BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Thailand Local time: 12:16 PM

Feature Your Company On Our Website

Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products/services listed on our local Thai website. This Thai language version targets our Thai audience of importers and commercial buyers.

We will translate a description of the product/service for which you are seeking representative, distribution and sales prospects for in Thailand. We will post this, along with an appropriate logo, to our on-line directory of U.S. exporters. Click here to view an example of how listing appear.

Interested Thai importers will first reply to CS Bangkok. After we confirm the Thai importer's interest and contact information, we will forward the trade inquiry to you.

Each listing should contain the company name, product/service description, objective in the Thai market, a logo, and an email link. Text should be no more than 200 words, and the image must be in JPEG or GIF format.


SME Company*: USD $150

SME New-to-Export Companies using Service for the first time: USD $75

Large Company*: USD $300

The Thai translation fee is $ 35

For a multi-country listing click here

* A Small jor Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) is defined as a firm with 500 of fewer emplyees or self-certified as a small business under Small Business Administration (SBA) regulations.
* A large company is defined as a firm with more than 500 employees. Subsidiaries will be classified based on the size of the parent company.


5 working days

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