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Child Care Center - Related Links

National Association for the Education of Young Children
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is the nation's largest and most influential organization of early childhood educators and others dedicated to improving the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade.

www.childcare.gov is a new web site designed to bring all of the Federal agency resources about child care together in one place. You will be able to find Federal funding sources, keep up to date on safety alerts, find and share promising practicing and much more.

National Association of Childcare Resource and Referral Agencies
NACCRRA provides national leadership to building quality childcare systems, community by community and neighborhood by neighborhood.

OPM Childcare
Federal families utilize a number of different child care options that include both alternative work arrangements and non-parental child care. Federal personnel policies include leave policies and flexible work schedules to help employees with their child care responsibilities. The policies are designed to give Federal employees the flexibilities they need to manage personal and professional responsibilities.

General Services Administration (GSA) Office of Child Care
GSA supports the national commitment to provide quality child care as an essential component of a quality work environment. Our child care program ensures that working families using child care in centers located in GSA managed space receive quality care for their children.

The above links to agencies and organizations are for informational use only. Inclusion does not imply endorsement by the Census Bureau. The Census Bureau does not control the content of the Internet sites or the organizations with which we link.

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