Publication Citation

USGS Series Water-Resources Investigations Report
Report Number 85-4279
Title A two-constituent solute-transport model for ground water having variable density
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Sanford, W. E.; Konikow, L. F.
Year 1985
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) WRi no.85-4279
Physical description v, 88 p. :ill. ;28 cm.

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A numerical model has been developed to simulate solute transport and dispersion of either one or two constituents in groundwater where there is two-dimensional, density-dependent flow. The model is a modified version of the one documented by Konikow and Bredehoeft (1978), which uses finite-difference methods and the method of characteristics to solve the flow and transport equations. The model was tested on an idealized seawater intrusion problem for which an analytical solution has been developed. The results were nearly identical to those of other numerical models tested on the same problem. A description of the formats for the input data, a sample of input and output for a two-constituent example problem, and a listing of the Fortran program are presented. (Author 's abstract)