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New Jersey Hydrologic Tools (NJHAT and NJSCT)

The initial development of the Hydroecological Integrity Assessment Process occurred under a joint project between the U.S. Geological Survey ( New Jersey Water Science Center, West Trenton, New Jersey, and the Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Out of this work, two software tools were developed specifically for New Jersey: the New Jersey Stream Classification Tool (NJSCT), and the New Jersey Hydrologic Assessment Tool (NJHAT). Eighty-eight streams were used in the stream classification analysis, and four stream types were identified (Fig. 1).

Figure 1.  Map showing distribution of four stream types in New Jersey.
Figure 1. Map showing distribution of four stream types in New Jersey.

To apply the NJHIP, you will need to download the following documents and tools in this order:

  1. Download and read "Redundancy and the choice of hydrologic indices for characterizing streamflow regimes".
  2. Download and read the Users Manual for the Hydroecological Integrity Assessment Process Software
  3. Download the NJHAT and the NJSCT (included together).

NJHAT is used to (1) establish a hydrologic baseline (reference time period), (2) establish environmental flow standards, and (3) evaluate past and proposed hydrologic modifications of streams in New Jersey. It accomplishes this by using flow statistics, trend analysis, and ecologically relevant indices that address the five major components of the flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, timing, and rate of change) by using 10 nonredundant indices.

NJSCT is used to classify stream reaches that were not classified during the initial classification of streams in New Jersey.

For information about the NJHIP, contact:

Jonathan Kennen
New Jersey Water Science Center

Jeff Hoffman
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Brian Cade
Fort Collins Science Center

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