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Meet the Chief Economist

Dr. Keith Hall Dr. Keith Hall is the principal economic advisor to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs and serves as Chief Economist for the Department, where he is a special adviser to the Secretary and a member of his principal management team. He provides technical advice regarding the scope, emphasis, and state of the economic and statistical activities of the Bureau of Census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and STAT-USA. These bureaus gather, calculate, and disseminate much of the U.S. demographic, social, and economic data. This data includes reports on the nation's gross domestic product, retail sales, personal income, housing starts, inventory levels, and international trade.

Dr. Hall also heads the Office of the Chief Economist, which conducts analyses of policy proposals with macroeconomics implications; monitors and interprets current economic developments and domestic fiscal and monetary policy; analyzes economic conditions and policy initiatives of major trading partners; makes projections of the economic outlook; and analyzes major economic policy developments for use by White House officials, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs.

Dr. Hall previously served as a Senior International Economist in the Research Division at the U.S. International Trade Commission – an independent agency conducting general investigations on any matter involving tariffs and international trade, including conditions of competition between U.S. and foreign industries. Prior to that, he also served as Chief of the Applied Economics Division at the Commission, where he managed economic impact studies on hundreds of U.S. industries. He has a Ph.D. from Purdue University, has been on full time faculty in the Economic Departments at the Universities of Arkansas and Missouri, and has published a number of papers on international trade and international trade policy.




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