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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 41  

Public Contracts and Property Management


Chapter 60  

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor



Part 60-30  

Rules of Practice for Administrative Proceedings to Enforce Equal Opportunity Under Executive Order 11246

41 CFR 60-30.9 - Interrogatories, and admissions as to facts and documents.

  • Section Number: 60-30.9
  • Section Name: Interrogatories, and admissions as to facts and documents.

    (a) Interrogatories. Not later than 25 days prior to the date of the 
hearing, except for good cause shown, or not later than 14 days prior to 
such earlier date as the Administrative Law Judge may order, any party 
may serve upon an opposing party written interrogatories. Each 
interrogatory shall be answered separately and fully in writing under 
oath, unless objected to. Answers are to be signed by the person making 
them and objections by the attorney or by whoever is representing the 
party. Answers and objections shall be filed and served within 25 days 
of service of the interrogatory.
    (b) Admissions. Not later than 14 days prior to the date of the 
hearing, except for good cause shown, or not later than 14 days prior to 
such earlier date as the Administrative Law Judge may order, any party 
may serve upon an opposing party a written request for the admission of 
the genuineness and authenticity of any relevant documents described in 
and exhibited with the request, or for the admission of the truth of any 
relevant matters of fact stated in the request. Each of the matters as 
to which an admission is requested shall be deemed admitted, unless 
within 25 days after service, the party to whom the request is directed 
serves upon the requesting party a sworn statement either (1) denying 
specifically the matter as to which an admission is requested, or (2) 
setting forth in detail the reasons why he cannot truthfully either 
admit or deny such matters.
    (c) Objections or failures to respond. The party submitting the 
interrogatory or request may move for an order with respect to any 
objection or other failure to respond.
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