The China mission will focus on the following broadly described infrastructure sectors:

China operates two nuclear power plants, whose combined capacity currently supplies less than 1 percent of the country's total energy needs. By 2010, China plans to add 20 GW in new nuclear generating capacity. U.S. manufacturers will be able to compete for nuclear power projects, for the first time, since the acceptance by Congress of presidential certifications regarding U.S.-Chinese cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Natural gas is not now used extensively in the electric power sector, but could become increasingly important as China seeks less-polluting sources of electricity for its growing economy. China's first liquefied natural gas project, to be built in Guangdong Province, will probably supply fuel for one or more power plants in this important area of Southern China.

The projected development of China's infrastructure far outstrips the country's ability to finance such projects using traditional sovereign and official finance. In order to reach its goals in this area, China will have to tap the far more vast pool of resources offered by the international private capital. Projects in the sector, therefore, offer great opportunities for financial services companies involved is the structuring of project finance deals, including commercial and investment banks, consultants and advisors, legal firms, insurance providers and credit rating agencies.

The Korea mission will focus on the following sectors:

The economic crisis has accelerated restructuring initiatives in the power sector. The Korean government plans to sell 5 percent of its 58 percent holding in KEPCO later in 1998. KEPCO also will sell four of the company's thermal power plants in 1999, and plans to partially privatize by establishing several other power companies by 2001. The phased liberalization of Korea's power market is creating opportunities for outside investment in the independent power producer market.