USGS - science for a changing world

Biology - Invasive Species Program

USGS: Biology arrow icon Invasives Home arrow icon In the Spotlight orange arrow Early Detection, Rapid Assessment & Response (EDRR)

In The Spotlight

Biological invasion is rapidly becoming one of the greatest threats to the natural environment of the U.S.  In the fight against invasive species, defense is often the best offense.  Preventing the establishment and spread of invasive species is the ideal strategy, but it does not provide 100% security.  The most efficient method and most promising line of defense against invasive species is Early Detection, Rapid Assessment & Response (EDRR).  The effectiveness of control and management efforts increase dramatically when new and spreading species are detected and treated early in the invasion process.  Current USGS research supports the development, refinement and coordination of EDRR tools, techniques and networks.  Specifically, USGS research projects aim to:

- develop methods for improved taxonomic identification of new invaders, including the use of novel molecular techniques
- design field survey and mapping methods for early detection of invaders
- design reporting networks for invasive species
- synthesize available information on species distribution and ecology in native and invaded ranges
- utilize geographic information system (GIS) technologies and methodologies for modeling and forecasting the potential spread and probable risk of species invasions
- develop assessments to support response strategy decisions

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For more information regarding current USGS EDRR research projects, click one of the links below:

Thomas J. Stohlgren (USGS National Institute of Invasive Species Science)
Randy G. Westbrooks (USGS Invasive Species Science Program)
Annie Simpson (NBII Invasive Species Information Node)
Elizabeth Sellers (NBII Invasive Species Information Node)
Research Programs (Search by Research Program Goals and Program Region)

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 30-Nov-2007 11:10:55 MST