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Environmentally Benign Production of Nanoscale Materials

EPA Contract Number: EPD06046
Title: Environmentally Benign Production of Nanoscale Materials
Investigators: Ravichandram, Duraiswarmy
Small Business: Lynntech Inc.
EPA Contact: Manager, SBIR Program
Phase: I
Project Period: March 1, 2006 through August 31, 2006
Project Amount: $70,000
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase I (2005)
Research Category: SBIR - Nanomaterials , Nanotechnology , Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)


The sorbent proposed to be developed by Lynntech, Inc., in this Phase I project will have potential applications in: (1) industrial wastewater treatment plants, (2) municipal wastewater treatment plants, (3) nuclear waste treatment plants, (4) drinking water treatment plants, (5) several types of existing point-of-use and point-of-entry water purifying systems, and (6) for remediation of various mercury-contaminated sites using permeable reactive barrier methodology and barriers for municipal and other waste landfills. The total potential annual domestic and foreign market estimate for the sorbents developed during this project will be about 21,500 tons corresponding to tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue. Lynntech will establish collaboration with an industrial partner to develop and test methods for the economical production of the proposed sorbent on an industrial-scale during Phase II, ultimately leading to Phase III development and commercialization of the technology.

Supplemental Keywords:

small business, SBIR, nanotechnology, nanoscale materials, wastewater treatment plants, permeable reactive barriers, drinking water, nuclear waste treatment plants, water purifying systems, mercury contamination, sorbents, water treatment, EPA, , TREATMENT/CONTROL, Scientific Discipline, Waste, Water Pollution Control, Environmental Engineering, Municipal, Environmental Chemistry, wastewater treatment, heavy metals removal, landfill design, nanoscale materials, permeable reactive barriers, mercury sorbents

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