U.S. Census Bureau

Characteristics of Business Owners

Summary Characteristics of Business Owners and Their Businesses: 1992

Relative Standard Errors (RSE) are attached and are located below summary data.

Topic Areas included in this data set: (as on the Economic Census CD-ROM, 1J)

A separate update to this file (March 1998).

Business Ownership Status
Operating Status
Discontinued Business: Status & Reason
Age of Business Owner
Business Owner Born in United States
Marital Status of Business Owner
Veteran, Disabled Vet or Military Status
Owner Had Health Insurance
Education & Area of Concentration of Business Owner
Owner's Prior Work Experience
Owner's Prior Managerial Experience
Owner's Prior Business Owner Experience
Total Personal Income
Year That this Business was Established
When and How the Owner Acquired the Business
Reason for Becoming an Owner
Total Capital Needed by Owner
Source of Capital for Owner
Measures Taken If this Business Was Not Producing
Weeks and Hours Spent Managing or Working
Owner Received Grants, Training, or Tech Assistance
Capital Needed by Firm
Source of Capital for Firm
Measures Taken by Firm If Not Producing
Customers Accounting for 10% or More of Sales
Marketplace of Business
Percent of Minority Customers Served by Business
Business Net Profits (or Losses)
Owner's Total Personal Income Produced from Bus
Impact of Issues upon Business's Profitability
Percent of Women Employees
Percent of Minority Employees
Retirement and Health Plans Offered
Business Ownership or Control by Close Relatives
Franchised Business
Home-based Business
Languages Used in Business Transactions
Percent of Exports
Export Market Destination
Agencies Helpful for Business's Exports
Time Involved in Exports and Export Plans
Issues Important to Ability to Export
NAFTA impact on Business

CBO Sumary Data:

All = All Businesses
H = Hispanic
B = Black
O = Other minority
W = Women
NMM = Nonminority male

                    Item                                        All   H    B    O    W   NMM  

-------------------------------------------------------------  ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

In '96, Owns the Same Business Owned in 1992@4: Yes            68.9 67.3 60.1 71.2 66.0 70.5

In '96, Owns the Same Business Owned in 1992@4: No             25.5 26.9 32.1 23.2 27.7 24.2

In '96, Owns the Same Business Owned in 1992@4: Not Rptd        5.7  5.7  7.7  5.6  6.3  5.3

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1992                               6.1  7.2  9.1  4.4  6.9  5.6

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1993                               5.3  5.7  7.2  5.6  6.2  4.7

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1994                               5.4  4.9  6.3  5.1  5.3  5.5

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1995                               4.5  4.9  5.3  4.7  4.7  4.4

Year That Ownership Ended@4: Not Reported                       9.9 10.1 12.0  9.0 11.0  9.3

Year That Ownership Ended@4: N/A@5                             68.9 67.3 60.1 71.2 66.0 70.5

Reason for Change in Ownership@4: Sold                          3.1  2.3  1.1  4.1  2.0  3.7

Reason for Change in Ownership@4: Transferred Ownership/gift    1.5  1.8  1.5  2.5  1.4  1.6

Reason for the Change in Ownership@4: Bus No Longer Exists     18.3 19.7 26.0 14.4 20.8 16.9

Reason for the Change in Ownership@4: Not Reported              8.3  8.8 11.2  7.8  9.9  7.4

Reason for the Change in Ownership@4: N/A@5                    68.9 67.3 60.1 71.2 66.0 70.5

Business Owned in 1992 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: Yes    69.0 66.5 59.5 72.1 66.4 70.4

Business Owned in 1992 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: No     24.3 25.1 28.7 20.1 25.4 23.7

Bus Owned in '92 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: Don't Know    1.5  1.4  1.4  2.6  1.7  1.3

Bus Owned in '92 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: Not Reptd     5.3  7.0 10.4  5.3  6.5  4.5

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1992           6.7  7.3  8.9  4.6  7.7  6.1

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1993           6.1  6.4  6.9  5.8  6.3  6.0

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1994           5.3  4.4  5.9  4.3  5.3  5.4

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1995           4.3  4.9  5.2  4.2  4.6  4.2

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: Not Reptd      7.2  9.1 12.2  6.4  8.0  6.5

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: N/A@7         70.4 67.9 60.9 74.6 68.1 71.8

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: Successful             8.7  6.7  6.1  5.2  9.4  8.7

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: Unsuccessful          14.1 16.2 20.7 14.0 14.8 13.5

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: Not Reptd              6.8  9.3 12.2  6.1  7.7  6.1

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: N/A@7                 70.4 67.9 60.9 74.6 68.1 71.8

Discon Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Cash Flow/low Sales             71.7 67.1 63.4 67.6 70.2 73.7

Discon Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Access to Bus Loans/credit       8.2  8.8 15.5  6.1  9.3  7.3

Discon Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Access to Pers Loans/credit      3.3  5.8  8.4  6.4  3.3  2.7

Discontinued Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Other Reason              71.7 68.3 69.3 75.9 75.8 69.3

Discontinued Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Not Reptd                  1.3  3.2  4.3  2.6  2.8  0.0

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: under 25                         2.3  2.9  1.6  2.9  2.7  2.0

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 25 to 34                        14.2 18.8 12.2 13.8 14.8 13.6

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 35 to 44                        27.1 27.6 26.6 30.5 26.9 27.0

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 45 to 54                        22.9 24.7 24.9 26.0 21.9 23.2

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 55 to 64                        17.5 14.7 17.7 14.4 17.7 17.7

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 65 or over                      10.4  5.4  9.5  6.1  9.5 11.4

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: Not Reported                     5.7  5.9  7.5  6.4  6.5  5.1

Born in the United States@4: Yes                               84.1 47.6 82.9 29.8 84.0 88.6

Born in the United States@4: No                                 8.7 44.8  8.4 63.2  8.0  4.7

Born in the United States@4: Not Reported                       7.2  7.6  8.7  7.0  8.0  6.7

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Never Married          12.2 13.9 13.1 13.0 11.2 12.7

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Married                71.9 70.6 61.8 74.3 67.5 74.1

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Divorced/separated      8.3  8.6 14.3  5.1 10.9  7.1

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Widowed                 1.8  0.8  2.7  1.5  3.6  1.0

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Not Reptd               5.8  6.2  8.1  6.2  6.9  5.1

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Never Married         8.9 11.7 10.5  9.9  8.5  8.9

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Married              69.6 65.1 55.1 71.6 64.2 72.6

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Divorced/separated    8.5  8.5 14.0  5.4 11.5  7.2

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Widowed               2.5  1.4  4.0  1.6  4.6  1.6

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Not Reported         10.4 13.3 16.3 11.5 11.1  9.7

Veteran Status as of Dec 31, 1992@4: Not a Veteran             68.5 76.8 67.3 81.5 77.1 63.0

Veteran Status as of Dec 31, 1992@4: less 6 Mos Active Duty     2.5  1.2  1.1  0.7  1.0  3.4

Veteran Status as of Dec 31, 1992@4: 6 Months+ Active Duty     21.7 13.5 19.5  9.5 12.5 27.4

Veteran Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Not Reported          7.4  8.5 12.1  8.3  9.3  6.2

Active Military Duty Served During the Vietnam Era@4: Yes       7.4  6.5  8.3  3.8  4.5  9.0

Active Military Duty Served During the Vietnam Era@4: No       14.1  6.8 11.3  5.7  8.0 18.2

Active Military Duty Served During Vietnam Era@4: Not Reptd     7.6  8.6 12.1  8.3  9.4  6.4

Active Military Duty Served During the Vietnam Era@4: N/A@8    70.9 78.0 68.3 82.2 78.1 66.4

Disabled Veteran@4: Yes                                         1.8  1.1  2.7  1.1  1.7  1.8

Disabled Veteran@4: No                                         22.0 13.4 18.1  9.2 11.7 28.5

Disabled Veteran@4: Not Reported                                7.8  8.7 12.0  8.2  9.4  6.8

Disabled Veteran@4: N/A@9                                      68.5 76.8 67.3 81.5 77.1 63.0

Owner Had Health Insurance 1992@4: Yes, Spouse's Insurer       25.0 19.5 25.4 21.1 31.5 22.1

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: Yes, Bus Insurer     10.0  8.2  4.4 10.7  7.6 11.5

Owner Had Health Insurance 1992@4: Yes, Another Bus Insurer    16.9 10.6 14.1 13.3 15.2 18.3

Owner Had Health Insurance 1992@4: Yes, Trade Assn's Insurer    2.2  1.3  1.1  1.7  2.0  2.3

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: Yes, Other Source    29.6 23.5 32.0 28.4 27.1 31.3

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: No                   15.5 33.9 21.3 22.2 14.7 14.3

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: Not Reported          6.3  7.2  8.8  7.4  7.5  5.5

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Less than 9th Grade             3.7 14.8  6.0  5.3  3.2  3.3

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: High School, No Diploma         5.7 10.6 10.4  6.4  4.9  5.7

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: High Sch Grad or Ged           22.6 18.2 21.3 14.8 22.4 23.2

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Technical, Trade, or Voc Sch    7.0  7.9  8.6  4.7  7.6  6.7

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Some College, but No Degree    16.1 16.6 16.6 12.9 17.7 15.4

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Associate Degree                4.0  4.1  4.9  4.4  4.7  3.5

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Bachelor's Degree              20.2 11.9 11.9 23.7 20.6 20.6

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Master's Degree                 5.8  3.9  6.7  8.9  7.0  5.0

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Prof Sch or Doctorate           8.9  5.4  6.0 12.1  5.2 10.8

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Not Reptd                       6.1  6.6  7.7  6.5  6.7  5.6

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Architecture/engineering        5.0  4.9  2.6  9.6  3.3  5.7

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Biological/medical Science      6.9  5.6  5.8 11.8  6.9  6.7

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Business                       17.3 14.2 14.2 17.6 16.0 18.3

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Computer Science                1.0  1.5  1.5  2.8  1.1  0.8

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Constr Trade/ind Arts           1.9  1.6  1.9  1.2  1.3  2.3

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Law & Legal Studies             3.5  2.2  2.4  2.2  2.0  4.4

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Liberal Arts/gen Studies       11.7  7.8 10.1  7.7 14.9 10.5

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Mathematics                     0.8  0.5  0.9  1.3  0.8  0.8

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Military Technologies           0.5  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.1  0.7

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Other College                   5.9  3.8  5.5  5.3  8.2  4.9

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Other Vocational                5.5  5.0  7.5  5.1  6.2  5.1

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Not Reptd                       8.0  9.1  9.8  8.5  8.6  7.6

College/school, Area of Conc@4: N/A@10                         32.0 43.6 37.6 26.5 30.5 32.2

Close Relatives in Bus/self-employed@4: Yes                    49.9 37.6 30.9 43.3 49.1 51.8

Close Relatives in Bus/self-employed@4: No                     45.2 57.2 61.1 52.5 45.2 43.8

Close Relatives in Bus/self-employed@4: Not Reptd               4.9  5.2  7.9  4.2  5.6  4.5

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: Yes                        21.3 15.1 10.7 17.7 18.1 23.7

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: No                         26.4 20.4 18.5 23.1 28.8 25.8

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: Not Reported                7.1  7.3  9.6  6.7  7.8  6.7

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: N/A@11                     45.2 57.2 61.1 52.5 45.2 43.8

Prior Work Experience@4: None                                   7.6 12.8  9.7 13.7  9.0  6.3

Prior Work Experience@4: less than 2 Yrs                        6.3  7.8  6.4  8.5  6.9  5.7

Prior Work Experience@4: 2 to 5 Yrs                            14.2 16.5 12.7 18.9 13.8 14.1

Prior Work Experience@4: 6 to 9 Yrs                            14.1 13.0 13.2 14.7 13.4 14.5

Prior Work Experience@4: 10 to 19 Yrs                          26.4 25.4 26.2 23.6 27.6 26.0

Prior Work Experience@4: 20 Yrs or More                        25.9 17.7 22.3 14.8 23.3 28.3

Prior Work Experience@4: Not Reptd                              5.5  6.7  9.4  5.8  6.0  5.0

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: None                           33.9 35.1 40.6 28.1 36.0 32.7

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: less than 2 Yrs                 8.0  7.9  7.4  9.1  7.9  7.9

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 2 to 5 Yrs                     13.8 12.6 12.1 16.0 13.2 14.2

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 6 to 9 Yrs                      9.0  7.9  6.7  9.4  9.0  9.0

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 10 to 19 Yrs                   11.4  9.3  8.3 10.3 10.2 12.3

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 20 Yrs or More                  8.2  4.5  3.6  4.6  5.8 10.0

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: Not Sure                        2.4  2.9  2.4  3.1  2.5  2.3

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: Not Reptd                       5.7  7.0  9.1  5.7  6.5  5.1

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: N/A@12                          7.6 12.8  9.7 13.7  9.0  6.3

Previous Owner Experience@4: None (Didn't Own)                 65.5 65.5 69.9 56.9 67.8 64.6

Previous Owner Experience@4: less than 2 Yrs                    3.0  2.6  2.7  4.4  3.3  2.7

Previous Owner Experience@4: 2 to 5 Yrs                         5.6  4.8  4.3  7.4  4.9  5.9

Previous Owner Experience@4: 6 to 9 Yrs                         3.3  2.4  1.5  3.9  2.4  3.9

Previous Owner Experience@4: 10 to 19 Yrs                       4.8  2.9  1.6  4.7  3.2  5.9

Previous Owner Experience@4: 20 Yrs or More                     3.9  1.6  0.8  2.1  2.3  5.1

Previous Owner Experience@4: Not Sure                           0.8  1.0  0.8  1.6  0.8  0.9

Previous Owner Experience@4: Not Reptd                          5.4  6.3  8.7  5.4  6.3  4.8

Previous Owner Experience@4: N/A@12                             7.6 12.8  9.7 13.7  9.0  6.3

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service(s) Were Similar@4: Yes      42.0 43.2 35.3 40.7 36.2 45.1

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service(s) Were Similar@4: No       44.4 36.9 45.4 39.6 48.2 43.1

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service Were Similar@4: Not Reptd    6.0  7.1  9.6  6.0  6.6  5.5

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service(s) Were Similar@4: N/A@12    7.6 12.8  9.7 13.7  9.0  6.3

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: less than $5,000                 14.2 14.3 17.8 11.4 21.0 10.8

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $5,000 to $9,999                  9.8 13.0 11.6  9.0 12.2  8.4

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $10,000 to $14,999                9.0 13.7 11.8  9.8  9.9  8.0

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $15,000 to $24,999               14.8 16.1 15.6 15.9 14.3 14.9

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $25,000 to $34,999               10.6 11.2 10.9 11.7 10.4 10.6

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $35,000 to $49,999               11.0  8.5  9.4 11.3  9.8 11.9

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $50,000 to $74,999                8.3  6.4  5.3  9.8  5.8  9.7

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $75,000 to $99,999                3.8  2.7  1.9  4.2  2.0  4.9

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $100,000 to $149,999              3.7  2.0  1.0  4.0  1.9  4.8

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $150,000 or More                  5.3  2.8  1.4  4.7  2.6  7.0

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: Not Reported                      9.5  9.2 13.3  8.2 10.0  9.2

Year That this Business Was Established@6: Before 1970         10.3  6.1  9.4  6.1  8.5 11.8

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1970 to 1979        13.4 10.6 10.7 11.0 10.5 15.4

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1980 to 1985        17.6 15.4 14.2 16.8 16.7 18.2

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1986 to 1988        15.5 14.1 13.2 16.1 15.4 15.6

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1989                 6.9  6.3  6.7  7.8  6.3  7.4

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1990                 7.9  8.9  7.5  8.9  8.9  7.3

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1991                 8.2 10.1  9.0 10.8  9.1  7.5

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1992                13.5 18.9 16.2 17.5 16.5 11.4

Year That this Business Was Established@6: Not Reported         6.6  9.6 13.0  5.0  8.1  5.5

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Before 1970             6.8  4.1  6.7  3.7  5.1  7.9

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1970 to 1979           13.5 10.0 10.2 10.6 10.7 15.3

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1980 to 1985           17.8 16.0 14.5 17.3 17.0 18.4

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1986 to 1988           16.3 14.2 13.0 15.2 16.6 16.4

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1989                    7.5  6.8  6.7  8.5  6.5  8.1

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1990                    7.7  9.0  7.4  9.6  8.3  7.3

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1991                    8.3  9.8  9.0 10.9  9.5  7.5

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1992                   12.8 18.4 16.5 16.7 15.4 10.9

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Not Reported            9.3 11.8 16.0  7.5 10.9  8.2

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Founded                 68.9 67.4 64.9 57.0 69.6 69.2

How the Owner Acquired the Bus@4: Transfer (Ownership/gift)    10.5  8.9  4.7 16.9  8.3 11.7

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Purchased               10.1  9.1 12.2 15.8  9.5 10.2

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Inherited                2.7  2.1  1.6  2.6  2.7  2.7

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Other Means              2.2  5.5  6.9  2.6  3.3  1.3

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Not Reported             5.6  7.0  9.6  5.2  6.6  4.9

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Primary Source of Income       21.3 24.6 17.3 27.0 17.0 23.1

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Secondary Source of Income     25.6 19.3 28.8 23.1 27.7 24.9

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Owner's Health Limitation       1.6  1.5  1.7  1.1  2.3  1.2

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Work Not Avail W/ Job Market    1.5  1.4  1.4  1.5  1.6  1.4

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Freedom to Meet Fam Respons     7.6  7.1  7.4  6.5 11.4  5.8

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Bring a New Idea to Market      2.6  2.0  2.2  3.2  3.2  2.2

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Advance in My Profession        6.2  5.8  5.7  6.3  5.6  6.6

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Be My Own Boss                 21.5 26.5 21.3 20.8 18.5 22.8

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Other Reason                    6.7  5.6  6.2  5.1  6.6  7.0

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Not Reptd                       5.5  6.1  8.1  5.4  6.2  5.0

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acquire Bus@4: None          25.0 27.5 32.2 18.0 29.9 22.6

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: less than $5,000     32.0 31.1 34.3 20.7 34.2 31.3

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $5,000-$9,999         9.6 11.3  8.8 10.6  7.7 10.5

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $10,000-$24,999      11.4 10.5  7.3 14.7  8.5 12.9

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $25,000-$49,999       5.7  4.8  3.2 11.6  4.5  6.3

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $50,000-$99,999       4.6  3.7  1.6  9.2  4.2  4.7

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $100,000-$249,999     3.0  2.0  0.9  6.3  2.6  3.2

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $250,000-$999,999     1.4  0.8  0.3  2.5  0.9  1.7

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $1,000,000 or More    0.5  0.2  0.1  0.8  0.4  0.5

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acquire Bus@4: Not Reptd      6.8  8.1 11.2  5.7  7.3  6.4

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Bus/pers Loans@4: None             44.0 42.7 37.9 41.7 42.3 45.3

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loans@4: <10%     2.5  3.0  3.2  3.6  2.4  2.4

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 10-24%    2.3  2.8  2.6  4.2  2.2  2.2

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 25-49%    3.2  3.3  2.5  7.0  2.2  3.7

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 50-74%    4.4  4.0  2.9  8.8  3.8  4.6

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 75-99%    5.3  3.9  3.3  6.0  4.3  5.9

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loans@4: 100%     5.9  4.5  3.8  4.4  5.1  6.4

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means Bus/pers Loan@4: Not Reptd    7.3  8.4 11.5  6.5  7.9  6.9

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: N/A@14   25.0 27.5 32.2 18.0 29.9 22.6

Source of Borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers Loan (Mort/equity)    4.3  4.4  2.9  6.8  4.1  4.4

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Personal Credit Card    2.6  3.2  3.1  4.1  2.6  2.5

Source of Borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers Loan from Spouse      1.0  0.9  1.2  1.4  1.3  0.8

Source of Borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers Loan from Family      5.2  6.2  3.8 12.0  4.8  5.0

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Other Personal Loan     6.1  5.7  4.6  9.4  4.9  6.8

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Not Reported           14.4 13.1 17.5 12.8 13.0 15.2

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: N/A@14                 69.1 70.2 70.1 59.6 72.2 67.9

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: None--100% Borrowed    5.9  4.5  3.8  4.4  5.1  6.4

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers/fam Assets       16.6 13.0 12.3 12.8 16.1 17.2

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Sale of Assets         2.2  3.0  1.5  3.0  2.3  2.0

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Owner's Savings       36.5 35.0 30.5 47.2 33.2 38.0

Source of Non-borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Other Source        3.5  5.2  6.7  3.4  3.6  3.3

Source of Non-borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Not Reported       10.4 11.7 13.0 11.3  9.9 10.4

Source of Non-borrowed Capital for Owner@4: N/A@13             25.0 27.5 32.2 18.0 29.9 22.6

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing..@13: Did Not Occur   26.5 25.6 13.2 28.8 21.8 29.2

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: $ Reserves     16.6 13.6 20.9 16.2 16.8 16.6

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing..@13: Invested Capl    9.2  7.0  5.8 10.5  9.2  9.3

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: Delay Paymt     8.0  9.2  8.8 12.7  8.1  7.6

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: Other          18.3 17.8 23.6 16.4 19.8 17.5

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: Not Reptd      33.3 36.0 43.3 26.8 37.4 31.1

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: None        8.4  9.6  6.8  8.8  6.1  9.6

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: <12        12.4  7.5  7.9 13.1 12.3 12.7

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 12 to 23    6.2  5.3  7.3  5.7  7.7  5.4

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 24-35       6.4  8.1  8.9  6.3  7.9  5.5

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 36-47       7.1  8.0  9.2  6.8  8.2  6.4

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 48+        51.3 51.3 46.3 51.3 48.1 53.2

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: Not Rept    8.3 10.2 13.6  7.9  9.7  7.2

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: None            8.4  9.2  6.7  8.6  6.1  9.7

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: <10 Hrs        17.1 10.5 14.0 15.8 18.0 17.3

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 10 to 19 Hrs   10.5 10.3 13.9  8.5 13.0  9.1

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 20 to 29 Hrs    8.9  9.4 12.1  7.8 11.2  7.6

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 30 to 39 Hrs    6.9  6.4  6.7  5.5  7.8  6.5

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 40 Hrs          6.4 10.4  7.3  6.0  6.8  6.0

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 41 to 49 Hrs   10.6 10.5  8.2  9.2  8.7 11.8

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 50 to 59 Hrs   10.3 10.2  7.6 11.3  8.9 11.1

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 60 Hrs+        13.6 14.5 12.4 20.7 11.6 14.3

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: Not Reptd       7.2  8.6 11.2  6.6  7.7  6.7

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: No Assistance Rec   64.3 61.2 46.8 67.1 58.5 67.8

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Fed Govt             1.6  2.5  3.4  1.3  1.7  1.5

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: State/local Govt     0.7  0.7  1.6  1.3  1.2  0.4

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: College or Univ      1.3  1.4  2.2  1.8  1.6  1.1

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Bus/franchisor       3.2  1.9  4.1  4.0  4.1  2.8

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Other Source        26.8 29.1 39.6 22.1 31.6 24.1

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Not Reptd            5.3  6.1  8.8  5.0  5.9  4.8

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: No Assist Recd        54.4 51.6 43.3 52.9 48.9 57.8

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Fed Govt               1.6  2.7  3.6  1.4  1.8  1.3

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: State/local Govt       0.7  0.6  1.6  0.8  1.3  0.4

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: College/univ           1.3  1.2  2.2  1.9  1.5  1.2

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Bus/franchisor         3.4  1.9  4.1  4.6  4.3  3.0

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Other Source          37.7 39.4 43.3 38.8 42.1 35.2

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Not Reptd              5.0  6.0  8.7  3.6  5.6  4.5

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire the Bus@6: None       25.6 28.8 32.7 18.5 30.8 22.8

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: <$5,000            34.3 32.0 34.5 22.7 36.0 34.0

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $5,000-$9,999       9.0 10.9  8.8  9.9  7.4  9.8

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $10,000-$24,999    10.0  9.7  6.9 13.9  8.0 10.9

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $25,000-$49,999     5.2  4.1  2.9 10.4  3.6  5.9

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $50,000-$99,999     4.3  3.0  1.5  9.0  3.8  4.5

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $100t-$249,999      2.9  1.9  0.8  6.8  2.3  3.1

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $250t-$999,999      1.6  0.9  0.3  3.0  1.0  2.0

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $1,000,000+         0.8  0.3  0.2  1.5  0.4  1.0

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: Not Reptd           6.4  8.4 11.4  4.4  6.8  6.0

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: None          43.0 41.8 37.6 41.3 42.1 43.7

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: <10%           2.6  3.2  3.1  3.3  2.5  2.5

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 10 to 24%      2.3  2.6  2.5  3.7  2.2  2.4

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 25 to 49%      3.4  3.2  2.3  7.4  2.0  4.0

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 50 to 74%      4.7  3.8  2.9  9.2  3.5  5.3

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 75 to 99%      5.7  3.8  3.3  6.7  4.5  6.5

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 100%           5.6  4.1  4.0  4.3  4.8  6.3

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: Not Reptd      7.0  8.5 11.6  5.4  7.6  6.6

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: N/A@15        25.6 28.8 32.7 18.5 30.8 22.8

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Banking or Coml Lending    11.7  7.6  6.6 12.3  8.6 13.7

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Government-guar Bus Loan    0.4  0.3  0.7  0.7  0.4  0.4

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Fed, State, Local Govt      0.3  0.1  0.3  0.4  0.2  0.3

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Investment Company          0.6  0.3  0.5  1.1  0.5  0.6

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Previous Owner              1.9  1.6  0.6  4.8  1.7  2.0

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Trade Credit (Supplier)     0.9  0.7  0.6  1.4  0.8  1.0

Source of Borrowed Capital for Firm@6: Other Business Loan      1.6  1.6  0.9  2.7  1.5  1.6

Source of Borrowed Capital for Firm@6: Not Reported            15.6 18.1 20.1 19.2 15.1 15.4

Source of Borrowed Capital for Firm@6: N/A@16                  68.6 70.6 70.3 59.8 72.9 66.5

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Did Not Occur          21.4 21.3 11.9 22.2 17.5 23.6

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Relied on Own Income    2.0  1.7  0.7  2.8  1.7  2.2

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Invested Addnl Capl     8.9  6.4  5.7 11.4  8.0  9.6

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Rec Help from Family    4.5  4.3  4.0  6.3  3.6  4.9

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Other Measures Taken   27.1 25.8 26.4 30.4 28.1 26.5

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Not Reptd              43.4 46.5 56.7 37.1 48.1 40.6

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Fed Govt                2.6  3.8  4.4  3.3  2.5  2.4

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: State Govt              2.3  2.8  3.6  3.1  2.1  2.4

Cust Accting for 10% or More of Sales@6: Local Government       2.8  3.1  3.5  3.3  3.0  2.7

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Other Bus/corp         30.1 25.0 16.4 25.8 23.5 34.4

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Individuals            52.8 46.7 45.6 54.2 51.5 54.1

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: All Others              6.0  6.5  6.0  9.4  4.9  6.3

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Not Reptd              22.6 27.9 32.7 17.5 27.5 19.6

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: Neighborhood               29.7 31.9 37.3 42.2 35.1 26.0

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: City/county                48.7 48.5 42.8 39.7 46.3 50.6

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: Regional                   22.2 13.3 12.1 14.3 20.0 24.5

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: National                    6.2  3.8  3.9  6.8  6.3  6.4

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: International               1.8  3.0  1.1  4.4  1.4  1.8

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: Not Reptd                   9.4 13.1 17.5  8.0  9.7  8.8

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 25% or less                45.0 25.0 17.5 25.9 45.1 47.5

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 26 to 50%                   7.8 10.5  8.1 12.5  6.4  8.2

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 51 to 75%                   3.3  8.2  6.0  6.8  3.7  2.6

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 76 to 90%                   1.8  6.3  6.4  6.2  1.6  1.3

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: More than 90%               6.3 17.4 28.4 16.9  6.6  4.5

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: Don't Know                 25.6 20.6 15.8 23.4 25.7 26.3

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: Not Reptd                  10.2 12.0 17.9  8.3 11.0  9.5

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Profit, $100,000+          2.2  1.4  0.6  3.4  1.0  3.0

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Rptd@6: Net Profit, $25,000-$99,999        9.7  7.4  3.2 11.0  5.1 12.5

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Rptd@6: Net Profit, $10,000-$24,999       11.5 12.6  7.3 14.4  8.5 12.9

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Profit, <$10,000          38.5 36.9 35.7 34.7 42.2 36.9

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, <$10,000            15.6 15.7 22.8 14.9 21.1 12.6

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, $10,000-$24,999      2.4  3.1  2.7  4.4  2.8  2.1

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, $25,000-$99,999      1.5  1.4  1.3  2.0  1.0  1.7

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, $100,000+            0.7  0.4  0.3  0.9  0.3  1.0

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, Not Reptd           17.9 21.2 26.2 14.4 18.1 17.4

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: None                 12.9 12.5 17.7 15.2 15.5 11.5

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: <10%                 22.9 17.4 22.9 19.4 25.5 22.0

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 10 to 24%             8.4  8.5  9.5  9.5  8.1  8.5

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 25 to 49%             6.7  6.1  6.2  7.9  6.7  6.6

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 50 to 74%             5.5  5.8  5.0  6.5  5.8  5.2

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 75 to 99%            11.1  9.3  5.9 11.1  8.1 13.0

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 100%                 24.1 30.2 18.8 22.5 20.7 25.6

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: Not Reptd             8.5 10.2 13.9  7.9  9.6  7.7

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Strong Pos          3.4  3.5  4.0  4.9  2.5  3.8

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Minor Pos           1.6  1.6  1.2  2.5  1.2  1.7

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Neutral            11.9 10.2  8.8 13.7 10.1 13.0

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Minor Neg           7.1  4.5  3.1  6.9  5.5  8.2

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Strong Neg          8.0  6.4  5.0  5.7  6.4  9.1

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, N/A                42.2 38.2 38.1 38.0 47.9 39.7

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Don't Know         13.6 18.9 15.6 16.2 12.8 13.6

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Not Reptd          12.3 16.8 24.2 12.2 13.7 10.8

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Cond, Strong Pos              3.0  3.8  3.3  3.7  2.8  3.0

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Cond, Minor Pos               2.6  2.3  2.0  3.5  2.0  2.9

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Neutral          16.5 12.9 10.4 17.0 12.3 19.3

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Minor Neg         5.2  4.5  3.6  5.8  4.1  5.8

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Strong Neg        4.8  4.7  4.7  5.3  4.6  4.8

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, N/A              36.7 31.5 31.8 31.5 41.6 34.7

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Don't Know       17.6 20.9 16.6 19.8 17.9 17.2

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Not Reptd        13.6 19.5 27.6 13.4 14.8 12.2

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Strong Pos           2.8  3.1  4.4  3.2  2.4  2.8

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Minor Pos            2.0  2.1  2.3  2.7  1.7  2.1

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Neutral             17.1 14.5 11.8 18.6 14.4 18.9

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Minor Neg            8.9  7.4  5.2  7.9  6.5 10.5

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Strong Neg           7.5  6.9  6.3  5.5  4.8  9.1

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, N/A                 31.5 26.2 26.0 28.4 38.1 28.6

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Don't Know          16.6 21.0 17.7 20.1 17.2 15.9

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Not Reptd           13.6 18.8 26.3 13.5 14.9 12.2

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Strong Pos              1.9  1.8  2.1  2.5  1.7  2.1

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Minor Pos               1.9  1.7  1.6  2.5  1.3  2.2

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Neutral                18.6 15.2 12.4 18.9 14.3 21.3

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Minor Neg               6.8  5.5  3.2  6.6  3.9  8.5

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Strong Neg              4.1  3.2  1.7  4.9  2.4  5.2

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, N/A                    37.6 32.6 34.0 33.4 45.1 34.1

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Don't Know             15.3 20.1 17.1 18.5 16.1 14.3

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Not Reptd              13.8 19.9 27.9 12.8 15.1 12.3

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Strong Pos        0.5  0.7  1.1  0.8  0.5  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Minor Pos         1.0  1.0  1.2  1.8  1.2  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities , Neutral         20.0 15.5 12.6 19.9 14.7 23.4

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities , Minor Neg        2.4  2.0  1.3  3.1  1.7  2.8

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities , Strong Neg       1.1  0.7  0.6  2.1  0.7  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, N/A              43.3 38.0 36.9 37.9 48.1 41.4

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Don't Know       17.4 22.2 18.3 20.8 17.4 17.0

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Not Reptd        14.3 20.0 28.0 13.6 15.7 12.7

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Stong pos         1.2  1.5  2.2  2.4  0.9  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Minor pos         1.6  2.0  1.7  2.2  1.8  1.4

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Neutral          19.4 16.2 12.7 20.1 14.8 22.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Minor Neg         5.2  3.7  2.9  5.8  2.9  6.5

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Strong Neg        2.7  2.5  1.3  3.4  1.8  3.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , N/A              38.5 32.6 33.0 32.2 44.8 35.9

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Don't Know       17.3 21.1 18.0 20.2 17.5 16.7

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Not Reptd        14.0 20.3 28.1 13.8 15.4 12.5

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Neutral               17.5 13.7 11.7 19.0 13.4 20.1

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Minor Neg             10.0  7.6  6.7  8.1  8.2 11.3

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Strong Neg            12.2 13.1 15.9 13.5 10.6 12.8

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, N/A                   32.4 27.2 24.5 28.1 38.4 29.8

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Don't Know            14.1 18.3 14.8 17.2 14.4 13.5

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Not Reptd             13.9 20.1 26.3 14.1 15.0 12.5

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Neutral                             18.2 14.2 11.4 17.2 14.6 20.7

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Minor Neg Impact                     7.5  7.0  6.7 10.2  5.8  8.4

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Strong Neg Impact                    2.6  4.2  4.7  6.8  2.1  2.5

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, N/A                                 40.2 34.1 32.2 32.5 45.7 38.2

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Don't Know                          16.5 19.4 15.7 18.3 15.7 16.7

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Not Reported                        15.0 21.2 29.1 15.0 16.2 13.4

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: None                2.8  3.9  1.6  3.5  1.2  3.6

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: Less than 10%       1.6  2.1  1.0  2.3  1.0  2.0

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 10 to 24%           1.1  1.0  0.4  1.3  0.6  1.4

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 25 to 49%           1.4  1.2  0.4  2.7  0.9  1.6

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 50 to 74%           2.2  1.9  0.8  4.8  1.9  2.4

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 75%+                4.9  3.8  2.4  6.4  4.9  5.0

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: Don't Know         0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12 92@6: Not Reptd             2.1  2.2  1.7  2.7  1.6  2.4

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: N/A@18             83.6 83.7 91.6 76.2 87.7 81.4

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 25% or less     9.3  2.6  0.8  5.9  7.1 11.4

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 26 to 50%       1.1  1.6  0.5  2.3  0.7  1.3

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 51to 75%        0.6  0.9  0.3  1.5  0.4  0.6

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 76 to 90%       0.4  0.7  0.4  1.4  0.3  0.3

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 90% or more     1.9  6.9  4.2  7.7  1.4  1.5

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: Don't Know      0.9  0.9  0.3  2.1  0.7  1.0

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: Not Reptd       2.3  2.6  1.9  2.9  1.7  2.5

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: N/A@18         83.6 83.7 91.6 76.2 87.7 81.4

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: Yes                  2.3  1.3  0.7  3.1  1.2  3.0

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: No                  12.7 13.5  6.7 18.6  9.9 14.1

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: Not Reported         1.4  1.4  1.1  2.1  1.1  1.6

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: N/A@18              83.6 83.7 91.6 76.2 87.7 81.4

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: Yes                         5.4  3.6  1.4  5.9  3.6  6.7

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: No                         10.0 11.7  6.3 16.5  8.0 10.9

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: Not Reported                1.0  0.9  0.6  1.4  0.7  1.1

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: N/A@18                     83.6 83.7 91.6 76.2 87.7 81.4

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Too High Priced            4.4  6.1  2.7  8.3  3.3  4.8

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Rejected by Insurers       0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Dropped by Insurer         0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Not Needed by Emps         2.0  1.7  1.0  2.2  1.3  2.4

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: High Emp Turnover          0.5  0.4  0.5  1.0  0.4  0.5

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Administrative Burden      0.1  0.2  0.1  0.5  0.1  0.1

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Not Desired by Emps        1.5  1.2  0.9  1.9  1.4  1.6

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Don't Know                 0.4  0.8  0.2  1.0  0.4  0.3

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Other Reason               1.0  1.2  0.9  1.4  0.8  1.0

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Not Reptd                  1.1  1.0  0.8  1.6  0.9  1.2

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: N/A@18                    89.0 87.4 93.0 82.1 91.3 88.0

50% or More Owned or Ctrld by Close Relatives@6: Yes           48.2 48.5 40.2 49.7 63.0 41.6

50% or More Owned or Ctrld by Close Relatives@6: No            49.5 47.1 55.6 46.2 34.4 56.4

50% or More Owned or Ctrld by Close Relatives@6: Not Reptd      2.4  4.3  4.2  4.0  2.6  2.0

Franchise During 1992@6: Yes                                    2.9  2.5  3.5  4.5  3.2  2.7

Franchise During 1992@6: No                                    89.9 86.4 82.1 89.0 88.0 91.5

Franchise During 1992@6: Not Reported                           7.2 11.1 14.4  6.5  8.8  5.8

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: Yes          52.1 46.2 48.7 34.3 55.2 51.7

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: No           40.0 43.4 36.7 56.9 35.4 41.7

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: Don't Know    1.7  2.0  2.1  3.3  1.7  1.6

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: Not Reptd     6.2  8.4 12.5  5.5  7.7  5.0

Operated Primarily from or in a Home During 1992@6: Yes        49.6 44.2 47.2 33.8 53.2 48.8

Operated Primarily from or in a Home During 1992@6: No         43.2 45.7 37.7 59.9 38.2 45.2

Operated Primarily from or in a Home During 92@6: Not Reptd     7.2 10.1 15.1  6.3  8.6  6.0

Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: to Produce G/s on the Premises    20.2 17.4 18.5 15.8 26.4 17.3

Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: Clerical Work (G/s Elsewhere)     23.7 18.9 21.2 13.9 22.6 24.9

Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: Telecommute(outside Employment)    8.2  8.1  8.1  7.0  6.8  9.0

Home-based Buses' Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: Not Reptd       13.1 17.6 21.8 13.1 14.3 11.9

Home-based Buses' Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: N/A@19          34.9 38.1 30.3 50.3 30.0 36.8

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Arabic             0.8  0.5  0.9  0.7  0.6  1.0

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Chinese            1.7  0.8  1.2 16.1  1.6  1.3

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: English           89.0 78.0 84.0 82.2 87.9 90.7

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: French             3.8  2.8  4.5  3.4  3.9  3.9

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: German             2.1  1.0  1.2  1.3  2.3  2.1

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Greek              0.7  0.4  0.5  0.6  1.2  0.5

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Hindi (Urdu)       0.7  0.3  0.4  4.1  0.7  0.5

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Italian            1.3  1.9  0.7  0.7  1.5  1.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Japanese           0.9  0.5  0.8  5.7  1.1  0.7

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Korean             0.9  0.4  0.8  7.2  1.0  0.6

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Polish             0.9  0.4  0.7  0.8  1.2  0.7

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Portuguese         0.8  2.0  0.5  0.7  1.0  0.6

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Russian            0.8  0.7  0.6  0.9  1.1  0.7

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Spanish            7.8 60.2  5.5  8.3  7.4  5.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Tagalog            0.9  1.6  0.5  4.5  1.0  0.6

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Vietnamese         0.9  0.5  0.6  6.9  0.9  0.7

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Other Language     0.9  0.7  0.6  2.7  0.8  0.9

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Not Reptd          8.9  9.9 14.8  6.8 10.3  8.1

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: Less 1%        0.6  0.4  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.7

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 1 to 9%        0.4  0.4  0.1  0.5  0.2  0.6

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 10 to 24%      0.1  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.2

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 25 to 49%      0.2  0.2  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.2

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 50 to 74%      0.2  0.2  0.0  0.2  0.1  0.2

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 75 to 99%      0.1  0.3  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.1

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 100%           0.1  0.7  0.1  0.4  0.1  0.0

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: Don't Know     0.2  0.8  0.6  0.6  0.2  0.2

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: Not Reptd      7.6 10.1 13.8  6.1  8.9  6.6

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: N/A@20        90.5 86.9 84.9 91.2 89.8 91.3

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Africa                    0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Asia                      0.2  0.1  0.0  1.0  0.1  0.2

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Australia/oceania         0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Canada                    0.3  0.3  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.4

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Caribbean/cen Amer        0.1  0.6  0.2  0.1  0.1  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Europe                    0.5  0.3  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.7

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Japan                     0.2  0.4  0.1  0.6  0.1  0.2

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Mexico                    0.3  0.5  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.3

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Middle East               0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: South America             0.1  0.6  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Not Reptd                 8.3 11.2 14.6  6.9  9.5  7.3

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: N/A@20                   90.5 86.9 84.9 91.2 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, Yes          0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, No           0.8  0.9  0.9  0.8  0.6  1.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, Not Con      1.3  2.1  0.9  1.9  1.0  1.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, Not Reptd    7.3 10.0 13.3  6.0  8.4  6.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, N/A@19      90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, Yes        0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, No         0.8  0.9  0.7  0.9  0.7  0.9

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, Not Con    1.3  2.1  1.0  1.9  1.1  1.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, Not Rpt    7.3 10.0 13.4  5.9  8.3  6.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, N/A@20    90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, Yes         0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, No          0.8  0.9  0.7  0.9  0.6  0.9

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, Not Con     1.3  2.2  1.0  2.0  1.1  1.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, Not Rptd    7.3 10.0 13.4  6.0  8.4  6.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, N/A@20     90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, Yes             0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, No              0.9  0.9  0.7  0.9  0.7  0.9

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, Not Contact     1.3  2.1  1.0  1.9  1.1  1.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, Not Reptd       7.3 10.1 13.5  6.0  8.4  6.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, N/A@20         90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promotion Agency, Yes     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promotion Agency, No      0.8  0.9  0.7  0.8  0.6  0.9

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promo Agency, Not Con     1.3  2.1  1.0  2.0  1.1  1.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promo Agency, Not Rptd    7.3 10.1 13.3  6.0  8.4  6.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promotion Agcy, N/A@20   90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking or Coml Lending, Yes        0.2  0.2  0.1  0.5  0.1  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking or Coml Lending Inst, No    0.8  0.9  0.8  0.9  0.6  0.9

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking or Coml Lending, Not Con    1.2  1.9  0.9  1.7  1.1  1.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking/coml Lending, Not Rptd      7.3 10.1 13.3  5.8  8.4  6.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking/coml Lending, N/A@20       90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Accounting/consulting Firms, Yes    0.3  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Accounting/consulting Firms, No     0.8  0.9  0.7  0.9  0.6  0.9

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Acct/consulting Firms, Not Con      1.1  1.9  0.9  1.7  1.0  1.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Acct/consulting Firms, Not Reptd    7.3 10.1 13.5  6.0  8.5  6.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Acct/consulting Firms, N/A@20      90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, Yes                   0.2  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, No                    0.5  0.6  0.5  0.6  0.5  0.5
Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, Not Contacted         0.5  0.9  0.4  1.0  0.5  0.5

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, Not Reptd             8.2 11.5 14.2  7.3  9.2  7.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, N/A@20               90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: Less than 1 Yr    0.7  1.0  0.5  0.9  0.5  0.9

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: 1 to 5 Yrs        0.5  0.9  0.3  0.9  0.3  0.6

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: 6 to 10 Yrs       0.2  0.3  0.0  0.4  0.1  0.2

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Exp@6: More than 10 Yrs     0.3  0.5  0.2  0.4  0.2  0.3

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: Not Reptd         7.8 10.5 14.1  6.3  9.1  6.8

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: N/A@20           90.5 86.8 84.8 91.1 89.8 91.3

Planning on Starting/increasing Exp in the Future@6: Yes        2.0  3.4  2.6  4.7  1.5  2.1

Planning on Starting/increasing Exp in the Future@6: No        85.9 78.7 75.0 83.6 84.8 87.4

Planning on Starting/increasing Exp in Future@6: Not Reptd     12.0 17.9 22.4 11.7 13.7 10.5

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Very Imp                 1.7  2.5  2.6  3.6  1.4  1.7

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Somewhat Imp             1.0  1.4  0.6  1.2  0.7  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Not Imp                  5.4  5.5  5.7  4.9  5.3  5.5

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, N/A                     52.8 43.7 43.7 48.4 52.3 54.3

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Don't Know              10.8 12.7 10.1 14.4  9.8 11.1

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Not Reptd               28.2 34.1 37.4 27.5 30.6 26.3

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Very Imp        2.1  3.4  2.7  3.8  2.1  1.9

Ability to Export@6: Opportunity Info, Somewhat Imp             1.5  1.8  1.3  2.3  0.8  1.8

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Not Imp         5.2  5.3  5.6  4.3  5.0  5.3

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, N/A            52.2 43.4 42.9 47.4 51.9 53.6

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Don't Know     10.5 11.7  9.3 13.9  9.6 10.7

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Not Reptd      28.5 34.4 38.2 28.3 30.6 26.7

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Very Imp       1.9  3.1  2.0  3.4  2.0  1.7

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restriction, Somewhat Imp    1.5  1.2  1.0  2.2  0.9  1.8

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Not Imp        5.1  5.3  6.0  4.5  4.9  5.1

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, N/A           52.3 43.3 42.8 47.2 52.1 53.5

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Don't Know    10.8 12.4  9.5 14.0  9.7 11.2

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Not Reptd     28.4 34.6 38.6 28.7 30.4 26.6

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Very Imp          1.7  2.6  2.2  3.2  1.8  1.6

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Somewhat Imp      1.4  1.5  1.0  2.2  0.8  1.7

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Not Imp           5.1  5.4  5.8  4.9  5.1  5.1

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, N/A              52.3 43.0 42.8 46.9 51.8 53.7

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Don't Know       11.0 12.7  9.7 14.1  9.8 11.5

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Not Reptd        28.4 34.7 38.5 28.7 30.8 26.4

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Very Imp              1.9  2.7  2.0  3.9  1.5  1.9

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Somewhat Imp          1.5  1.9  1.2  2.3  1.4  1.6

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Not Imp               5.3  5.5  5.9  4.7  5.1  5.3

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, N/A                  52.2 43.0 42.7 46.6 51.9 53.6

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Don't Know           10.7 12.1  9.6 13.9  9.7 11.1

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Not Reptd            28.4 34.8 38.6 28.7 30.4 26.5

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Very Imp           1.8  2.8  2.2  4.3  1.6  1.7

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Somewhat Imp       1.3  1.5  1.0  2.2  1.0  1.5

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Not Imp            5.4  5.3  5.8  4.3  5.3  5.5

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, N/A               52.3 43.5 42.8 46.9 51.8 53.8

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Don't Know        11.4 13.1 10.8 14.5 10.5 11.7

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Not Reptd         27.7 33.8 37.5 27.8 29.8 25.8

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Very Imp             2.1  3.1  2.3  3.9  2.3  1.8

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Somewhat Imp         1.7  1.9  1.2  2.8  0.9  2.1

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Not Imp              5.3  5.1  5.8  4.3  5.2  5.3

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, N/A                 51.8 42.9 42.3 46.5 51.6 53.1

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Don't Know          11.0 12.7 10.4 14.2  9.9 11.4

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Not Reptd           28.1 34.3 37.9 28.2 30.1 26.3

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Very Imp       1.9  2.1  1.9  2.3  1.9  1.9

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restriction, Somewhat Imp    2.0  1.9  1.8  2.9  1.2  2.4

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Not Imp        5.5  5.6  5.8  5.1  5.2  5.7

Ability to Export@6: Local Environmental Restrictions, N/A     51.3 42.9 42.2 46.7 51.4 52.4

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Don't Know    11.4 13.4 10.7 14.7 10.5 11.7

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Not Reptd     27.8 34.1 37.6 28.2 29.8 26.0

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Very Imp                     0.6  0.3  0.6  0.6  0.9  0.5

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Somewhat Imp                 0.1  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.1

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Not Imp                      2.6  2.9  3.9  2.3  2.5  2.6

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, N/A                         25.2 20.3 18.5 22.3 23.1 27.0

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Don't Know                   6.2  7.3  4.9  8.2  4.5  7.0

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Not Reptd                   65.2 69.1 71.9 66.3 68.8 62.7

Exp Increase to Canada as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Yes          0.6  1.1  1.0  1.5  0.6  0.6

Exp Increase to Canada as a Result of the NAFTA@6: No          76.4 71.5 67.4 74.6 72.7 79.2

Exp Increase to Canada as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Not Reptd   22.9 27.3 31.7 23.9 26.7 20.3

Exp Increase to Mexico as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Yes          0.9  2.4  1.1  1.6  0.7  0.8

Exp Increase to Mexico as a Result of the NAFTA@6: No          75.6 70.5 65.9 74.2 72.5 78.1

Exp Increase to Mexico as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Not Reptd   23.5 27.1 33.0 24.2 26.9 21.1

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Can, Result of NAFTA@6: Yes           0.2  0.3  0.4  0.9  0.2  0.1

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Can, Result of NAFTA@6: No           76.3 71.3 67.3 74.7 72.5 79.1

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Can, Result of NAFTA@6: Not Reptd    23.5 28.4 32.3 24.4 27.3 20.8

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Mex, Result of NAFTA@6: Yes           0.3  0.9  0.5  1.3  0.4  0.2

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Mex, Result of NAFTA@6: No           75.7 71.5 65.9 74.1 72.1 78.4

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Mex, Result of NAFTA@6: Not Reptd    24.0 27.6 33.6 24.7 27.5 21.4

Relative Standard Error:

In '96, Owns the Same Business Owned in 1992@4: Yes             0.4  1.1  0.6  1.1  1.1  1.0

In '96, Owns the Same Business Owned in 1992@4: No              0.5  1.2  0.7  0.9  0.9  1.0

In '96, Owns the Same Business Owned in 1992@4: Not Rptd        0.4  0.4  0.6  0.6  0.5  0.6

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1992                               0.3  0.6  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.4

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1993                               0.3  0.4  0.4  0.6  0.5  0.6

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1994                               0.3  0.4  0.2  0.4  0.4  0.7

Year That Ownership Ended@4: 1995                               0.3  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.6  0.4

Year That Ownership Ended@4: Not Reported                       0.4  0.5  0.6  0.9  0.7  0.6

Year That Ownership Ended@4: N/A@5                              0.4  1.1  0.6  1.1  1.1  1.0

Reason for Change in Ownership@4: Sold                          0.5  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.2  0.8

Reason for Change in Ownership@4: Transferred Ownership/gift    0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3

Reason for the Change in Ownership@4: Bus No Longer Exists      0.6  1.1  0.7  0.6  0.8  1.1

Reason for the Change in Ownership@4: Not Reported              0.4  0.5  0.7  0.8  0.6  0.6

Reason for the Change in Ownership@4: N/A@5                     0.4  1.1  0.6  1.1  1.1  1.0

Business Owned in 1992 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: Yes     0.7  1.2  0.4  0.8  0.9  1.2

Business Owned in 1992 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: No      0.6  1.4  0.6  0.9  0.9  0.9

Bus Owned in '92 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: Don't Know    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.3  0.3

Bus Owned in '92 Is Still in Operation in 1996@5: Not Reptd     0.2  0.8  0.5  0.6  0.6  0.3

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1992           0.4  0.7  0.5  0.6  0.8  0.5

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1993           0.4  0.6  0.5  0.7  0.6  0.7

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1994           0.4  0.6  0.3  0.4  0.6  0.7

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: 1995           0.4  0.6  0.4  0.5  0.5  0.5

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: Not Reptd      0.3  0.9  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.4

If Not, Year That the Operations Discontinued@6: N/A@7          0.6  1.2  0.5  1.1  1.0  1.1

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: Successful             0.6  0.6  0.3  0.8  0.5  0.8

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: Unsuccessful           0.6  1.1  0.5  0.5  0.7  1.0

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: Not Reptd              0.3  0.9  0.5  0.6  0.6  0.5

Discontinued Bus at Decision to Cease@6: N/A@7                  0.6  1.2  0.5  1.1  1.0  1.1

Discon Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Cash Flow/low Sales              2.9  2.7  1.7  3.2  3.2  5.2

Discon Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Access to Bus Loans/credit       1.4  1.6  1.6  2.2  2.1  2.2

Discon Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Access to Pers Loans/credit      0.5  0.8  0.8  2.1  0.9  0.8

Discontinued Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Other Reason               2.2  1.9  1.4  3.1  3.0  4.1

Discontinued Bus Was Unsuccessful@6: Not Reptd                  0.4  1.6  0.8  1.2  1.3  0.0

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: under 25                         0.2  0.5  0.2  0.4  0.3  0.3

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 25 to 34                         0.6  0.5  0.2  1.1  0.9  0.8

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 35 to 44                         0.5  0.7  0.7  1.3  0.8  0.9

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 45 to 54                         0.7  0.6  0.8  1.0  0.8  0.9

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 55 to 64                         0.5  0.5  0.9  0.9  0.8  1.1

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: 65 or over                       0.6  0.3  0.5  0.4  0.7  1.0

Age as of December 31, 1992@4: Not Reported                     0.3  0.4  0.5  0.7  0.4  0.6

Born in the United States@4: Yes                                0.4  0.6  0.7  1.3  0.6  0.5

Born in the United States@4: No                                 0.4  0.6  0.5  1.5  0.4  0.6

Born in the United States@4: Not Reported                       0.4  0.5  0.4  0.6  0.3  0.6

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Never Married           0.5  0.8  0.5  0.7  0.6  0.7

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Married                 0.6  1.1  0.4  1.2  0.7  1.3

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Divorced/separated      0.4  0.4  0.7  0.3  0.8  0.5

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Widowed                 0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.3

Marital Status When Started/acquired@4: Not Reptd               0.3  0.4  0.4  0.7  0.4  0.6

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Never Married         0.4  0.9  0.5  0.6  0.6  0.6

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Married               0.4  1.0  0.4  1.1  0.7  0.8

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Divorced/separated    0.5  0.4  0.8  0.3  0.9  0.5

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Widowed               0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.3

Marital Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Not Reported          0.3  0.5  0.8  0.9  0.4  0.6

Veteran Status as of Dec 31, 1992@4: Not a Veteran              1.0  0.6  0.9  0.7  0.8  1.7

Veteran Status as of Dec 31, 1992@4: <6 Months Active Duty      0.2  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3

Veteran Status as of Dec 31, 1992@4: 6 Months+ Active Duty      0.9  0.4  0.6  0.6  0.8  1.5

Veteran Status as of December 31, 1992@4: Not Reported          0.3  0.3  0.7  0.6  0.3  0.6

Active Military Duty Served During the Vietnam Era@4: Yes       0.5  0.3  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.7

Active Military Duty Served During the Vietnam Era@4: No        0.6  0.6  0.5  0.6  0.8  0.9

Active Military Duty Served During Vietnam Era@4: Not Reptd     0.3  0.3  0.6  0.6  0.4  0.6

Active Military Duty Served During the Vietnam Era@4: N/A@8     0.9  0.5  0.9  0.7  0.8  1.6

Disabled Veteran@4: Yes                                         0.2  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.4  0.2

Disabled Veteran@4: No                                          0.9  0.5  0.6  0.6  0.8  1.5

Disabled Veteran@4: Not Reported                                0.3  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.3  0.6

Disabled Veteran@4: N/A@9                                       1.0  0.6  0.9  0.7  0.8  1.7

Owner Had Health Insurance 1992@4: Yes, Spouse's Insurer        0.6  1.0  0.6  1.2  0.9  0.9

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: Yes, Bus Insurer      0.3  0.2  0.3  0.6  0.6  0.4

Owner Had Health Insurance 1992@4: Yes, Another Bus Insurer     0.5  0.7  0.6  0.5  0.9  0.8

Owner Had Health Insurance 1992@4: Yes, Trade Assn's Insurer    0.2  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.4  0.2

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: Yes, Other Source     0.7  1.0  1.2  0.6  0.7  1.0

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: No                    0.6  0.9  0.6  0.9  0.6  1.0

Owner Had Health Insurance During 1992@4: Not Reported          0.3  0.4  0.5  0.7  0.5  0.5

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Less than 9th Grade             0.2  0.7  0.3  0.4  0.4  0.2

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: High School, No Diploma         0.2  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.5  0.4

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: High Sch Grad or Ged            0.6  0.7  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Technical, Trade, or Voc Sch    0.2  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.4  0.4

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Some College, but No Degree     0.6  0.9  0.4  0.8  0.8  0.8

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Associate Degree                0.4  0.4  0.4  0.3  0.6  0.5

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Bachelor's Degree               0.6  0.7  0.6  1.5  0.9  1.0

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Master's Degree                 0.3  0.2  0.6  0.7  0.5  0.5

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Prof Sch or Doctorate           0.2  0.4  0.4  0.9  0.5  0.4

Education Completed/deg Recd@4: Not Reptd                       0.3  0.4  0.5  0.8  0.3  0.5

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Architecture/engineering        0.2  0.4  0.3  0.5  0.3  0.3

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Biological/medical Science      0.3  0.5  0.2  0.9  0.4  0.5

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Business                        0.4  0.6  0.5  0.9  0.5  0.8

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Computer Science                0.1  0.2  0.1  0.4  0.2  0.2

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Constr Trade/ind Arts           0.2  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.3  0.2

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Law & Legal Studies             0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Liberal Arts/gen Studies        0.5  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.5  0.8

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Mathematics                     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Military Technologies           0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Other College                   0.3  0.4  0.3  0.4  0.6  0.5

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Other Vocational                0.3  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.4  0.6

College/school, Area of Conc@4: Not Reptd                       0.3  0.5  0.4  0.8  0.5  0.6

College/school, Area of Conc@4: N/A@10                          0.6  1.0  0.4  0.6  0.9  0.9

Close Relatives in Bus/self-employed@4: Yes                     1.2  1.0  0.9  1.5  1.1  1.6

Close Relatives in Bus/self-employed@4: No                      1.2  0.9  0.8  1.6  0.9  1.7

Close Relatives in Bus/self-employed@4: Not Reptd               0.2  0.4  0.4  0.5  0.3  0.4

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: Yes                         0.8  0.8  0.5  1.3  1.1  1.0

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: No                          0.9  0.6  0.5  1.4  1.1  1.3

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: Not Reported                0.3  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.5

Owner Worked for Those Relatives@4: N/A@11                      1.2  0.9  0.8  1.6  0.9  1.7

Prior Work Experience@4: None                                   0.4  0.5  0.6  0.9  0.7  0.5

Prior Work Experience@4: less than 2 Yrs                        0.4  0.6  0.3  0.8  0.8  0.5

Prior Work Experience@4: 2 to 5 Yrs                             0.5  0.7  0.5  1.1  0.5  0.8

Prior Work Experience@4: 6 to 9 Yrs                             0.5  0.6  0.4  0.8  0.6  0.9

Prior Work Experience@4: 10 to 19 Yrs                           0.6  0.9  0.6  0.6  0.8  1.0

Prior Work Experience@4: 20 Yrs or More                         0.9  0.5  0.3  0.6  1.2  1.6

Prior Work Experience@4: Not Reptd                              0.3  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.5  0.5

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: None                            0.7  0.8  0.7  0.9  0.8  1.1

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: less than 2 Yrs                 0.5  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.6

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 2 to 5 Yrs                      0.4  0.6  0.5  1.0  0.6  0.7

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 6 to 9 Yrs                      0.3  0.5  0.4  0.8  0.6  0.5

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 10 to 19 Yrs                    0.6  0.6  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.9

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: 20 Yrs or More                  0.5  0.5  0.2  0.5  0.3  0.8

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: Not Sure                        0.2  0.5  0.1  0.5  0.4  0.2

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: Not Reptd                       0.3  0.5  0.6  0.5  0.4  0.5

Prev Yrs Managerial Capacity@4: N/A@12                          0.4  0.5  0.6  0.9  0.6  0.5

Previous Owner Experience@4: None (Didn't Own)                  0.7  1.3  1.0  0.8  0.5  1.2

Previous Owner Experience@4: less than 2 Yrs                    0.2  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.3

Previous Owner Experience@4: 2 to 5 Yrs                         0.3  0.4  0.3  0.8  0.4  0.4

Previous Owner Experience@4: 6 to 9 Yrs                         0.2  0.2  0.2  0.4  0.2  0.4

Previous Owner Experience@4: 10 to 19 Yrs                       0.4  0.3  0.2  0.5  0.3  0.5

Previous Owner Experience@4: 20 Yrs or More                     0.5  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.1  0.7

Previous Owner Experience@4: Not Sure                           0.1  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2

Previous Owner Experience@4: Not Reptd                          0.3  0.6  0.5  0.4  0.3  0.5

Previous Owner Experience@4: N/A@12                             0.4  0.5  0.6  0.9  0.6  0.5

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service(s) Were Similar@4: Yes       0.7  1.0  1.0  1.7  0.9  1.3

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service(s) Were Similar@4: No        0.7  1.3  1.4  1.4  1.1  1.2

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service Were Similar@4: Not Reptd    0.3  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.6  0.5

Prev Work--Bus Whose Goods/service(s) Were Similar@4: N/A@12    0.4  0.5  0.6  0.9  0.7  0.5

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: less than $5,000                  0.2  0.9  0.6  0.9  0.4  0.3

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $5,000 to $9,999                  0.5  0.7  0.6  0.5  0.7  0.8

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $10,000 to $14,999                0.4  0.6  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $15,000 to $24,999                0.6  0.6  0.7  0.9  0.4  1.0

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $25,000 to $34,999                0.4  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.5  0.7

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $35,000 to $49,999                0.5  0.6  0.4  0.7  0.6  0.8

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $50,000 to $74,999                0.3  0.3  0.2  1.2  0.5  0.6

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $75,000 to $99,999                0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.1  0.3

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $100,000 to $149,999              0.3  0.1  0.1  0.4  0.2  0.5

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: $150,000 or More                  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.4  0.5

Total 1992 Personal Income@4: Not Reported                      0.4  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.6

Year That this Business Was Established@6: Before 1970          0.4  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.5  1.0

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1970 to 1979         0.5  0.6  0.4  0.9  0.7  0.8

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1980 to 1985         0.4  0.6  0.4  0.8  0.8  0.7

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1986 to 1988         0.5  0.8  0.5  0.6  0.9  0.6

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1989                 0.3  0.3  0.3  0.7  0.3  0.5

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1990                 0.4  0.5  0.3  1.0  0.5  0.6

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1991                 0.3  0.6  0.4  0.7  0.7  0.3

Year That this Business Was Established@6: 1992                 0.6  0.8  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.7

Year That this Business Was Established@6: Not Reported         0.5  0.8  0.3  0.4  0.9  0.5

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Before 1970             0.3  0.5  0.3  0.4  0.4  0.6

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1970 to 1979            0.4  0.4  0.5  0.9  0.8  0.8

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1980 to 1985            0.5  0.5  0.3  0.9  0.9  0.6

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1986 to 1988            0.5  0.6  0.4  0.8  0.9  0.8

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1989                    0.4  0.2  0.4  0.4  0.3  0.6

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1990                    0.4  0.4  0.3  0.7  0.4  0.5

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1991                    0.4  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.3

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: 1992                    0.5  1.0  0.6  1.2  0.7  0.6

Year the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Not Reported            0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.6

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Founded                  0.8  1.1  1.1  1.1  0.6  1.4

How the Owner Acquired the Bus@4: Transfer (Ownership/gift)     0.7  0.2  0.3  1.1  0.6  1.1

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Purchased                0.7  0.5  0.8  0.6  0.4  1.0

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Inherited                0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Other Means              0.2  0.5  0.6  0.2  0.3  0.3

How the Owner Acquired the Business@4: Not Reported             0.2  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.4  0.4

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Primary Source of Income        0.5  1.0  0.4  1.0  0.6  0.7

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Secondary Source of Income      0.7  1.0  0.6  1.2  1.2  1.2

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Owner's Health Limitation       0.2  0.5  0.1  0.3  0.3  0.2

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Work Not Avail W/ Job Market    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Freedom to Meet Fam Respons     0.2  0.6  0.3  0.5  0.7  0.4

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Bring a New Idea to Market      0.3  0.2  0.2  0.4  0.4  0.3

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Advance in My Profession        0.4  0.4  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Be My Own Boss                  0.6  0.6  0.6  0.8  0.6  1.0

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Other Reason                    0.6  0.6  0.4  0.5  0.4  0.9

Reason for Becoming an Owner@4: Not Reptd                       0.3  0.6  0.3  0.6  0.3  0.5

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acquire Bus@4: None           0.9  0.7  0.9  0.5  1.1  1.1

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: less than $5,000      1.0  1.1  0.6  1.1  1.3  1.1

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $5,000-$9,999         0.5  0.7  0.4  1.2  0.6  0.7

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $10,000-$24,999       0.6  0.5  0.4  1.0  0.4  1.0

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $25,000-$49,999       0.4  0.4  0.2  0.5  0.4  0.7

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $50,000-$99,999       0.2  0.3  0.1  0.7  0.4  0.3

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $100,000-$249,999     0.3  0.2  0.1  0.5  0.2  0.4

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $250,000-$999,999     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acqr@4: $1,000,000 or More    0.0  0.1  0.0  0.2  0.1  0.1

Tot Capl Needed by Owner to Start/acquire Bus@4: Not Reptd      0.3  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.5

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Bus/pers Loans@4: None              0.7  1.0  0.6  1.1  1.1  0.9

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loans@4: <10%     0.3  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.3  0.4

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 10-24%    0.1  0.2  0.3  0.5  0.3  0.2

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 25-49%    0.2  0.4  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.4

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 50-74%    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.5  0.2  0.2

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: 75-99%    0.3  0.2  0.3  0.6  0.3  0.4

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loans@4: 100%     0.4  0.3  0.4  0.2  0.6  0.5

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means Bus/pers Loan@4: Not Reptd    0.3  0.5  0.5  0.6  0.4  0.5

% Capl Borrowed by Owner by Means of Bus/pers Loan@4: N/A@14    0.9  0.7  0.9  0.5  1.1  1.1

Source of Borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers Loan (Mort/equity)    0.2  0.4  0.2  0.6  0.3  0.4

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Personal Credit Card    0.3  0.3  0.2  0.6  0.3  0.4

Source of Borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers Loan from Spouse      0.2  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.2

Source of Borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers Loan from Family      0.2  0.5  0.2  1.0  0.4  0.4

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Other Personal Loan     0.4  0.2  0.3  0.6  0.2  0.7

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Not Reported            0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.3  0.5

Source of Borrowed Capital for Owner@4: N/A@14                  0.7  0.8  0.8  1.2  0.5  1.1

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: None--100% Borrowed    0.4  0.3  0.4  0.2  0.6  0.5

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Pers/fam Assets        0.9  0.5  0.4  0.9  1.0  1.0

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Sale of Assets         0.2  0.5  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3

Source of Non-borrowed Capl for Owner@4: Owner's Savings        0.6  0.9  0.8  1.5  1.2  0.8

Source of Non-borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Other Source        0.3  0.6  0.6  0.4  0.3  0.4

Source of Non-borrowed Capital for Owner@4: Not Reported        0.2  0.7  0.6  0.8  0.4  0.5

Source of Non-borrowed Capital for Owner@4: N/A@13              0.9  0.7  0.9  0.5  1.1  1.1

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing..@13: Did Not Occur    0.6  0.7  0.5  1.2  0.5  1.0

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: $ Reserves      0.8  0.8  0.5  0.7  0.9  1.1

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing..@13: Invested Capl    0.4  0.4  0.1  0.8  0.8  0.5

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: Delay Paymt     0.4  0.9  0.6  0.5  0.5  0.6

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: Other           0.3  0.7  0.9  0.8  0.7  0.6

Meas Taken If this Bus Was Not Producing...@13: Not Reptd       1.0  0.7  1.0  0.9  1.2  1.3

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: None        0.7  0.6  0.4  0.5  0.7  1.2

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: <12         0.5  0.8  0.4  0.7  0.8  0.8

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 12 to 23    0.3  0.3  0.4  0.4  0.8  0.6

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 24-35       0.3  0.7  0.4  0.6  0.5  0.4

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 36-47       0.4  0.4  0.4  0.5  0.8  0.7

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: 48+         0.6  0.9  1.0  0.9  1.5  1.2

Weeks Spent by Owner Managing/working in the Bus@4: Not Rept    0.2  0.6  0.4  0.6  0.8  0.5

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: None            0.7  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.7  1.2

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: <10 Hrs         0.8  0.5  0.7  0.8  1.3  0.9

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 10 to 19 Hrs    0.5  0.5  0.9  0.6  0.9  0.8

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 20 to 29 Hrs    0.3  0.6  0.6  0.6  0.9  0.6

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 30 to 39 Hrs    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.5  0.4

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 40 Hrs          0.4  0.4  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.5

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 41 to 49 Hrs    0.5  0.5  0.6  0.5  0.6  0.9

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 50 to 59 Hrs    0.4  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.3  0.7

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: 60 Hrs+         0.2  0.7  0.5  0.8  0.7  0.2

Avg Hrs/week Spent by Owner Managing/working@4: Not Reptd       0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.6

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: No Assistance Rec    0.7  1.1  0.7  0.9  0.8  0.9

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Fed Govt             0.2  0.4  0.4  0.3  0.2  0.3

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: State/local Govt     0.1  0.1  0.3  0.7  0.3  0.1

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: College or Univ      0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.2

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Bus/franchisor       0.1  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Other Source         0.8  1.1  0.5  0.9  0.7  1.0

Owner Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@13: Not Reptd            0.2  0.5  0.5  0.7  0.3  0.4

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: No Assist Recd         1.1  1.3  0.7  1.0  0.7  1.5

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Fed Govt               0.2  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.2  0.4

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: State/local Govt       0.1  0.1  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.1

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: College/univ           0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.2

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Bus/franchisor         0.2  0.2  0.2  0.4  0.3  0.3

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Other Source           1.1  1.2  0.6  1.1  0.6  1.5

Firm Recd Grants/training/tech Assist@6: Not Reptd              0.3  0.6  0.5  0.7  0.4  0.5

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire the Bus@6: None        0.9  0.7  0.9  0.5  1.1  1.0

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: <$5,000             1.2  1.1  0.7  1.0  1.5  1.4

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $5,000-$9,999       0.5  0.9  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.8

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $10,000-$24,999     0.4  0.4  0.4  0.8  0.6  0.7

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $25,000-$49,999     0.3  0.4  0.2  0.5  0.4  0.6

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $50,000-$99,999     0.3  0.2  0.1  0.5  0.4  0.4

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $100t-$249,999      0.2  0.1  0.1  0.4  0.2  0.3

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $250t-$999,999      0.1  0.1  0.0  0.2  0.1  0.1

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: $1,000,000+         0.1  0.1  0.0  0.2  0.1  0.1

Tot Capl Needed by Firm to Start/acquire@6: Not Reptd           0.3  0.8  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.5

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: None           0.9  0.8  0.6  1.3  1.1  1.1

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: <10%           0.3  0.2  0.3  0.5  0.3  0.5

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 10 to 24%      0.1  0.2  0.3  0.7  0.2  0.2

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 25 to 49%      0.2  0.4  0.3  0.5  0.2  0.4

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 50 to 74%      0.2  0.2  0.2  0.7  0.3  0.2

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 75 to 99%      0.4  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.5

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: 100%           0.3  0.3  0.4  0.3  0.5  0.4

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: Not Reptd      0.3  0.6  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5

% Tot Capl Borrowed by Firm, Bus & Pers Loans@6: N/A@15         0.9  0.7  0.9  0.5  1.1  1.0

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Banking or Coml Lending     0.3  0.6  0.3  0.6  0.4  0.5

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Government-guar Bus Loan    0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Fed, State, Local Govt      0.1  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Investment Company          0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Previous Owner              0.2  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.2  0.3

Source of Borrowed Capl for Firm@6: Trade Credit (Supplier)     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.2

Source of Borrowed Capital for Firm@6: Other Business Loan      0.1  0.2  0.1  0.4  0.1  0.2

Source of Borrowed Capital for Firm@6: Not Reported             0.6  0.8  0.6  0.9  0.6  0.9

Source of Borrowed Capital for Firm@6: N/A@16                   0.7  0.8  0.8  1.3  0.3  1.2

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Did Not Occur           0.8  0.9  0.4  1.0  0.4  1.2

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Relied on Own Income    0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.2

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Invested Addnl Capl     0.3  0.4  0.1  0.8  0.5  0.5

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Rec Help from Family    0.2  0.4  0.2  0.4  0.3  0.2

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Other Measures Taken    0.5  0.9  0.9  1.2  0.8  0.8

Meas Taken by Firm If Not Producing@13: Not Reptd               0.7  1.1  1.0  0.9  0.9  1.1

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Fed Govt                0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.2  0.4

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: State Govt              0.2  0.3  0.3  0.5  0.3  0.3

Cust Accting for 10% or More of Sales@6: Local Government       0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.4  0.3

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Other Bus/corp          0.8  0.5  0.8  1.1  1.1  1.2

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Individuals             0.8  1.5  0.8  1.6  1.1  1.5

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: All Others              0.3  0.4  0.4  0.7  0.2  0.5

Cust Acctng for 10% or More of Sales@6: Not Reptd               0.8  1.0  1.0  0.9  1.3  1.2

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: Neighborhood                5.3  5.1  6.1  7.0  6.4  4.7

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: City/county                 8.7  7.7  6.9  6.6  8.4  9.0

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: Regional                    4.0  2.1  2.0  2.5  3.7  4.4

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: National                    1.1  0.7  0.7  1.3  1.2  1.2

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: International               0.4  0.5  0.2  0.9  0.3  0.5

Area Best Describing Marketplace@6: Not Reptd                   1.7  2.4  2.9  1.5  1.9  1.7

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 25% or less                 0.6  0.7  0.7  1.3  0.7  0.8

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 26 to 50%                   0.3  0.8  0.3  0.5  0.6  0.6

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 51 to 75%                   0.2  0.8  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.4

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: 76 to 90%                   0.2  0.5  0.4  0.8  0.1  0.4

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: More than 90%               0.3  1.0  0.9  0.9  0.5  0.5

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: Don't Know                  0.7  0.9  0.7  1.0  0.8  1.0

% of Minority Cust Served by Bus@6: Not Reptd                   0.3  0.9  0.5  0.8  0.9  0.7

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Profit, $100,000+          0.1  0.1  0.0  0.2  0.1  0.1

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Rptd@6: Net Profit, $25,000-$99,999        0.3  0.6  0.2  0.4  0.2  0.1

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Rptd@6: Net Profit, $10,000-$24,999        0.5  0.7  0.3  0.8  0.5  0.8

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Profit, <$10,000           0.7  1.1  1.2  1.2  1.1  1.1

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, <$10,000             0.6  1.0  0.4  0.8  0.8  0.7

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, $10,000-$24,999      0.3  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, $25,000-$99,999      0.2  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.2  0.3

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, $100,000+            0.1  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1

Bus Net Bef Taxes as Reported@6: Net Loss, Not Reptd            0.4  1.0  0.6  1.0  0.8  0.8

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: None                  0.8  0.7  0.4  1.0  1.4  0.9

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: <10%                  0.8  1.1  0.5  0.9  0.6  1.2

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 10 to 24%             0.4  0.5  0.6  0.8  0.4  0.6

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 25 to 49%             0.4  0.5  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.5

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 50 to 74%             0.2  0.5  0.4  0.6  0.4  0.3

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 75 to 99%             0.4  0.4  0.5  0.5  0.4  0.6

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: 100%                  0.5  0.8  0.5  0.8  0.9  0.9

Percent of Owner's Tot Personal Income@4: Not Reptd             0.3  0.6  0.5  0.5  0.4  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Strong Pos          0.2  0.5  0.1  0.4  0.2  0.4

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Minor Pos           0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.4

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Neutral             0.6  0.5  0.4  0.9  0.6  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Minor Neg           0.3  0.2  0.2  0.6  0.6  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Strong Neg          0.4  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.3  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, N/A                 0.7  1.2  0.7  1.4  0.8  1.2

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Don't Know          0.7  0.7  0.6  0.8  0.9  1.4

Impact on Profit@6: Health Insurance Costs, Not Reptd           0.3  0.9  0.8  0.4  0.7  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Cond, Strong Pos              0.2  0.4  0.2  0.5  0.4  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Cond, Minor Pos               0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Neutral           0.6  0.5  0.4  1.0  0.8  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Minor Neg         0.2  0.4  0.2  0.5  0.5  0.4

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Strong Neg        0.6  0.6  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.7

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, N/A               0.7  1.1  0.8  1.3  1.0  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Don't Know        0.6  0.9  0.9  1.0  0.7  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: Credit Market Conditions, Not Reptd         0.3  0.7  0.7  0.6  0.8  0.6

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Strong Pos           0.2  0.3  0.5  0.4  0.2  0.4

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Minor Pos            0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Neutral              0.5  0.5  0.6  1.0  0.8  0.9

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Minor Neg            0.4  0.5  0.3  0.7  0.6  0.4

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Strong Neg           0.6  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.4  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, N/A                  0.6  1.2  0.8  1.4  0.8  1.0

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Don't Know           0.7  0.9  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: IRS Regs or Penalties, Not Reptd            0.3  0.7  0.8  0.5  0.9  0.7

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Strong Pos              0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Minor Pos               0.2  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.2  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Neutral                 0.7  0.8  0.6  0.9  0.7  0.9

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Minor Neg               0.3  0.3  0.3  0.5  0.3  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Strong Neg              0.3  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.3  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, N/A                     0.7  1.0  0.7  1.4  1.0  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Don't Know              0.6  0.8  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: Environmental Regs, Not Reptd               0.2  0.7  0.6  0.6  0.9  0.7

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Strong Pos        0.1  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.1  0.2

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Minor Pos         0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.3  0.1

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities , Neutral          0.7  0.4  0.4  1.0  0.7  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities , Minor Neg        0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities , Strong Neg       0.1  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.2

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, N/A               0.9  1.0  0.8  1.4  1.0  1.6

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Don't Know        0.8  0.6  0.8  1.0  0.8  1.4

Impact on Profit@6: American w/ Disabilities, Not Reptd         0.3  0.6  0.7  0.6  0.8  0.7

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Stong pos         0.1  0.1  0.3  0.5  0.2  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Minor pos         0.1  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.4  0.2

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Neutral           0.8  0.6  0.5  1.0  0.6  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Minor Neg         0.2  0.4  0.3  0.4  0.3  0.4

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Strong Neg        0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , N/A               0.7  1.0  0.8  1.4  1.1  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Don't Know        0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0  0.9  1.4

Impact on Profit@6: Occup Safety/Health Act , Not Reptd         0.3  0.7  0.7  0.6  0.9  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Neutral                0.8  0.7  0.5  1.2  0.5  1.3

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Minor Neg              0.7  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.5  0.9

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Strong Neg             0.6  0.8  0.5  0.4  0.6  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, N/A                    0.3  1.2  0.6  1.2  1.0  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Don't Know             0.5  1.0  0.7  0.6  0.8  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: Lack of Fin Capital, Not Reptd              0.4  0.7  0.5  0.7  0.8  0.9

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Neutral                              0.4  0.7  0.5  1.0  0.5  0.8

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Minor Neg Impact                     0.3  0.5  0.2  0.5  0.4  0.5

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Strong Neg Impact                    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.1  0.3

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, N/A                                  0.6  1.2  0.5  1.2  0.9  1.1

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Don't Know                           0.8  0.8  0.6  0.7  0.8  1.4

Impact on Profit@6: Crime, Not Reported                         0.3  0.7  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.7

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: None                0.1  0.3  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.2

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: Less than 10%       0.1  0.2  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 10 to 24%           0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 25 to 49%           0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.1

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 50 to 74%           0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: 75%+                0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: Don't Know         0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12 92@6: Not Reptd             0.2  0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2

% Women Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12,1992@6: N/A@18              0.4  0.5  0.2  0.5  0.5  0.6

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 25% or less     0.4  0.2  0.1  0.3  0.3  0.6

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 26 to 50%       0.1  0.2  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 51to 75%        0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 76 to 90%       0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: 90% or more     0.1  0.2  0.2  0.4  0.1  0.2

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: Don't Know      0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.1

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: Not Reptd       0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3

% Minority Emp, Pay Period Incl Mar 12, 1992@6: N/A@18          0.4  0.5  0.2  0.5  0.5  0.6

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: Yes                  0.2  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.3

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: No                   0.4  0.3  0.1  0.4  0.5  0.6

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: Not Reported         0.1  0.2  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1

Offered Retirement Plan(s) to Employees@6: N/A@18               0.4  0.5  0.2  0.5  0.5  0.6

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: Yes                         0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.3

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: No                          0.3  0.4  0.2  0.5  0.5  0.4

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: Not Reported                0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

Offered Health Plan to Employees@6: N/A@18                      0.4  0.5  0.2  0.5  0.5  0.6

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Too High Priced            0.2  0.2  0.2  0.4  0.1  0.3

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Rejected by Insurers       0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Dropped by Insurer         0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Not Needed by Emps         0.2  0.3  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.3

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: High Emp Turnover          0.1  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Administrative Burden      0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Not Desired by Emps        0.1  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.1

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Don't Know                 0.1  0.2  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Other Reason               0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.2

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: Not Reptd                  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2

No Health Plan Was Offered to Emp@6: N/A@18                     0.3  0.5  0.1  0.5  0.5  0.4

50% or More Owned or Ctrld by Close Relatives@6: Yes            1.7  1.8  2.3  2.2  2.0  2.7

50% or More Owned or Ctrld by Close Relatives@6: No             1.6  1.6  2.4  2.3  1.7  2.5

50% or More Owned or Ctrld by Close Relatives@6: Not Reptd      0.3  0.8  1.0  0.9  0.4  0.5

Franchise During 1992@6: Yes                                    0.2  0.2  0.3  0.5  0.4  0.4

Franchise During 1992@6: No                                     0.4  0.9  0.8  0.6  0.9  0.7

Franchise During 1992@6: Not Reported                           0.3  0.9  0.7  0.3  0.7  0.4

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: Yes           0.6  1.4  1.2  1.0  0.8  0.7

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: No            0.6  0.8  1.0  1.1  0.4  0.8

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: Don't Know    0.3  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3

Operated Primarily From/in a Home When 1st Est@6: Not Reptd     0.3  0.9  0.4  0.2  0.7  0.4

Operated Primarily from or in a Home During 1992@6: Yes         0.6  1.6  1.1  1.0  0.7  0.8

Operated Primarily from or in a Home During 1992@6: No          0.4  1.0  0.9  1.1  0.4  0.7

Operated Primarily from or in a Home During 92@6: Not Reptd     0.4  1.0  0.4  0.5  0.8  0.5

Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: to Produce G/s on the Premises     0.6  1.2  0.8  1.1  0.8  0.9

Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: Clerical Work (G/s Elsewhere)      0.7  1.0  0.7  0.7  0.8  0.9

Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: Telecommute(outside Employment)    0.4  0.2  0.4  0.7  0.5  0.8

Home-based Buses' Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: Not Reptd        0.5  1.3  0.8  0.5  0.8  0.8

Home-based Buses' Prim Bus Use of this Home@6: N/A@19           0.4  0.8  0.9  0.9  0.5  0.7

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Arabic             0.2  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.3

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Chinese            0.2  0.1  0.1  1.1  0.2  0.3

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: English            0.4  1.0  0.5  0.9  0.9  0.5

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: French             0.3  0.3  0.4  0.4  0.3  0.5

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: German             0.2  0.2  0.1  0.4  0.3  0.5

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Greek              0.1  0.1  0.0  0.2  0.3  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Hindi (Urdu)       0.1  0.1  0.0  0.3  0.1  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Italian            0.2  0.3  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.3

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Japanese           0.1  0.1  0.1  0.4  0.2  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Korean             0.1  0.1  0.1  0.6  0.1  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Polish             0.2  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.3  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Portuguese         0.1  0.3  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Russian            0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Spanish            0.3  1.2  0.4  1.1  0.4  0.3

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Tagalog            0.2  0.2  0.1  0.5  0.2  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Vietnamese         0.2  0.1  0.1  0.6  0.2  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Other Language     0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.2

Language Transactions Can Be Conducted In@6: Not Reptd          0.4  1.0  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.6

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: Less 1%        0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 1 to 9%        0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.2

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 10 to 24%      0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 25 to 49%      0.1  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.1

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 50 to 74%      0.1  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 75 to 99%      0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: 100%           0.0  0.2  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: Don't Know     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: Not Reptd      0.3  0.8  0.4  0.5  0.8  0.3

% Sales Accounted for by Exp Outside the U.S.@6: N/A@20         0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Africa                    0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Asia                      0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Australia/oceania         0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Canada                    0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Caribbean/cen Amer        0.0  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.0

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Europe                    0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.2

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Japan                     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Mexico                    0.1  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.2

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Middle East               0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: South America             0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: Not Reptd                 0.3  0.8  0.4  0.6  0.7  0.4

Market Dest for 10%+ of 92 Exports@6: N/A@20                    0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, Yes          0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, No           0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, Not Con      0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, Not Reptd    0.2  0.7  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: ITA, Dept of Commerce, N/A@19       0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, Yes        0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, No         0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, Not Con    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, Not Rpt    0.2  0.7  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Small Bus Dev Ctrs, SBA, N/A@20     0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, Yes         0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, No          0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, Not Con     0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, Not Rptd    0.2  0.7  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: MBDA, Dept of Commerce, N/A@20      0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, Yes             0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, No              0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, Not Contact     0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, Not Reptd       0.3  0.8  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Export-Import Bank, N/A@20          0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promotion Agency, Yes     0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promotion Agency, No      0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promo Agency, Not Con     0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promo Agency, Not Rptd    0.2  0.8  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: State Exp Promotion Agcy, N/A@20    0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking or Coml Lending, Yes        0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking or Coml Lending Inst, No    0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking or Coml Lending, Not Con    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking/coml Lending, Not Rptd      0.2  0.7  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Banking/coml Lending, N/A@20        0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Accounting/consulting Firms, Yes    0.1  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Accounting/consulting Firms, No     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Acct/consulting Firms, Not Con      0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Acct/consulting Firms, Not Reptd    0.2  0.7  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Acct/consulting Firms, N/A@20       0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, Yes                   0.1  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, No                    0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, Not Contacted         0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.1

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, Not Reptd             0.3  0.7  0.4  0.4  0.6  0.3

Agcy Helpful for Bus Exp@6: Other Agency, N/A@20                0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: Less than 1 Yr    0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.2

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: 1 to 5 Yrs        0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.1

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: 6 to 10 Yrs       0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.0

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Exp@6: More than 10 Yrs     0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: Not Reptd         0.3  0.7  0.4  0.7  0.7  0.3

Time (bef Dec 31, 1992) Involved in Export@6: N/A@20            0.4  0.7  0.5  0.5  0.8  0.4

Planning on Starting/increasing Exp in the Future@6: Yes        0.2  0.4  0.3  0.3  0.2  0.4

Planning on Starting/increasing Exp in the Future@6: No         0.6  0.9  0.6  0.7  0.6  0.8

Planning on Starting/increasing Exp in Future@6: Not Reptd      0.5  0.8  0.7  0.8  0.6  0.7

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Very Imp                 0.2  0.3  0.3  0.4  0.2  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Somewhat Imp             0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.2

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Not Imp                  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.7  0.4  0.6

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, N/A                      1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  1.0  1.5

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Don't Know               0.5  0.7  0.5  0.8  0.7  0.9

Ability to Export@6: Export Financing, Not Reptd                0.7  1.1  0.8  1.2  0.5  1.2

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Very Imp        0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.4  0.2

Ability to Export@6: Opportunity Info, Somewhat Imp             0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.1  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Not Imp         0.3  0.4  0.4  0.5  0.4  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, N/A             0.9  1.0  1.0  1.2  1.1  1.5

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Don't Know      0.4  0.8  0.4  0.8  0.7  0.7

Ability to Export@6: Info on Exp Opportunities, Not Reptd       0.6  1.1  0.7  1.2  0.4  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Very Imp       0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.3  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restriction, Somewhat Imp    0.3  0.1  0.1  0.3  0.2  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Not Imp        0.3  0.5  0.3  0.6  0.4  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, N/A            0.9  1.1  1.0  1.2  1.1  1.3

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Don't Know     0.5  0.6  0.5  0.8  0.7  0.8

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Trade Restrictions, Not Reptd      0.7  1.2  0.7  1.1  0.4  1.2

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Very Imp          0.2  0.3  0.2  0.5  0.3  0.3

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Somewhat Imp      0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.3

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Not Imp           0.3  0.4  0.3  0.6  0.4  0.4

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, N/A               0.9  1.1  1.0  1.4  1.0  1.3

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Don't Know        0.5  0.7  0.5  0.9  0.7  0.9

Ability to Export@6: U.S. Trade Restrictions, Not Reptd         0.6  1.2  0.8  1.2  0.4  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Very Imp              0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Somewhat Imp          0.3  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Not Imp               0.3  0.5  0.4  0.5  0.4  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, N/A                   0.9  1.0  1.1  1.4  1.0  1.5

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Don't Know            0.5  0.7  0.4  0.8  0.7  0.8

Ability to Export@6: Foreign Competition, Not Reptd             0.7  1.2  0.8  1.1  0.4  1.3

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Very Imp           0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.2  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Somewhat Imp       0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Not Imp            0.3  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.5  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, N/A                0.9  1.2  1.0  1.2  1.1  1.4

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Don't Know         0.5  0.6  0.5  0.8  0.7  0.8

Ability to Export@6: Price of this Bus Exps, Not Reptd          0.6  1.1  0.7  1.3  0.6  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Very Imp             0.2  0.4  0.2  0.3  0.3  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Somewhat Imp         0.2  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Not Imp              0.4  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.4  0.5

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, N/A                  0.8  1.1  1.0  1.4  1.0  1.3

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Don't Know           0.5  0.6  0.5  0.8  0.6  0.8

Ability to Export@6: Dollar Exchange Rate, Not Reptd            0.6  1.1  0.7  1.2  0.6  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Very Imp       0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.3

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restriction, Somewhat Imp    0.2  0.3  0.2  0.4  0.2  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Not Imp        0.4  0.4  0.3  0.7  0.3  0.5

Ability to Export@6: Local Environmental Restrictions, N/A      0.7  1.1  1.0  1.5  1.0  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Don't Know     0.4  0.7  0.4  0.9  0.7  0.7

Ability to Export@6: Local Environ Restrictions, Not Reptd      0.6  1.2  0.8  1.2  0.6  1.1

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Very Imp                     0.1  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.2

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Somewhat Imp                 0.0  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.1  0.0

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Not Imp                      0.3  0.3  0.3  0.5  0.3  0.4

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, N/A                          0.6  0.6  0.5  0.7  0.6  1.0

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Don't Know                   0.4  0.7  0.4  0.5  0.4  0.6

Ability to Export@6: Other Issues, Not Reptd                    0.7  0.8  0.7  1.1  0.7  1.3

Exp Increase to Canada as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Yes          0.1  0.2  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.1

Exp Increase to Canada as a Result of the NAFTA@6: No           0.5  0.9  0.9  1.1  1.0  1.0

Exp Increase to Canada as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Not Reptd    0.5  0.9  0.8  1.0  1.1  1.0

Exp Increase to Mexico as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Yes          0.1  0.3  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.2

Exp Increase to Mexico as a Result of the NAFTA@6: No           0.6  0.8  0.9  1.0  1.0  1.1

Exp Increase to Mexico as a Result of the NAFTA@6: Not Reptd    0.6  0.9  0.9  1.0  1.1  1.2

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Can, Result of NAFTA@6: Yes           0.0  0.1  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.0

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Can, Result of NAFTA@6: No            0.5  1.0  0.8  1.3  1.0  1.1

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Can, Result of NAFTA@6: Not Reptd     0.4  1.0  0.7  1.3  1.0  1.0

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Mex, Result of NAFTA@6: Yes           0.1  0.3  0.1  0.3  0.1  0.1

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Mex, Result of NAFTA@6: No            0.6  1.1  0.9  1.2  1.0  1.2

Prod Fac Will Relocate to Mex, Result of NAFTA@6: Not Reptd     0.6  1.1  0.9  1.1  1.0  1.2

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Author: Durwin Knutson, Company Statistics. Revised March142008.
Census Home CBO