP: Printing and Publishing Industry--Residual Risk Standards 3183 NESHAP: Petroleum Refineries--Residual Risk Standards 3184 National Emission Standards for Chromium Emissions From Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks-- Residual Risk Standards 3192 Performance Warranty and Inspection/Maintenance Test Procedures 3193 Inspection/Maintenance Recall Requirements 3203 Mineral Wool Production Residual Risk Standard 3205 NESHAP: Pharmaceuticals Production: Residual Risk Standards 3209 Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Restriction on the Sales of Pre-Charged Split Systems 3214 Area Source National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Iron and Steel Foundries 3217 NESHAP: Area Source Standards--Clay Ceramics Industry 3221 NESHAP for Stainless and Nonstainless Steel Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Manufacturing 3240 NESHAP: Reinforced Plastic Composites--Amendments 3262 Pesticide Management and Disposal; Standards for Pesticide Containers and Containment 3266 Pesticides; Data Requirements for Conventional Chemicals 3267 Pesticides; Data Requirements for Antimicrobials 3268 Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program (EDSP); Implementing the Screening and Testing Phase 3273 Pesticides; Registration Requirements for Antimicrobial Pesticide Products 3274 Pesticides; Competency Standards for Occupational Users 3277 Future Testing for Existing Chemicals (Overview Entry) 3279 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs); Exemptions From the Prohibitions Against Manufacturing, Processing, and Distribution in Commerce 3280 Amendment to the Premanufacture Notification Exemptions; Revisions of Exemptions for Polymers 3281 Test Rule; Certain Chemicals on the ATSDR Priority List of Hazardous Substances 3283 Significant New Use Rule (SNUR); Selected Flame Retardant Chemical Substances for Use in Residential Upholstered Furniture 3291 Lead Fishing Sinkers; Response to Citizens Petition and Proposed Ban 3293 TSCA Section 8(a) Preliminary Assessment Information Rules 3294 TSCA Section 8(d) Health and Safety Data Reporting Rules 3296 Voluntary High Production Volume (HPV) Chemical Challenge Program 3297 Significant New Use Rule (SNUR); Certain Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) 3298 Testing Agreement for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) 3299 Testing Agreement for Diethanolamine 3300 Testing Agreement for Hydrogen Fluoride 3301 Testing Agreement for Phthalic Anhydride 3303 Testing Agreement for Maleic Anhydride 3304 Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan Revisions 3305 Lead-Based Paint Activities; Bridges and Structures; Training, Accreditation, and Certification Rule and Model State Plan Rule 3306 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs); Disposal of PCBs; Implementation Issues 3308 Significant New Use Rule (SNUR); Chemical-Specific SNURs To Extend Provisions of Section 5(e) Orders 3310 Test Rule; Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) 3311 Test Rule; Certain Metals 3312 Testing Agreement for Certain Oxygenated Fuel Additives 3313 Test Rule; Multiple Substance Rule for the Testing of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity 3314 Follow-Up Rules on Existing Chemicals 3315 Significant New Use Rule (SNUR); Refractory Ceramic Fibers (RCFs) 3316 TSCA Policy Statement on Oversight of Transgenic Organisms (Including Plants) 3317 Lead-Based Paint; Amendments to Requirements for Disclosure of Known Lead-Based Paint or Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Target Housing 3318 Testing Agreement for Aryl Phosphates (ITC List 2) 3319 Test Rule; Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) 3322 TRI; Response to Petition To Delete Chromium, Antimony, Titanate From the Metal Compound Categories Listed on the Toxics Release Inventory 3323 TRI; Response to Petition To Delete Acetonitrile From the Toxics Release Inventory List of Toxic Chemicals 3325 Addition of Toxicity Equivalency (TEQ) Reporting and Quantity Data for Individual Members of the Dioxin and Dioxin-Like Compounds Category Under EPCRA, Section 313 3327 Clarify TRI Reporting Obligations Under EPCRA Section 313 for the Metal Mining Activities of Extraction and Beneficiation 3328 TRI; Response to Petition To Add Diisononyl Phthalate to the Toxics Release Inventory List of Toxic Chemicals 3342 Modifications to RCRA Rules Associated With Solvent-Contaminated Industrial Wipes 3347 Standards for the Management of Coal Combustion Wastes--Non-Power Producers and Minefilling 3354 Revisions of the Lead-Acid Battery Export Notification and Consent Requirements 3360 NESHAPS: Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Hazardous Waste Combustors (Phase I Final Replacement Standards and Phase II) 3369 Standards and Practices for Conducting All Appropriate Inquiries 3373 Revisions to the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Subpart J Product Schedule Listing Requirements 3396 Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Vinyl Chloride and Chlor-Alkali Point Source Categories [[Page 65725]] 3397 Streamlining the General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution 3405 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Aldicarb 3411 Shore Protection Act, Section 4103(b) Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ EEOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3412 Disparate Impact and Reasonable Factors Other Than Age 3413 Coverage Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act 3417 Freedom of Information Act Fee Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------ GSA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3426 General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) Amendment 2004-04; Case 2004-G509; Access to the Federal Procurement Data System 3434 General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) Case 2004-G503, Clarification of HUBZone ------------------------------------------------------------------ SBA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 135 Small Business Lending Company and Lender Oversight Regulations 3637 Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Program Revisions 3656 8(a) Business Development/Small Disadvantaged Business Status Determinations 3660 Amendments to the HUBZone Program 3662 Small Business Size Standards; Selected Size Standards Issues 3663 Surety Bond Guarantee Program 3664 Surety Bond Guarantee Program --Procedural Changes for Payment of Fees ------------------------------------------------------------------ SSA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 158 Civil Monetary Penalties, Assessments, and Recommended Exclusions (2362F) ------------------------------------------------------------------ FAR ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3748 FAR Case 2005-002, Expiration of the Price Evaluation Adjustment 3752 FAR Case 2004-027, Free Trade Agreements--Australia and Morocco ------------------------------------------------------------------ CFTC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3780 Interagency Proposal To Consider Alternative Forms of Privacy Notices Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ------------------------------------------------------------------ FCC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3900 Children's TV, Obligations of Digital TV Broadcasters (MM Docket No. 00-167) 3901 Extension of Filing Requirements for Children's TV Programming Report (MM Docket No. 00-44) 3902 Radio Market Definitions (MM Docket No. 03-130) 3903 Enhanced and Standardized Disclosure (MM Docket No. 00-168) ------------------------------------------------------------------ FMC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4031 Common Carrier Status Under the Shipping Act of 1984 4032 Port Restrictions and Requirements in the United States/Japan Trade (Docket No. 96-20) 4033 Passenger Vessel Financial Responsibility (Docket No. 02-15) 4034 Impact of Government Paperwork Elimination Act and Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (Docket No. 01- 08) 4035 Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier Service Arrangements (Docket No. 05-05) ------------------------------------------------------------------ FRS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4043 Regulations J and CC -- Collection of Checks and Other Items by Federal Reserve Banks and Fund Transfers Through Fedwire and Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks (Docket Number: R- 1226) 4044 Regulation: V -- Fair Credit Reporting (Docket Number: R-1188) 4049 Regulation Z--Truth in Lending (Docket Number R-1217) 4050 Regulations: H & Y -- Risk-Based Capital Standards: Trust Preferred Securities and the Definition of Capital (Docket Number: R-1193) 4052 Regulation: DD -- Truth in Saving (Docket Number: R-1197) ------------------------------------------------------------------ FTC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4054 Regulations Under the Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health Education Act of 1986 4055 Trade Regulation Rule on Funeral Industry Practices 4056 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule 4057 Deceptive Advertising as to Sizes of Viewable Pictures Shown by Television Receiving Sets Rule 4058 Trade Regulation Rule on Franchising and Business Opportunity Ventures 4060 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 4061 Rules Implementing the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 4062 Telemarketing Sales Rule 4064 Rulemakings Pursuant to Energy Policy Act of 2005 4065 Trade Regulation Rule Pursuant to the Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992 4066 Privacy of Consumer Financial Information 4067 Trade Regulation Rule Concerning the Labeling and Advertising of Home Insulation ------------------------------------------------------------------ SEC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4191 Disposal of Consumer Report Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Governmental Jurisdictions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seq. No. Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USDA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): WIC Vendor Cost Containment 303 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP): Implementation of the FMNP Provisions in the CN and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-265) and FMNP Funding Formula 333 WIC: Implementation of the Nondiscretionary WIC Certification and General Administration Provisions in the CN and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-265) 349 Accredited Laboratory Program [[Page 65726]] 431 Fiscal Transfer Agent--Secondary Market Sales of Guaranteed Loans ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 465 Economic Development Administration Regulations 671 Taking of the Cook Inlet, Alaska, Stock of Beluga Whales by Alaska Natives 672 Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Rocket Launches From the Kodiak Launch Complex, Kodiak Island, Alaska 680 Marine Mammals; Subsistence Taking of Northern Fur Seals; Harvest Estimates ------------------------------------------------------------------ HHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 995 Amending the Regulations Governing Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Handicap, Sex, and Age To Conform to the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 1120 Modifications to Electronic Transactions and Code Sets (CMS-0009- P) 1133 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Prospective Payment System--Update for 2006 (CMS-1306-P) 1135 Payments for Service Provided Without Charge (CMS-2489-P) 1184 Nondiscrimination in Health Coverage and Wellness Plans in the Group Market (CMS-4081-F) 1195 Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): Program Revisions (CMS-1201-F) 1215 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Classification Rule Compliance (CMS-1480-N) 1224 Developmental Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act 1228 Medical Support ------------------------------------------------------------------ DHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 59 Marine Casualties and Investigations; Chemical Testing Following Serious Marine Incidents (USCG-2001-8773) 1361 Pollution Prevention Equipment (USCG-2004-18939) 1382 Drawbridge Regulations 1400 Navigation Equipment; SOLAS Chapter V Amendments (USCG-2004- 19588) 1464 Security Threat Assessment for Individuals Applying for a Hazardous Materials Endorsement for a Commercial Drivers License ------------------------------------------------------------------ HUD ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1556 Manufactured Housing Installation Program (FR-4812) 1593 Empowerment Zones: Performance Standards for Utilization of Grant Funds (FR-4853) ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOI ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1632 General Permit Procedures; Revision to Appeal Process for Migratory Bird Permits 1748 Migratory Bird Permits; Revisions to General Exceptions 1759 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revisions to the Regulations Applicable to Permits Issued Under the Endangered Species Act ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOJ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 73 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services (Section 610 Review) 2041 Correctional Facilities on Tribal Lands Grant Program ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOL ------------------------------------------------------------------ 74 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; Conform to the Supreme Court's Ragsdale Decision 87 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Regulations 2047 Child Labor Regulations, Orders, and Statements of Interpretation 2094 Use of or Impairment from Alcohol and Other Drugs on Mine Property ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 92 Medical Certification Requirements as Part of the CDL 2172 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs 2180 Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program 2224 Airworthiness Directives 2255 Commercial Learner Permits 2260 Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance 2273 Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses With a Hazardous Materials Endorsement 2274 Enforcement of Operating Authority Requirements 2276 Commercial Driver's License Standards; Biometric Identifier 2366 Safeguarding Food From Contamination During Transportation 2367 Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Carriage by Aircraft ------------------------------------------------------------------ TREAS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2715 Contributions To Purchase Certain Retirement Annuities or Custodial Accounts Under Section 403(b) 2736 Qualified Zone Academy Bonds; Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions 2811 Disclosures to Subcontractors ------------------------------------------------------------------ VA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2979 Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations; Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations ------------------------------------------------------------------ CNCS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3004 AmeriCorps*VISTA Program Regulations 3005 Program Fraud Civil Remedies 3006 AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps 3007 Criminal Background Checks (AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Learn and Serve) 3008 Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations 3009 National Senior Service Corps Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ EPA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 130 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule 131 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule [[Page 65727]] 3020 Utilization of Small, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises in Procurement Under Assistance Agreements 3037 Review of New Sources and Modifications in Indian Country 3054 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Regulations: Revisions 3087 Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignited Internal Combustion Engines 3102 NESHAP: Autobody Refinishing--Area Source Rule 3115 Federal Plan Requirements for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units Constructed On or Before December 9, 2004 3119 NSPS and Emission Guidelines for Other Solid Waste Incinerators 3150 Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines 3156 NESHAP: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; Reconsideration Notice 3159 PM 2.5 and PM 10 Hot-Spot Analyses in Transportation Conformity Rule Amendments 3230 Clean Air Mercury Rule--Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit MACT 3232 Rescinding Finding That Preexisting PM10 Standards Are No Longer Applicable in Northern Ada County/Boise, Idaho 3247 Transportation Conformity Amendments for the New PM 2.5 NAAQS Standards and PM 2.5 Precursors 3296 Voluntary High Production Volume (HPV) Chemical Challenge Program 3304 Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan Revisions 3305 Lead-Based Paint Activities; Bridges and Structures; Training, Accreditation, and Certification Rule and Model State Plan Rule 3306 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs); Disposal of PCBs; Implementation Issues 3314 Follow-Up Rules on Existing Chemicals 3347 Standards for the Management of Coal Combustion Wastes--Non-Power Producers and Minefilling 3369 Standards and Practices for Conducting All Appropriate Inquiries 3372 Revise 40 CFR Part 35 Subpart O: Cooperative Agreements and Superfund State Contracts for Superfund Response Actions 3390 NPDES Permit Requirements for Municipal Sanitary and Combined Sewer Collection Systems, Municipal Satellite Collection Systems, Sanitary Sewer Overflows, and Peak Excess Flow Treatment Facilities 3397 Streamlining the General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution 3398 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation for Public Water Systems Revisions 3400 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper: Short-Term Regulatory Revisions and Clarifications 3405 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Aldicarb 3411 Shore Protection Act, Section 4103(b) Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ EEOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3412 Disparate Impact and Reasonable Factors Other Than Age 3413 Coverage Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act 3417 Freedom of Information Act Fee Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------ SBA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3660 Amendments to the HUBZone Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Organizations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seq. No. Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USDA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 246 Introductions of Plants Genetically Engineered To Produce Industrial Compounds 296 Data Collection Related to Institutions, Organizations, Sites, and Facilities 303 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP): Implementation of the FMNP Provisions in the CN and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-265) and FMNP Funding Formula 318 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) 431 Fiscal Transfer Agent--Secondary Market Sales of Guaranteed Loans ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 465 Economic Development Administration Regulations 671 Taking of the Cook Inlet, Alaska, Stock of Beluga Whales by Alaska Natives 680 Marine Mammals; Subsistence Taking of Northern Fur Seals; Harvest Estimates ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOD ------------------------------------------------------------------ 763 National Security Education Program (NSEP) Grants to Institutions of Higher Education (DoD Instruction 1025.5) ------------------------------------------------------------------ HHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 995 Amending the Regulations Governing Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Handicap, Sex, and Age To Conform to the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 1114 Home Health Agency (HHA) Conditions of Participation (CoPs) (CMS- 3819-P) (Section 610 Review) 1120 Modifications to Electronic Transactions and Code Sets (CMS-0009- P) 1170 Hospital Conditions of Participation: Requirements for Approval and Re-approval of Transplant Centers To Perform Organ Transplants (CMS-3835-F) 1171 Hospice Care--Conditions of Participation (CMS-3844-F) (Section 610 Review) 1176 Health Coverage Portability: Tolling Certain Time Periods and Interactions With Family and Medical Leave Act (CMS-2158-F) 1195 Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): Program Revisions (CMS-1201-F) 1210 Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities--Update for FY 2006 (CMS-1282-F) 1224 Developmental Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act ------------------------------------------------------------------ [[Page 65728]] DHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1361 Pollution Prevention Equipment (USCG-2004-18939) 1367 Limited Service Domestic Voyage Load Lines for River Barges on Lake Michigan (USCG-1998-4623) 1381 Regatta and Marine Parade Regulations 1406 Marine Events: Permit Procedures (USCG-2001-10713) 1467 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport: Enhanced Security Procedures for Certain Operations 1471 SEVIS Reporting Requirements of Academic Institutions at the Start of Each Term or Session ------------------------------------------------------------------ HUD ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1558 Nonprofit Organization Participation in FHA Single-Family Mortgage Insurance Programs (FR-4702) 1574 Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards (FR-4928) 1602 Streamlining Public Housing Operations, Including Resident Participation (FR-4657) ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOI ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1632 General Permit Procedures; Revision to Appeal Process for Migratory Bird Permits 1635 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) 1748 Migratory Bird Permits; Revisions to General Exceptions 1759 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revisions to the Regulations Applicable to Permits Issued Under the Endangered Species Act ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOL ------------------------------------------------------------------ 74 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; Conform to the Supreme Court's Ragsdale Decision 81 Rulemaking Relating to Termination of Abandoned Individual Account Plans 87 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Regulations 2054 Standards of Conduct for Federal Sector Labor Organizations 2135 Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002: Contract Threshold and Eligibility Groups for Federal Contractor Program ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2172 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs 2180 Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program 2224 Airworthiness Directives 2260 Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance 2366 Safeguarding Food From Contamination During Transportation 2367 Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Carriage by Aircraft 2380 Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------ TREAS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2595 Determination of Single-Sum Distributions From Cash Balance Plans 2702 Reductions of Accruals and Allocations Because of Increased Age 2764 Disclosure of Relative Values of Optional Forms of Benefit 2795 Constructive Sales of Appreciated Financial Positions 2806 Application of Nondiscrimination Cross-Testing Rules To Cash Balance Plans 2811 Disclosures to Subcontractors 2828 Application of Section 6404(g) Suspension Provisions ------------------------------------------------------------------ VA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2979 Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations; Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations ------------------------------------------------------------------ AID ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2988 Administration of Grants and Cooperative Agreements ------------------------------------------------------------------ CNCS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3004 AmeriCorps*VISTA Program Regulations 3005 Program Fraud Civil Remedies 3006 AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps 3008 Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations 3009 National Senior Service Corps Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ EPA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 126 Protections for Test Subjects in Human Research 130 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule 131 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule 3020 Utilization of Small, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises in Procurement Under Assistance Agreements 3305 Lead-Based Paint Activities; Bridges and Structures; Training, Accreditation, and Certification Rule and Model State Plan Rule 3306 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs); Disposal of PCBs; Implementation Issues 3316 TSCA Policy Statement on Oversight of Transgenic Organisms (Including Plants) 3317 Lead-Based Paint; Amendments to Requirements for Disclosure of Known Lead-Based Paint or Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Target Housing 3347 Standards for the Management of Coal Combustion Wastes--Non-Power Producers and Minefilling 3405 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Aldicarb ------------------------------------------------------------------ EEOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3412 Disparate Impact and Reasonable Factors Other Than Age 3413 Coverage Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act 3417 Freedom of Information Act Fee Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------ OMB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3516 Relocation of OMB Circulars to Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------ [[Page 65729]] SBA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3660 Amendments to the HUBZone Program ------------------------------------------------------------------ SSA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 143 Representative Payment; Policies and Administrative Procedure for Imposing Penalties for False or Misleading Statements or Withholding of Information (2422P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------