U.S. Census Bureau

Surveys of Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises


The surveys collect data on the race, gender, and ethnicity for the person(s) owning the majority of rights, equity, or interest in the business. These data are needed to evaluate the changes in the extent and growth of business ownership and activities by minorities and women. This also provides a framework for assessing and directing Minority Business Development Agency, Small Business Administration, and other Federal, state, and local government business assistance programs; and helps to establish new business development programs and policies.

Furthermore, the data are widely used by private firms and individuals to evaluate their own businesses and markets, by the media for news stories, and by researchers and academia for determining firm characteristics, and by the legal profession in evaluating the concentration of minority businesses in particular industries and/or geographic areas. Surveys of Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
Company Statistics Division.
Phone Number: 301.763.3316
              Revised March 2003