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Risk and Consequence Analysis for Biota Transfers Potentially Associated with Interbasin Water Transfers Between the Missouri River and Red River Basins

A 3-report series was prepared for the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), Dakotas Area Office by USGS/BRD/CERC for an evaluation of risks and economic consequences of biological invasions associated with interbasin water transfers between the Upper Missouri River and Red River basins. CERC teamed with economists from National Park Service (NPS) to conduct a technical evaluation of risks and consequences of biota transfer for Reclamation and stakeholder groups interested in the larger interbasin water transfer issue. The work completed in this project exists within a larger framework of evaluation being developed by Reclamation to address various interrelated issues reflected in the proposed interbasin water transfer. As a component of Reclamation's larger work, our risk and consequence analysis for biota transfer focused on water imports to the Red River basin.


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Greg Linder and Ed Little
USGS/BRD, Columbia Environmental Research Center

4200 New Haven Road
Columbia, Missouri 65201

Project report and other information regarding Reclamation's activities related to the Red River Valley Water Supply project and Northwest Area Water Supply projects available at: last accessed March 23, 2007.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 30-Nov-2007 11:10:52 MST