[Federal Register: May 6, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 87)]
[Page 24049-24057]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Administration for Children and Families

Office of Community Services; CSBG T/TA Program Earned Income Tax 
Credit (EITC) and Other Asset Formation Opportunities

    Announcement Type: Initial.
    Funding Opportunity Number: HHS-2005-ACF-OCS-ET-0086.
    CFDA Number: 93.570.
    Due Date for Applications: Application is due June 20, 2005.
    Executive Summary: The Office of Community Services (OCS) within 
the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces that 
competing applications will be accepted for a new grant pursuant to the 
Secretary's authority under section 674(b) of the Community Services 
Block Grant (CSBG) Act, as amended, by the Community Opportunities, 
Accountability, and Training and Educational Services (COATES) Human 
Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, (Pub. L. 105-285).
    The proposed grant will fund up to 10 capacity-building 
collaborations that create or expand asset formation and financial 
literacy services offered by eligible entities funded under the 
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Program in support of national 
community action Goal 1 (``Low Income People Become More Self-

I. Funding Opportunity Description

    The Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration 
for Children and Families (ACF) announces that competing applications 
will be accepted for a new grant pursuant to the Secretary's authority 
under section 674(b) of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Act, 
as amended, by the Community Opportunities,

[[Page 24050]]

Accountability, and Training and Educational Services (COATES) Human 
Services Reauthorization Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105-285).
    The proposed grant will fund up to 10 capacity-building 
collaborations that create or expand asset formation and financial 
literacy services offered by eligible entities funded under the 
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Program in support of national 
community action Goal 1 (``Low Income People Become More Self-

Priority Area

Community Action Goal 1 ``Low Income People Become More Self-
    1. Description: OCS is committed to promoting and funding projects 
that use asset formation financial strategies to increase disposable 
earned income in low-income households and to help direct the use of 
that income toward asset formation. We view such strategies as viable 
and innovative approaches to empowering low-income individuals and 
families to become more self-sufficient and self-reliant. As part of an 
OCS initiative, we are forming partnerships and encouraging the 
creation or strengthening of partnerships aimed at the increasing 
financial education literacy and asset formation of low-wage earning 
    The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable Federal tax 
credit designed to encourage employment in low-income families and to 
offset the effects of Medicare and Social Security payroll taxes on 
working-poor families. EITC is widely viewed as a key support in 
welfare-to-work and asset-building strategies. EITC is regarded not 
only as an income supplement to meet immediate expenses, but also as a 
resource that might be directed toward asset-building strategies. Low-
income families can be assisted to use the credit to accrue wealth, 
achieve economic self-sufficiency, and break the cycle of poverty.
    Up to 30 percent of low-income families do not have a checking or 
savings account with a financial institution, have poor financial 
management skills and/or credit record, and need assistance with asset-
building strategies; therefore, finding a way to link the EITC to 
affordable banking services, financial literacy, and savings and asset-
building options is critical. According to recent studies by the 
Government Accounting Office, a substantial number of eligible 
individuals and families fail to claim the EITC. OCS seeks to lower the 
number of eligible households entitled to, but not receiving, this 
benefit. OCS also seeks to expand the use of the credit as an asset-
building resource.
    OCS seeks to fund formal collaboration projects that use the EITC 
to create or expand asset formation and financial literacy services 
offered by eligible entities funded under the Community Services Block 
Grant (CSBG) Program. Funds will be awarded to provide capacity-
building assistance that enables local, state or regional CSBG networks 
to plan, establish, improve or expand the use of EITC outreach and free 
tax preparation services to provide asset formation and financial 
service opportunities for eligible individuals and families. These 
projects should be designed to include EITC outreach, free tax 
preparation services and financial literacy/asset formation strategies 
to enable low-income families and individuals to make wiser financial 
decisions, build financial resources and help eligible clients take 
advantage of asset formation opportunities, that ultimately help the 
community thrive and become more economically stable.
    Formal State CSBG Lead Agencies and State Community Action Agency 
Association (CAA) partnerships are especially encouraged. OCS realizes 
that CSBG service providers will be most effective in helping low-
income individuals and families increase assets and financial literacy 
when they partner with others in the community. Therefore, applications 
that show collaborations with other community-based organizations and 
institutions are also strongly encouraged.
    Funds will be awarded to provide capacity-building assistance that 
enables local and regional CSBG networks to plan, establish, improve or 
expand asset formation and financial service opportunities for eligible 
individuals and families. These projects should be designed to help 
low-wage earners, at or near the poverty level, become more astute in 
areas such as money management and other financial services. The 
projects must offer, or plan to offer, services that help eligible 
clients take advantage of asset formation opportunities, increase their 
disposable income, build financial resources and enable them to make 
wiser financial decisions that ultimately help the community thrive and 
become more economically stable.
    At a minimum, all projects funded under this area must demonstrate 
proof that they have managed and operated an established Earned Income 
Tax Credit (EITC) component. Successful applicants for these 10 grants 
must also have a history of providing EITC and other asset formation 
services and training within the Community Services Network. Their 
curriculum must demonstrate an understanding of asset formation and 
financial literacy. Applicants must describe in their applications how 
their proposed training curriculum will improve or expand the access of 
eligible low-income families and individuals to asset formation 
information and services. Therefore, projects should include outreach 
to eligible families, information to help individuals and families 
understand the EITC and free tax filing assistance to claim the EITC 
and other tax credits.
    Successful applicants for these grants must have a plan for 
providing EITC outreach, free tax preparation, and other financial and 
asset formation services and training within the Community Services 
Network. Their curriculum must demonstrate an understanding of asset 
formation and financial literacy. At a minimum, all projects funded in 
this area must present proof that within the collaborative there exists 
a partner with demonstrated experience in the delivery of EITC outreach 
and free tax preparation services, and should include a description 
(letters of agreement or memoranda of understanding) of the nature of 
the existing or proposed working relationship with the local Internal 
Revenue Service territory office. Applicants must also describe in 
their applications how their proposed plan and training curriculum will 
improve or expand the access of eligible low-income families and 
individuals to tax preparation and asset formation information and 
services beyond the scope of the current offerings, as well as 
identifying constituencies who have been underserved with these 
    Successful applicants will propose projects that will impact more 
than one local CSBG service area. This Sub-Priority Area is not 
appropriate for projects proposing stand-alone services that impact and 
target only one particular community. Formal State CSBG Lead Agencies 
and State CAA Association partnerships and Community Service Network 
collaborations that address the needs of rural communities are 
especially encouraged to apply for these funds and will receive 
priority consideration for funding.
    The application must clearly show the roles and responsibilities of 
each collaborating partner. Letters of agreement and memoranda of 
understanding on agency letterhead with signatures from persons 
authorized to act on behalf of the collaborating

[[Page 24051]]

partner(s) must be included in the application.
    Innovation is encouraged. However, the following are examples of 
asset formation and financial literacy activities that OSC seeks to 
     Help eligible former Temporary Assistance for Needy 
Families (TANF) clients (closed cases for 2004) with earnings in a tax 
year apply for and receive, the Federal and State, where appropriate, 
Earned Income Tax Credits and other cash benefits or services to which 
they are entitled.
     Ensure that staff and volunteers of local CSBG funded 
organizations and/or their partners are trained and certified to 
provide free tax preparation services.
     Recruit, support, and retain qualified volunteers 
committed to the goals of the initiative.
     Facilitate outreach to TANF clients through hiring staff 
or training volunteers responsible for specific outreach to this 
community. TANF client outreach should include education on the EITC, 
filing requirements, and information provided about available free 
income tax services offered by the agency and/or available in the 
community. Former TANF clients should be scheduled for a free income 
tax filing appointment.
     Provide life skills education that helps low-income 
individuals and families learn and apply effective household management 
and budgeting techniques.
     Help clients establish and use banking and financial 
services, such as checking and savings accounts, thereby reducing or 
eliminating their reliance on the high-fee, high interest check cashing 
and loan services that are prevalent and widely used in low-income 
     Present materials in different languages based on the 
needs of eligible households.
     Assist families and individuals to boost savings in 
Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and/or to participate in other 
asset-building opportunities such as pre-purchase and post-purchase 
housing support, 529 college savings plans, and other asset tools.

II. Award Information

    Funding Instrument Type: Grant.
    Anticipated Total Priority Area Funding: $500,000.
    Anticipated Number of Awards: 10.
    Ceiling of Individual Awards per Budget Period: $50,000.
    Floor on amount of individual awards: None.
    Average Projected Award Amount per Budget Period: $50,000.
    Length of Project Periods: 36 month project with three 12 month 
budget periods.
    This announcement is inviting applications for project periods of 
up to three years. Awards, offered on a competitive basis, will be for 
a one-year budget period, although projects may be for three years. 
Applications for continuation grants beyond the one-year budget period, 
but within the three-year project period, will be entertained in 
subsequent years on a noncompetitive basis, subject to availability of 
funds, satisfactory progress of the grantee, and a determination that 
continued funding would be in the best interest of the Federal 

    Note: The FY 2006 President's Budget does not include or propose 
funding for the CSBG program.

III. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants

    Non-profit organizations having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, 
other than institutions of higher education.
    Non-profit organizations that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with 
the IRS, other than institutions of higher education;
    Others (see Additional Information on Eligibility below).

    Additional Information on Eligibility: Community Services Block 
Grant eligible entities and State Community Action Associations.
    As prescribed by the Community Services Block Grant Act, as amended 
(Pub. L. 105-285, Section 678A(c)(2)), eligible applicants are eligible 
entities, or statewide or local organizations, or associations with 
demonstrated expertise in providing training to individuals and 
organizations on methods of effectively addressing the needs of low-
income families and communities. Faith-based and community 
organizations meeting these requirements are eligible to apply.

2. Cost Sharing/Matching


3. Other

    All Applicants must have a Dun & Bradstreet Number.
    On June 27, 2003 the Office of Management and Budget published in 
the Federal Register a new Federal policy applicable to all Federal 
grant applicants. The policy requires Federal grant applicants to 
provide a Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) 
number when applying for Federal grants or cooperative agreements on or 
after October 1, 2003. The DUNS number will be required whether an 
applicant is submitting a paper application or using the government-
wide electronic portal (http://www.grants.gov/). A DUNS number will be 

required for every application for a new award or renewal/continuation 
of an award, including applications or plans under formula, entitlement 
and block grant programs, submitted on or after October 1, 2003.
    Please ensure that your organization has a DUNS number. You may 
acquire a DUNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free 
DUNS number request line on 1-866-705-5711 or you may request a number 
on-line at http://www.dnb.com/.

    Non-profit organizations applying for funding are required to 
submit proof of their non-profit status.
    Proof of non-profit status is any one of the following:
     A reference to the applicant organization's listing in the 
Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) most recent list of tax-exempt 
organizations described in the IRS Code.
     A copy of a currently valid IRS tax exemption certificate.
     A statement from a State taxing body, State attorney 
general, or other appropriate State official certifying that the 
applicant organization has a non-profit status and that none of the net 
earning accrues to any private shareholders or individuals.
     A certified copy of the organization's certificate of 
incorporation or similar document that clearly establishes non-profit 
     Any of the items in the subparagraphs immediately above 
for a State or national parent organization and a statement signed by 
the parent organization that the applicant organization is a local non-
profit affiliate.
    Private, non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit with 
their applications the survey located under ``Grant Related Documents 
and Forms,'' ``Survey for Private, Non-Profit Grant Applicants,'' 
titled, ``Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants,'' at: 

Disqualification Factors
    Applications that exceed the ceiling amount will be considered non-
responsive and will not be eligible for funding under this 
    Any application that fails to satisfy the deadline requirements 
referenced in Section IV.3 will be considered non-responsive and will 
not be considered for funding under this announcement.

[[Page 24052]]

IV. Application and Submission Information

1. Address to Request Application Package

    ATTN: Dr. Margaret Washnitzer, Office of Community Services 
Operations Center, 1515 Wilson Blvd., Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22209, 
Phone: 800-281-9519. E-mail: OCS@lcgnet.com.

2. Content and Form of Application Submission

    You may submit your application to us in either electronic or paper 
    To submit an application electronically, please use the 
http://www.Grants.gov site. If you use Grants.gov, you will be able to 

download a copy of the application package, complete it off-line, and 
then upload and submit the application via the Grants.gov site. ACF 
will not accept grant applications via e-mail or facsimile 
    Please note the following if you plan to submit your application 
electronically via Grants.gov
     Electronic submission is voluntary, but strongly 
     When you enter the Grants.gov site, you will find 
information about submitting an application electronically through the 
site, as well as the hours of operation. We strongly recommend that you 
do not wait until the application deadline date to begin the 
application process through Grants.gov.
     To use Grants.gov, you, as the applicant, must have a DUNS 
Number and register in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). You 
should allow a minimum of five days to complete the CCR registration.
     You will not receive additional point value because you 
submit a grant application in electronic format, nor will we penalize 
you if you submit an application in paper format.
     You may submit all documents electronically, including all 
information typically included on the SF 424 and all necessary 
assurances and certifications.
     Your application must comply with any page limitation 
requirements described in this program announcement.
     After you electronically submit your application, you will 
receive an automatic acknowledgement from Grants.gov that contains a 
Grants.gov tracking number. The Administration for Children and 
Families will retrieve your application from Grants.gov.
     We may request that you provide original signatures on 
forms at a later date.
     You may access the electronic application for this program 
on http://www.grants.gov/.

     You must search for the downloadable application package 
by the CFDA number.
    An original and two copies of the complete application are 
required. The original and each of the two copies must include all 
required forms, certifications, assurances, and appendices, be signed 
by an authorized representative, have original signatures, and be 
submitted unbound. Applicants have the option of omitting from the 
application copies (not the original) specific salary rates or amounts 
for individuals specified in the application budget and Social Security 
Numbers. The copies may include summary salary information.
    Private, non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit with 
their applications the survey located under ``Grant Related Documents 
and Forms,'' ``Survey for Private, Non-Profit Grant Applicants,'' 
titled, ``Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants,'' at: 

Standard Forms and Certifications
    The project description should include all the information 
requirements described in the specific evaluation criteria outlined in 
the program announcement under Section V Application Review 
Information. In addition to the project description, the applicant 
needs to complete all the standard forms required for making 
applications for awards under this announcement.
    Applicants seeking financial assistance under this announcement 
must file the Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal 
Assistance; SF-424A, Budget Information--Non-Construction Programs; SF-
424B, Assurances--Non-Construction Programs. The forms may be 
reproduced for use in submitting applications. Applicants must sign and 
return the standard forms with their application.
    Applicants must furnish prior to award an executed copy of the 
Standard Form LLL, Certification Regarding Lobbying, when applying for 
an award in excess of $100,000. Applicants who have used non-Federal 
funds for lobbying activities in connection with receiving assistance 
under this announcement shall complete a disclosure form, if 
applicable, with their applications (approved by the Office of 
Management and Budget under control number 0348-0046). Applicants must 
sign and return the certification with their application.
    Applicants must also understand they will be held accountable for 
the smoking prohibition included within Pub. L. 103-227, Title XII 
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (also known as the PRO-KIDS Act of 1994). A 
copy of the Federal Register notice which implements the smoking 
prohibition is included with forms. By signing and submitting the 
application, applicants are providing the certification and need not 
mail back the certification with the application.
    Applicants must make the appropriate certification of their 
compliance with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. By 
signing and submitting the applications, applicants are providing the 
certification and need not mail back the certification form. Complete 
the standard forms and the associated certifications and assurances 
based on the instructions on the forms. The forms and certifications 
may be found at: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ofs/forms.htm.

    Please see Section V.1 for instructions on preparing the full 
project description.

3. Submission Dates and Times

Explanation of Due Dates
    The closing time and date for receipt of applications is referenced 
above. Mailed or hand carried applications received after 4:30 p.m. 
eastern time on the closing date will be classified as late.
    Deadline: Mailed applications shall be considered as meeting an 
announced deadline if they are received on or before the deadline time 
and date referenced in Section IV.6. Applicants are responsible for 
mailing applications well in advance, when using all mail services, to 
ensure that the applications are received on or before the deadline 
time and date.
    Applications hand carried by applicants, applicant couriers, other 
representatives of the applicant, or by overnight/express mail couriers 
shall be considered as meeting an announced deadline if they are 
received on or before the deadline date, between the hours of 8 a.m. 
and 4:30 p.m., eastern time, at the address referenced in Section 
IV.6., between Monday and Friday (excluding Federal holidays). 
Applicants are cautioned that express/overnight mail services do not 
always deliver as agreed.
    ACF cannot accommodate transmission of applications by fax. 
Therefore, applications transmitted to ACF by fax will not be accepted 
regardless of date or time of submission and time of receipt.

[[Page 24053]]

    Receipt acknowledgement for application packages will not be 
provided to applicants who submit their package via mail, courier 
services, or by hand delivery. However, applicants will receive an 
electronic acknowledgement for applications that are submitted via 
    Late applications: Applications which do not meet the criteria 
above are considered late applications. ACF shall notify each late 
applicant that its application will not be considered in the current 
    Any application received after 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date will 
not be considered for competition. Applicants using express/overnight 
mail services should allow two working days prior to the deadline date 
for receipt of applications. (Applicants are cautioned that express/
overnight mail services do not always deliver as agreed).
    Extension of deadlines: ACF may extend application deadlines when 
circumstances such as acts of God (floods, hurricanes, etc.) occur, or 
when there are widespread disruptions of mail service, or in other rare 
cases. A determination to extend or waive deadline requirements rests 
with the Chief Grants Management Officer.
    Checklist: You may use the checklist below as a guide when 
preparing your application package.

                                                      Required form or
        What to submit           Required content          format                      When to submit
Project Abstract..............  See Sections IV.2  Found in Sections IV.2  By application due date.
                                 and V.             and V.
Project Description...........  See Sections IV.2  Found in Sections IV.2  By application due date.
                                 and V.             and V.
Budget Narrative/Justification  See Sections IV.2  Found in Sections IV.2  By application due date.
                                 and V.             and V.
SF 424........................  See Section IV.2.  Found in http://        By application due date.


SF-LLL Certification Regarding  See Section IV.2.  Found in http://        By application due date.

 Lobbying.                                          http://www.acf.hhs.gov/

Certification Regarding         See Section IV.2.  Found in http://        By application due date.

 Environmental Tobacco Smoke.                       http://www.acf.hhs.gov/

Assurances....................  See Section IV.2.  Found in Section IV.2.  By application due date.
Table of Contents.............  See Section V.1..  Found in Section V.1..  By application due date.
SF-424A.......................  See Section IV.2.  Found in http://        By application due date.


Proof of Non-Profit Status....  See Section III.3  Found in Section III.3  By application due date.

    Additional Forms: Private, non-profit organizations are encouraged 
to submit with their applications the survey located under ``Grant 
Related Documents and Forms,'' ``Survey for Private, Non-Profit Grant 
Applicants,'' titled, ``Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for 
Applicants,'' at: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ofs/forms.htm.

        What to submit           Required content         Location                     When to submit
Survey for Private, Non-Profit  See form.........  Found in http://        By application due date.

 Grant Applicants.                                  http://www.acf.hhs.gov/


4. Intergovernmental Review

State Single Point of Contact (SPOC)
    This program is covered under Executive Order 12372, 
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,'' and 45 CFR Part 100, 
``Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and Human Services 
Programs and Activities.'' Under the Order, States may design their own 
processes for reviewing and commenting on proposed Federal assistance 
under covered programs.
    As of October 1, 2004, the following jurisdictions have elected to 
participate in the Executive Order process: Arkansas, California, 
Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, 
Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New 
Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South 
Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, American Samoa, Guam, 
North Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. As these 
jurisdictions have elected to participate in the Executive Order 
process, they have established SPOCs. Applicants from participating 
jurisdictions should contact their SPOC, as soon as possible, to alert 
them of prospective applications and receive instructions. Applicants 
must submit all required materials, if any, to the SPOC and indicate 
the date of this submittal (or the date of contact if no submittal is 
required) on the Standard Form 424, item 16a. Under 45 CFR 100.8(a)(2).
    A SPOC has 60 days from the application deadline to comment on 
proposed new or competing continuation awards. SPOCs are encouraged to 
eliminate the submission of routine endorsements as official 
recommendations. Additionally, SPOCs are requested to clearly 
differentiate between mere advisory comments and those official State 
process recommendations which may trigger the ``accommodate or 
explain'' rule.
    When comments are submitted directly to ACF, they should be 
addressed to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 
Administration for Children and Families, Office of Grants Management, 
Division of Discretionary Grants, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW., 4th 
floor, Washington, DC 20447.
    When comments are submitted directly to ACF, they should be 
addressed to: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration 
for Children and Families, Division of Discretionary Grants, 370 
L'Enfant Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447.
    Although the remaining jurisdictions have chosen not to participate 
in the process, entities that meet the eligibility requirements of the 
program are still eligible to apply for a grant even if a State, 
Territory, Commonwealth, etc., does not have a SPOC. Therefore, 
applicants from these jurisdictions, or for projects administered by 

[[Page 24054]]

recognized Indian Tribes, need take no action in regard to E.O. 12372.
    The official list, including addresses, of the jurisdictions that 
have elected to participate in E.O. 12372 can be found on the following 
URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html.

    A list of Single Points of Contact for each State and Territory is 
included with the application materials for this announcement.

5. Funding Restrictions

    Grant awards will not allow reimbursement of pre-award costs.
Sub-Contracting or Delegating Projects
    OCS will not fund any project where the role of the applicant is 
primarily to serve as a conduit for funds to organizations other than 
the applicant. The applicant must have a substantive role in the 
implementation of the project for which funding is requested. This 
prohibition does not bar the making of sub-grants or sub-contracting 
for specific services or activities that are needed to conduct the 
Number of Projects in Application
    Each application may include only one proposed project. An 
application that exceeds the upper value of the dollar range specified 
will be considered non-responsive.

6. Other Submission Requirements

    Submission by Mail: An Application must provide an original 
application with all attachments, signed by an authorized 
representative and two copies. The Application must be received at the 
address below by 4:30 p.m. eastern time on or before the closing date. 
Applications should be mailed to: U.S. Department of Health and Human 
Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community 
Services Operations Center, 1515 Wilson Blvd., Suite 100, Arlington, VA 
22209, Attention: Barbara Ziegler Johnson.

    Hand Delivery: An Applicant must provide an original application 
with all attachments signed by an authorized representative and two 
copies. The application must be received at the address below by 4:30 
p.m. eastern time on or before the closing date.
    Applications that are hand delivered will be accepted between the 
hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Applications may 
be delivered to: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 
Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services 
Operations Center, 1515 Wilson Blvd., Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22209, 
``Attention: Barbara Ziegler Johnson''.

    Electronic Submission: http://www.Grants.gov. Please see Section 

IV. 2 for guidelines and requirements when submitting applications 

V. Application Review Information

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13)

    Public reporting burden for this collection of information is 
estimated to average 25 hours per response, including the time for 
reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed and 
reviewing the collection information.
    The project description is approved under OMB control number 0970-
0139 which expires 4/30/2007.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.
1. Criteria
    The following are instructions and guidelines on how to prepare the 
``project summary/abstract'' and ``full project description'' sections 
of the application. Under the evaluation criteria section, note that 
each criterion is preceded by the generic evaluation requirement under 
the ACF Uniform Project Description (UPD).

Part I--The Project Description Overview

    The project description provides a major means by which an 
application is evaluated and ranked to compete with other applications 
for available assistance. The project description should be concise and 
complete and should address the activity for which Federal funds are 
being requested. Supporting documents should be included where they can 
present information clearly and succinctly. In preparing your project 
description, information responsive to each of the requested evaluation 
criteria must be provided. Awarding offices use this and other 
information in making their funding recommendations. It is important, 
therefore, that this information be included in the application in a 
manner that is clear and complete.
    Applicants required to submit a full project description shall 
prepare the project description statement in accordance with the 
following instructions while being aware of the specified evaluation 
criteria. The text options give a broad overview of what your project 
description should include while the evaluation criteria identifies the 
measures that will be used to evaluate applications.
Project Summary/Abstract
    Provide a summary of the project description (a page or less) with 
reference to the funding request.
Objectives and Need for Assistance
    Clearly identify the physical, economic, social, financial, 
institutional, and/or other problem(s) requiring a solution. The need 
for assistance must be demonstrated and the principal and subordinate 
objectives of the project must be clearly stated; supporting 
documentation, such as letters of support and testimonials from 
concerned interests other than the applicant, may be included. Any 
relevant data based on planning studies should be included or referred 
to in the endnotes/footnotes. Incorporate demographic data and 
participant/beneficiary information, as needed. In developing the 
project description, the applicant may volunteer or be requested to 
provide information on the total range of projects currently being 
conducted and supported (or to be initiated), some of which may be 
outside the scope of the program announcement.
Results or Benefits Expected
    Identify the results and benefits to be derived.
    For example, describe the population to be served by the program 
and the number of new jobs that will be targeted to the target 
population. Explain how the project will reach the targeted population 
and how it will benefit participants, including, how it will support 
individuals to become more economically self-sufficient.
    Outline a plan of action that describes the scope and detail of how 
the proposed work will be accomplished. Account for all functions or 
activities identified in the application. Cite factors that might 
accelerate or decelerate the work and state your reason for taking the 
proposed approach rather than others. Describe any unusual features of 
the project such as design or technological innovations, reductions in 
cost or time, or extraordinary social and community involvement. 
Provide quantitative monthly or quarterly projections of the 
accomplishments to be achieved for each function or activity in such 
terms as the number of people

[[Page 24055]]

to be served and the number of activities accomplished.
    When accomplishments cannot be quantified by activity or function, 
list them in chronological order to show the schedule of 
accomplishments and their target dates. If any data is to be collected, 
maintained, and/or disseminated, clearance may be required from the 
U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This clearance pertains to 
any ``collection of information that is conducted or sponsored by 
ACF.'' List organizations, cooperating entities, consultants, or other 
key individuals who will work on the project along with a short 
description of the nature of their effort or contribution.
    Account for all functions or activities identified in the 
application, such as, free tax preparation, financial literacy 
training, and asset-building activities. When accomplishments cannot be 
quantified by activity or function, list them in chronological order to 
show the schedule of accomplishments and their target dates. If any 
data is to be collected, maintained, and/or disseminated, clearance may 
be required from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This 
clearance pertains to any ``collection of information that is conducted 
or sponsored by ACF.'' List organizations, cooperating entities, 
consultants, or other key individuals who will work on the project, 
along with a short description of the nature of their effort or 
    Provide a narrative addressing how the conduct of the project and 
the results of the project will be evaluated. In addressing the 
evaluation of results, state how you will determine the extent to which 
the project has achieved its stated objectives and the extent to which 
the accomplishment of objectives can be attributed to the project. 
Discuss the criteria to be used to evaluate results, and explain the 
methodology that will be used to determine if the needs identified and 
discussed are being met and if the project results and benefits are 
being achieved. With respect to the conduct of the project, define the 
procedures to be employed to determine whether the project is being 
conducted in a manner consistent with the work plan presented and 
discuss the impact of the project's various activities on the project's 
Organizational Profiles
    Provide information on the applicant organization(s) and 
cooperating partners, such as organizational charts, financial 
statements, audit reports or statements from CPAs/Licensed Public 
Accountants, Employer Identification Numbers, names of bond carriers, 
contact persons and telephone numbers, child care licenses and other 
documentation of professional accreditation, information on compliance 
with Federal/State/local government standards, documentation of 
experience in the program area, and other pertinent information. If the 
applicant is a non-profit organization, submit proof of non-profit 
status in its application. The non-profit agency can accomplish this by 
providing: (a) A reference to the applicant organization's listing in 
the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) most recent list of tax-exempt 
organizations described in the IRS Code; (b) a copy of a currently 
valid IRS tax exemption certificate; (c) a statement from a State 
taxing body, State attorney general, or other appropriate State 
official certifying that the applicant organization has a non-profit 
status and that none of the net earnings accrue to any private 
shareholders or individuals; (d) a certified copy of the organization's 
certificate of incorporation or similar document that clearly 
establishes non-profit status; (e) any of the items immediately above 
for a State or national parent organization and a statement signed by 
the parent organization that the applicant organization is a local non-
profit affiliate.
Letters of Support
    Provide statements from community, public and commercial leaders 
that support the project proposed for funding. All submissions should 
be included in the application or by application deadline.
Budget and Budget Justification
    Provide a budget with line item detail and detailed calculations 
for each budget object class identified on the Budget Information form. 
Detailed calculations must include estimation methods, quantities, unit 
costs, and other similar quantitative detail sufficient for the 
calculation to be duplicated. Also include a breakout by the funding 
sources identified in Block 15 of the SF-424. Provide a narrative 
budget justification that describes how the categorical costs are 
derived. Discuss the necessity, reasonableness, and allocability of the 
proposed costs.

Evaluation Criteria

    In considering how applicants will carry out the responsibilities 
addressed under this announcement, competing applications for financial 
assistance will be reviewed and evaluated against the following 

Approach (40 Points)


    (1) The work program is results-oriented, approximately related to 
the legislative mandate and specifically related to the priority area 
under which funds are being requested. The application addresses the 
following: specific outcomes to be achieved; discussion of how the 
project will verify the achievement of these targets and the data 
collection methodology to be used; the way that tax preparation 
training will be accomplished; individuals, families and households 
served; proposed linkage and outcomes to asset-building activities; 
critical milestones which must be achieved if results are to be gained; 
organizational support, the level of support from the applicant 
organization; past performance in similar work; and specific resources 
contributed to the project that are critical to success.
    (2) The applicant defines the comprehensive nature of the project 
and methods that will be used to ensure that the results can be used to 
address a statewide or nationwide project as defined by the description 
of the particular priority area.
Organizational Profiles (20 Points)

    (1) The applicant demonstrates that it has experience and a 
successful record of accomplishment relevant to the specific activities 
it proposes to accomplish.
    (2) If the applicant proposes to provide training and technical 
assistance, it details its abilities to provide those services on a 
community services network-wide basis. If applicable, information 
provided by the applicant also addresses related achievements and 
competence of each cooperating or sponsoring organization.
    (3) The application fully describes, for example in a resume, the 
experience and skills of the proposed project director and primary 
staff showing specific qualifications and professional experiences 
relevant to the successful implementation of the proposed project.
    (4) The applicant describes how it will involve partners in the 
Community Services Network, the Internal Revenue Service, and other 
asset-building projects including the Assets for Independence Act 
(AFIA) grantees in its activities. Where appropriate, applicant 
describes how it will interface with other related organizations.

[[Page 24056]]

    (5) The application describes how the needs of rural communities 
and small towns will be addressed.
    (6) If sub-contracts are proposed, the application documents the 
willingness and capacity of the subcontracting organization(s) to 
participate as described.
Objectives and Need for Assistance (20 Points)

    (1) The applicant documents that the proposed project addresses 
vital needs related to the program purposes and provides statistics and 
other data and information in support of its contention.
    (2) The application provides current supporting documentation or 
other testimonies regarding needs from State CSBG Directors, CAAs and 
local service providers and/or State and Regional organizations of CAAs 
and other local service providers, including the Internal Revenue 
Results or Benefits Expected (15 Points)

    (1) The application describes how the project will assure long-term 
program and management improvements for State CSBG offices, CAA State 
and/or regional associations, CAAs and/or other local providers of CSBG 
services and activities.
    (2) The applicant indicates the types and amounts of public and/or 
private resources it will mobilize, how those resources will directly 
benefit the project, and how the project will ultimately benefit low-
income individuals and families.
    (3) If the application proposes a project with a training and 
technical assistance focus, the application indicates the number of 
organizations and/or staff that will benefit from those services.
    (4) The application describes a project with data collection focus, 
the application describes the mechanism to be used to collect data 
about EITC outreach, returns prepared, total EITC claimed, the number 
of individuals and families engaged in financial literacy and/or asset 
formation strategies and, how the applicant can assure collections from 
a significant number of State partners, and the number of State 
partners willing to submit data to the applicant.
    (5) If the applicant proposes to develop a symposium series or 
other policy-related project(s), the application identifies the number 
and types of beneficiaries.
    (6) The application describes methods of securing participant 
feedback and evaluations of activities.
Budget and Budget Justification (5 Points)

    (1) The resources requested are reasonable and adequate to 
accomplish the project.
    (2) Total costs are reasonable and consistent with anticipated 

2. Review and Selection Process

    No grant award will be made under this announcement on the basis of 
an incomplete application. ACF will be using non-Federal reviewers in 
the review process, applicants have the option of omitting from the 
application copies (not the original) specific salary rates or amounts 
for individuals specified in the application budget and Social Security 
Numbers, if otherwise required for individuals. The copies may include 
summary salary information.
Initial OCS Screening
    Each application submitted to OCS will be screened to determine 
whether it was received by the closing date and time.
    Applications received by the closing date and time will be screened 
for completeness and conformity with the following requirements.
    All applications must comply with the following requirements except 
as noted:
OCS Evaluation of Applications
    Applications that pass the initial OCS screening will be reviewed 
and rated by a panel based on the program elements and review criteria 
presented in relevant sections of this program announcement.
    The review criteria are designed to enable the review panel to 
assess the quality of a proposed project and determine the likelihood 
of its success. The criteria are closely related to each other and are 
considered as a whole in judging the overall quality of an application. 
The review panel awards points only to applications that are responsive 
to the program elements and relevant review criteria within the context 
of this program announcement.

VI. Award Administration Information

1. Award Notices

    The successful applicants will be notified through the issuance of 
a Financial Assistance Award document which sets forth the amount of 
funds granted, the terms and conditions of the grant, the effective 
date of the grant, the budget period for which initial support will be 
given, the non-Federal share to be provided (if applicable), and the 
total project period for which support is contemplated. The Financial 
Assistance Award will be signed by the Grants Officer and transmitted 
via postal mail.
    Organizations whose applications will not be funded will be 
notified in writing.

2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

    Grantees are subject to the requirements of 45 CFR part 74 (non-
governmental) or 45 CFR part 92 (governmental) as well as 45 CFR part 
    Direct Federal grants, sub-award funds, or contracts under this 
announcement shall not be used to support inherently religious 
activities such as religious instruction, worship, or proselytization. 
Therefore, organizations must take steps to separate, in time or 
location, their inherently religious activities from the services 
funded under this Program. Regulations pertaining to the Charitable 
Choice Provisions Applicable to Programs Authorized under the Community 
Services Block Grant Act can be found at either 45 CFR part 1050 or the 
HHS Web site at http://www.hhs.gov/fbci/finalCSBG_ccregs.pdf. These 

provisions set forth certain requirements to ensure that religious 
organizations are able to compete on an equal footing for funds.

3. Reporting Requirements

    Program Progress Reports: Semi-Annually.
    Financial Reports: Semi-Annually.
    Grantees will be required to submit program progress and financial 
reports (SF 269) throughout the project period, as well as a final 
program and financial report 90 days after the end of the project 
period. Program progress and financial reports are due 30 days after 
the reporting period.

VII. Agency Contacts

Program Office Contact

    Dr. Margaret Washnitzer, Department of Health and Human Services 
(HHS), Office of Community Services Operations Center, 1515 Wilson 
Blvd., Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22209. Phone: 1-800-281-9519. E-mail: 

Grants Management Office Contact

    Barbara Ziegler-Johnson, Grants Management Officer, Office of 
Grants Management, Division of Discretionary Grant, Administration for 
Children and Families, Office of Community Services Operations Center, 
1515 Wilson Blvd., Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22209. E-mail: 

[[Page 24057]]

VIII. Other Information

    Notice: Beginning with FY 2006, the Administration for Children and 
Families (ACF) will no longer publish grant announcements in the 
Federal Register. Beginning October 1, 2005, applicants will be able to 
find a synopsis of all ACF grant opportunities and apply electronically 
for opportunities via: http://www.Grants.gov. Applicants will also be 

able to find the complete text of all ACF grant announcements on the 
ACF Web site located at: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/index.html.

    The FY 2006 President's Budget does not include or propose funding 
for the Community Services Block Grant Program.
    Additional information about this program and its purpose can be 
located on the following Web site: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ocs.

    Dated: April 29, 2005.
Josephine B. Robinson,
Director, Office of Community Services.
[FR Doc. 05-9123 Filed 5-5-05; 8:45 am]