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Catalytic Adsorbents for the Abatement of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

EPA Contract Number: 68D10055
Title: Catalytic Adsorbents for the Abatement of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Investigators: Becker, E. Robert
Small Business: Aircor Inc.
EPA Contact: Manager, SBIR Program
Phase: I
Project Period: September 1, 1991 through March 1, 1992
Project Amount: $50,000
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase I (1990)
Research Category: Air Quality and Air Toxics , SBIR - Air


A novel emission control process for chlorinated hydro- carbons produces no toxic or corrosive secondary gases. Catalytic adsorbent materials will be developed to destroy low concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbon in gaseous effluents without the release of hydrochloric acid and chlo- rine gas. Instead the adsorbent will fix the chlorine atoms as harmless nonvolatile chloride salt at temperatures well below conventional catalytic incineration. Low temperature operation and nontoxic secondary waste will make this an attractive economical abatement process for chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Chlorinated organics are among the most difficult wastes to destroy, and they constitute a large portion of the VOCs associated with ozone nonabatement. When they are oxi - dized, hydrochloric acid (HCI) is formed, which retards the catalytic activity of metal catalysts, and it undergoes further oxidation to form chlorine gas (Cl,). The HCI also attacks incineration equipment. Chlorine and acid resistant cata- lysts currently used operate at high temperatures and re- quire large amounts of fuel.

The catalytic adsorbent will be produced by forming an active metal oxide in intimate contact with an active lime- stone surface. The limestone will act as a dispersing me- dium for the catalyst. Any HCI formed on the catalyst will immediately react with the calcium carbonate (limestone) to regenerate the metal oxides. This stops the HCI from oxidizing to chlorine and results in no free HCI. This is the important novel feature of the process which distinguishes it from conventional catalytic oxidation. The effluent gas from the process contains only water and carbon dioxide.

Supplemental Keywords:

Toxics, Air, Sustainable Industry/Business, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Technology for Sustainable Environment, Engineering, Chemistry, & Physics, HAPS, air toxics, Chemistry, cleaner production/pollution prevention, New/Innovative technologies, tropospheric ozone, Hydrochloric acid, treatment, clean technology, ozone depletion, clean technologies, chlorinated hydrocarbons, catalysts, ozone, catalytic combustion, adsorbents, novel catalyst systems, air pollutants, emission control technologies, metal oxides, chlorinated organic wastes, air pollution, stratospheric ozone, ozone depleting chemicals, air pollution control, emissions control, control, innovative technology, chlorinated organics, catalytic oxidative adsorption, chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), Chlorine, emission controls, innovative technologies, catalytic oxidation, air emissions

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