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ICM in Action

Check back regularly to read about how the ICM Pioneer Sites are implementing ICM concepts and strategies to proactively manage congestion in their corridors:

Oakland, California
Corridor managers in Oakland, CA, implemented early stage ICM strategies when a major freeway interchange collapsed on April 30, 2007. Corridor partners immediately acted to offer free transit rides and added multiple cars to their rapid transit line to accommodate the influx of travelers. Because the collapse occurred where three highways converge, authorities estimated it could cause problems for hundreds of thousands of commuters. The USDOT ICM Initiative is studying this incident to see whether it can be used to model ICM strategies.

Houston, Texas
In Houston, TX, corridor managers minimized traffic impacts from a jackknifed tractor trailer collision that occurred in mid-May 2007 by working together to shift travel patterns along the affected freeway using some of their emerging ICM strategies. Media outlets gave traveler conflicting diversion guidance with some encouraging travelers to divert to interior local roads. One outlet however specifically recommended a wide area diversion strategy called for in the Houston, TX, ICM concept. Soon, when their ICM strategies are firmly in place, these agencies will be able to disseminate consistent diversion guidance to travelers through the media and traveler information sources.

Visit the ICM Pioneer Sites web page for more information on the various ICM strategies being developed, modeled, and tested at the ICM Pioneer Sites.

Updated October 9, 2008 4:12 PM