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Catalytically Activated Monitor for Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

EPA Contract Number: 68D40041
Title: Catalytically Activated Monitor for Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Investigators: Kittrell, J. R.
Small Business: KSE Inc.
EPA Contact: Manager, SBIR Program
Phase: I
Project Period: September 1, 1994 through March 1, 1995
Project Amount: $54,942
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase I (1993)
Research Category: Ecological Indicators/Assessment/Restoration , SBIR - Monitoring and Analysis


Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOC's) have been used in many industries. In response to tightening environmental regulations, widespread implementation of CVOC emissions control technologies is anticipated for process operations and remediation of historical groundwater and soil contamination. To facilitate compliance monitoring and to improve cost-effectiveness of control technologies, a reliable continuous monitor for CVOC's is essential.

Current CVOC analytical systems do not meet this growing need for air toxics monitors. Such monitors must be inexpensive, continuous, capable of analyzing ppb levels of CVOC's, robust, field usable, and capable of alarms, hardcopy compliance documentation, and signal processing for control systems use.

In the present Phase I proposal, the technical feasibility is to be demonstrated of a continuous CVOC monitor meeting the above requirements. The central component of the proposed monitor is a unique CVOC oxidation catalyst, which converts CVOC's exclusively to inorganic chlorine compounds, which in turn can be measured by existing commercial instruments. A monitoring scheme is proposed to achieve enhanced sensitivity arising from the favorable reaction stoichiometry, allowing measurements at ppb levels of CVOC. Rapid development and deployment of the monitor is anticipated, due to the availability of the components.

Supplemental Keywords:

Monitor, Continuous, Chlorinated, Hydrocarbon, Air Instrument, Catalyst, Remediation. , Ecosystem Protection/Environmental Exposure & Risk, Water, Air, Scientific Discipline, Waste, RFA, Remediation, Analytical Chemistry, air toxics, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, Contaminated Sediments, Monitoring/Modeling, Environmental Monitoring, ambient air quality, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), air quality, catalysts, groundwater, real-time monitoring, contaminated aquifers, catalyst, air pollutants, air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, contaminated soil, continuous emissions monitoring, groundwater remediation, chlorinated VOCs, chemical contaminants
SBIR Phase II:

Catalytically Activated Monitor for Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

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