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Hot News September 20, 2008  
Transatlantic Symposium

U.S.-EU Cooperation on RFID

As part of the framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration between the European Union and the United States, the U.S.-EU Summit Leaders identified priority growth projects that will significantly enhance transatlantic economic integration, growth, and job creation. One of these “Lighthouse Projects” is Innovation and Technology, and cooperation on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies is singled out for specific joint action. In cooperation with industry stakeholders, the United States and the European Union have planned two days of RFID events, including:

These events will bring together participants from the U.S. Government, European Commission, EU member states, the transatlantic business community, consumer organizations and other interested parties.

Conference on Cross Border Data Flows, Data Protection, and Privacy
On October 15-16, 2007, the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration hosted a highly successful conference on cross border data flows, data protection and privacy. The conference was co-sponsored by the European Commission's Article 29 Working Party on Data Protection. The October conference in Washington was the largest ever organized by the Department of Commerce as part of its commitment to implement the Safe Harbor Program (which allows U.S. companies to meet the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Directive on Data Privacy). The conference featured five panels, 300 attendees, and 27 expert panelists from government, industry and civil society. Participant discussions focused on the Safe Harbor program, global sourcing and data flows, the EU's data protection framework, implementing and enforcing corporate privacy rules, and binding corporate rules and contractual clauses. View the final proceedings of the October Safe Harbor Conference Report here. For additional information visit Commerce's Safe Harbor program website.
Global Privacy Compliance and International Trade
The International Trade Administration presents the paper: "Why Privacy Compliance Matters in the Global Economy”.
This paper discusses privacy compliance from a global perspective. The paper addresses the importance of internationl data flows within the context of the current compliance environment, which involves multiple and differing privacy approaches affecting U.S. companies operating internationally. The paper further details the origins of data privacy legislation in the European Union and the United States. The paper is not meant to be comprehensive and is non-technical in nature. It is also not intended to reflect official positions of the International Trade Administration, but rather to add to the rich discussion on data privacy already taking place within industry and in various fora.

Highlighted Events
EU's Environmental Directives Seminar - Washington DC, 9/9/2008

RFID Matchmaking Event - Washington, DC, 9/23/2008

Solar Trade Mission to Portugal 10/7/-10/9/2008

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