[Federal Register: September 23, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 184)]
[Page 55915-55916]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Transportation Security Administration

Intent To Request Renewal From OMB of One Current Public 
Collection of Information: Department of Homeland Security--
Vulnerability Identification Self-Assessment Tool--Transportation (DHS-

AGENCY: Transportation Security Administration (TSA), DHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: TSA invites public comment on one currently approved 
information collection requirement abstracted below that we will submit 
to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for renewal in compliance 
with the Paperwork Reduction Act.

DATES: Send your comments by November 22, 2005.

ADDRESSES: Katrina Wawer, Information Collection Specialist, Office of 
Transportation Security Policy, TSA-9, Transportation Security 
Administration, 601 South 12th Street, Arlington, VA 22202-4220.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Katrina Wawer at the above address or 
by telephone (571) 227-1995 or facsimile (571) 227-2594.


Comments Invited

    In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (44 U.S.C. 
3501 et seq.), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is 
not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it 
displays a valid OMB control number. Therefore, in preparation for OMB 
review and approval of the following information collection, TSA is 
soliciting comments to--
    (1) Evaluate whether the proposed information requirement is 
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility;
    (2) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden;

[[Page 55916]]

    (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected; and
    (4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
who are to respond, including using appropriate automated, electronic, 
mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms 
of information technology.

Information Collection Requirement

    Title: Department of Homeland Security--Vulnerability 
Identification Self-Assessment Tool--Transportation (DHS-VISAT-T).
    Type of Request: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    OMB Control Number: 1652-0037.
    Forms(s): NA.
    Affected Public: Various modal transportation sector owners and 
    Abstract: After its inception, TSA faced the challenge of securing 
all of the different modes within the transportation sector. A 
methodology was required in order to support inter- and intra-modal 
analysis and decision-making. Millions of assets exist within the 
transportation sector, ranging from over 500,000 highway-bridges to 
over 19,000 general aviation airports. Given this population of assets, 
it became apparent that a mechanism was needed to solicit data from the 
asset owners/operators. TSA needs this data, such as the assets' 
security measures currently deployed, along with a high-level 
assessment of system security effectiveness, in order to prioritize 
    In response to this need, TSA's Office of Threat Assessment and 
Risk Management (OTRM) developed the Department of Homeland Security--
Vulnerability Identification Self-Assessment Tool--Transportation (DHS-
VISAT-T), formerly called the TSA Self-Assessment Risk Module (TSARM), 
as a means to gather security-related data and provide a cost-free 
service to the transportation sector. TSA designed this tool to be 
flexible to support the unique characteristics of each transportation 
mode, while still providing a common framework from which analysis and 
trends can be identified. DHS-VISAT-T represents the U.S. Government's 
first self-assessment tool that provides the following features:
     The tool is provided to users at no cost;
     The tool is voluntary (potential users contact TSA to 
access the tool);
     The tool is web-based, easily accessible; and
     All ratings are determined by the user.
    Upon completion of the tool assessment, users receive a report that 
summarizes their inputs. They may then use this report to develop a 
security plan or to identify areas of potential vulnerability. Users 
have the option to submit the completed assessment to DHS. If 
submitted, DHS reviews the assessment for consistency and provides 
feedback to the users.
    Owners and operators within the transportation sector can access 
information about the tool by visiting TSA's Web site: http://www.tsa.gov, 

selecting ``Industry Partners,'' then ``Risk Management,'' then finally 
selecting the ``DHS-VISAT'' link. Thus far, TSA has developed modules 
of the tool for maritime, mass transit, highway bridges, and rail 
passenger stations, with more in development.
    TSA is seeking OMB approval to renew this control number for the 
maximum three-year period to continue to provide this tool to 
transportation owners and operators.
    Number of Respondents: Of the possible 3,002,450 respondents from 
the various transportation sectors, TSA expects that approximately 10 
percent, or 300,245, will use the tool.
    Estimated Annual Burden Hours: An estimated 2,401,960 hours 

    Issued in Arlington, Virginia, on September 19, 2005.
Lisa S. Dean,
Privacy Officer.
[FR Doc. 05-19089 Filed 9-22-05; 8:45 am]