U.S. Census Bureau
 Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS)

Annual Statistics: 2007

Table 10.  Vacant For-Rent Units, by Selected Characteristic for the United States:
                  1960, 1970, 1975, and 1980 to 2007
(Percent distribution may not add to 100, due to rounding)

Characteristic                                  1960        1970        1975        1980        1981        1982        1983        1984

Rooms in unit, total....................         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 and 2 rooms.........................          30          25          20          19          19          18          16          16
  3 rooms...............................          27          27          27          25          27          29          28          26
  4 rooms...............................          22          26          32          31          30          29          32          34
  5 rooms or more.......................          21          22          21          25          24          24          25          25
  Median number or rooms................         3.3         3.4         3.6         3.7         3.6         3.6         3.7         3.7

Bedrooms in unit, total.................         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  No bedrooms...........................          15          19          14          14          14          12          11          11
  1 bedroom.............................          45          35          35          34          36          37          36          34
  2 bedrooms............................          29          34          39          38          36          37          38          41
  3 bedrooms or more....................          11          12          12          14          14          14          15          14

Housing units in structure, total......          100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 unit................................          33          25          18          20          21          23          22          22
  2 units...............................          20          14          13          14          14          14          13          13
  3 and 4 units.........................          16          14          13          14          15          15          14          15
  5 to 9 units..........................          12          16          19          15          14          15          16          16
  10 units or more......................          19          31          37          37          36          33          34          35
  Mobile homes..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)

Duration of vacancy, total.............…         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than 1 month.....................          31          35          34          37          39          35          35          34
  1 to 2 months.........................          15          14          15          17          16          17          17          17
  2 to 4 months.........................          17          16          17          17          17          17          18          18
  4 to 6 months.........................           9           8          10           9           8          10          10          10
  6 months or more......................          28          27          24          20          20          21          21          21
    6 to 12 months......................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
    1 to 2 years........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
    2 years or more.....................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)

Year structure built, total.............         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1970 or later.........................         (NA)         19          23          25          25          26          30          36
  1960 to 1969..........................         (NA)          7          17          16          16          16          15          13
  1950 to 1959..........................         (NA)         10           9          10          11          10           9          10
  1940 to 1949..........................         (NA)         11           8           8           9           9           9           9
  1939 or earlier.......................         (NA)         53          43          41          39          39          37          32

Monthly rent, total.....................         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than $100........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $100 to $199..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $200 to $249..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $250 to $299..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $300 to $399..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $400 to $499..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $500 to $599..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $600 to $699..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $700 to $799..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
  $800 or more..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)
Median rent
(Actual dollars)........................          53          82         136         211         226         245         267         289
(2007 constant dollars)...............……        395         412         502         532         520         531         556         577

Table 10.  Vacant For-Rent Units, by Selected Characteristic for the United States:
                  1960, 1970, 1975, and 1980 to 2007 - Continued

Characteristic                                  1985        1986        1987        1988        1989     1989\r         1990        1991

Rooms in unit, total....................         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 and 2 rooms.........................          16          14          13          14          13         13          13          13
  3 rooms...............................          28          30          31          30          29         28          27          27
  4 rooms...............................          33          34          35          35          36         37          36          36
  5 rooms or more.......................          23          22          21          20          23         23          24          24
  Median number or rooms................         3.7         3.7         3.7         3.6         3.7         3.7         3.8         3.8

Bedrooms in unit, total.................         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  No bedrooms...........................          10           9           9           9           9          8           8           9
  1 bedroom.............................          37          38          38          38          37         36          35          35
  2 bedrooms............................          40          40          40          41          42         43          44          43
  3 bedrooms or more....................          13          12          12          12          12         13          13          13

Housing units in structure, total......          100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 unit................................          20          18          17          16          16         15          15          14
  2 units...............................          12          12          11          11          11         11          11          11
  3 and 4 units.........................          14          14          14          14          13         13          14          13
  5 to 9 units..........................          18          18          18          18          19         18          16          17
  10 units or more......................          36          39          40          42          41         39          39          41
  Mobile homes..........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)         4           5           4

Duration of vacancy, total..............         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than 1 month.....................          33          31          29          28          30         30          31          29
  1 to 2 months.........................          17          16          16          16          18         18          17          17
  2 to 4 months.........................          18          19          20          19          19         19          17          19
  4 to 6 months.........................          10          11          11          10          10         10          10          10
  6 months or more......................          22          23          24          25          23         23          25          25
    6 to 12 months......................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)         11          10         10          10          11
    1 to 2 years........................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          8           8          8           9           8
    2 years or more.....................         (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          6           5          5           6           6

Year structure built, total.............         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1970 or later.........................          42          46          46          45          43         44          43          42
  1960 to 1969..........................          13          12          13          14          14         14          15          16
  1950 to 1959..........................          10          11          11          10          10         10          10          10
  1940 to 1949..........................           9           7           7           9           9          9           8           9
  1939 or earlier.......................          27          23          23          23          23         23          24          23

Monthly rent, total.....................       100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than $100........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)           2           1           2
  $100 to $199..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          12          11           8
  $200 to $249..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          12          10           9
  $250 to $299..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          14          12          10
  $300 to $399..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          22          21          21
  $400 to $499..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)          14          15          17
  $500 to $599..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)           9          10          12
  $600 to $699..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)           6           7           8
  $700 to $799..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)           4           4           4
  $800 or more..........................       (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)        (NA)           6           8           8
Median rent
(Actual dollars)........................        305         329         330         343         358         346         371         398
(2007 constant dollars)...............……        588         622         602         601         599         579         589         606

Table 10.  Vacant For-Rent Units, by Selected Characteristic for the United States:
                  1960, 1970, 1975, and 1980 to 2007 - Continued

Characteristic                                  1992        1993     1993\r         1994        1995        1996        1997        1998

Rooms in unit, total....................         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 and 2 rooms.........................         13          13          13          14          14          14          13          12
  3 rooms...............................         29          26          26          26          26          24          26          24
  4 rooms...............................         35          36          36          35          35          36          36          36
  5 rooms or more.......................         23          24          25          25          25          25          26          28
  Median number or rooms................        3.7         3.8         3.8         3.8         3.8          3.8         3.8         3.9

Bedrooms in unit, total.................        100         100         100         100         100          100         100         100
  No bedrooms...........................          8           8           8           4           4           4           4           3
  1 bedroom.............................         38          36          36          36          37          36          35          34
  2 bedrooms............................         41          42          43          45          44          46          45          46
  3 bedrooms or more....................         13          13          13          15          15          14          16          17

Housing units in structure, total......         100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 unit................................         15          15          15          17          20          19          21          22
  2 units...............................         11          10          10          11          11          12          12          10
  3 and 4 units.........................         14          14          14          12          13          13          13          12
  5 to 9 units..........................         17          18          18          16          16          15          15          16
  10 units or more......................         39          40          40          39          36          36          34          33
  Mobile homes..........................          4           3           3           4           5           5           5           6

Duration of vacancy, total..............        100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than 1 month.....................         29          28          27          31          29          29          29          29
  1 to 2 months.........................         16          16          16          18          19          19          19          19
  2 to 4 months.........................         20          20          20          18          19          19          20          19
  4 to 6 months.........................         10          11          11          11          11          10          10          11
  6 months or more......................         26          25          25          23          22          23          22          23
    6 to 12 months......................         12          11          11          11          11          11          11          12
    1 to 2 years........................          9           9           9           7           7           7           6           6
    2 years or more.....................          5           5           5           6           4           5           5           5

Year structure built, total.............        100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1970 or later.........................         40          41          41          41          42          44          44          45
  1960 to 1969..........................         17          16          16          16          14          14          14          14
  1950 to 1959..........................         10          10          10          11          12          11          12          11
  1940 to 1949..........................          9           9           9           9          10           9           9          10
  1939 or earlier.......................         25          24          24          23          22          23          22          20

Monthly rent, total.....................        100         100         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than $100........................          1           1           1           2           2           2           1           1
  $100 to $199..........................          7           5           5           5           4           4           3           3
  $200 to $249..........................          8           7           7           7           6           4           5           4
  $250 to $299..........................          9          10          10           8           8           7           9           8
  $300 to $399..........................         22          21          21          22          23          24          23          21
  $400 to $499..........................         19          20          19          20          19          20          18          19
  $500 to $599..........................         12          13          13          14          14          14          14          15
  $600 to $699..........................          8           8           8           8           9           8           8          10
  $700 to $799..........................          5           5           5           5           5           5           5           5
  $800 or more..........................          9          10          10          10          11          12          13          13
Median rent
(Actual dollars)........................        411         431         430         429         438          444         442         461
(2007 constant dollars)...............……        607         618         617         600         596         587         571         586

Table 10.  Vacant For-Rent Units, by Selected Characteristic for the United States:
                  1960, 1970, 1975, and 1980 to 2007 - Continued

Characteristic                                  1999        2000        2001        2002     2002\r         2003

Rooms in unit, total....................         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 and 2 rooms.........................         13          11          10           9           9          10
  3 rooms...............................         24          25          25          25          25          24
  4 rooms...............................         36          36          37          35          35          35
  5 rooms or more.......................         28          28          29          31          31          31
  Median number or rooms................         3.9         3.9        3.9         4.0         4.0         4.0

Bedrooms in unit, total.................         100         100         100         100         100         100
  No bedrooms...........................          4           3           2           2           2           3
  1 bedroom.............................         34          33          35          34          34          33
  2 bedrooms............................         46          47          45          46          46          46
  3 bedrooms or more....................         16          17          17          18          18          18

Housing units in structure, total......          100         100         100         100         100         100
  1 unit................................         26          26          29          28          28          26
  2 units...............................         10           8           7           7           7           8
  3 and 4 units.........................         13          12          11          11          11          11
  5 to 9 units..........................         17          16          15          15          15          14
  10 units or more......................         28          33          33          35          35          35
  Mobile homes..........................          6           6           6           5           5           5

Duration of vacancy, total.............…         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than 1 month.....................         27          28          28          26          26          24
  1 to 2 months.........................         19          20          20          21          21          20
  2 to 4 months.........................         20          19          20          21          21          21
  4 to 6 months.........................         10          11          11          11          11          12
  6 months or more......................         24          23          22          21          21          23
    6 to 12 months......................         11          12          11          10          10          12
    1 to 2 years........................          7           6           6           6           6           6
    2 years or more.....................          5           6           5           5           5           5

Year structure built, total.............         100         100         100         100         100         100
  1970 or later.........................         47          49          51          53          53          54
  1960 to 1969..........................         14          15          13          13          13          13
  1950 to 1959..........................         10          11          10           9           9          10
  1940 to 1949..........................          9           9           8           8           8           7
  1939 or earlier.......................         19          17          17          17          18          17

Monthly rent, total.....................         100         100         100         100         100         100
  Less than $100........................          1           1           1           1           1           1
  $100 to $199..........................          3           3           3           1           1           1
  $200 to $249..........................          4           4           3           3           3           2
  $250 to $299..........................          7           7           5           4           4           3
  $300 to $399..........................         24          22          19          16          16          15
  $400 to $499..........................         19          17          17          15          15          15
  $500 to $599..........................         13          14          15          14          14          15
  $600 to $699..........................          9           9          10          11          11          12
  $700 to $799..........................          6           7           8          10          10           9
  $800 or more..........................         15          17          20          24          24          27
Median rent
(Actual dollars)........................         461         483         518         566         568         589
(2007 constant dollars)...............……         574         582         606         652         655         665

Table 10.  Vacant For-Rent Units, by Selected Characteristic for the United States:
                  1960, 1970, 1975, and 1980 to 2007 - Continued

Characteristic                                  2004        2005        2006        2007

Rooms in unit, total....................         100         100         100         100
  1 and 2 rooms.........................          9           9           9           9
  3 rooms...............................         24          24          23          23
  4 rooms...............................         35          33          34          34
  5 rooms or more.......................         33          34          34          33
  Median number or rooms................        4.0         4.0         4.0         4.0

Bedrooms in unit, total.................         100         100         100         100
  No bedrooms...........................          2           2           2           2
  1 bedroom.............................         33          32          32          32
  2 bedrooms............................         45          46          44          44
  3 bedrooms or more....................         20          20          21          22

Housing units in structure, total......          100         100         100         100
  1 unit................................         28          31          31          30
  2 units...............................          8           8           8           7
  3 and 4 units.........................         12          12          11          11
  5 to 9 units..........................         14          14          13          14
  10 units or more......................         34          32          32          33
  Mobile homes..........................          4           5           5           4

Duration of vacancy, total..............         100         100         100         100
  Less than 1 month.....................         24          24          24          23
  1 to 2 months.........................         20          20          19          19
  2 to 4 months.........................         21          21          20          20
  4 to 6 months.........................         13          12          12          13
  6 months or more......................         23          23          24          25
    6 to 12 months......................         12          12          12          13
    1 to 2 years........................          6           7           7           7
    2 years or more.....................          5           4           5           5

Year structure built, total.............         100         100         100         100
  April 1, 2000 or later................          8           8           9          10
  1995 to 3/31/00.......................          6           6           6           6
  1990 to 1994..........................          5           5           6           5
  1980 to 1989..........................         15          14          14          13
  1970 to 1979..........................         19          18          19          19
  1960 to 1969..........................         13          14          13          14
  1950 to 1959..........................          9          11          10           9
  1940 to 1949..........................          8           7           7           7
  1939 or earlier.......................         16          17          17          16

Monthly rent,
specified renter units\1
All spec Rental Units                           100         100         100          100
Less than $300..........................          7           7           4           4
$300 to $349............................          5           4           4           3
$350 to $399............................          7           7           5           5
$400 to $449............................          8           9           6           6
$450 to $499............................          8           8           7           7
$500 to $599............................         14          14          14          13
$600 to $699............................         14          13          12          12
$700 to $799............................          9           9           9          10
$800 or more............................         29          28          28          31
  $800 to $899..........................          8           7           7           8
  $900 to $999..........................          5           5           5           5
$1000 or more...........................         16          16          16          19
  $1000 to $1249........................          6           6           7           8
  $1250 to $1499........................          3           3           4           4
  $1500 or more.........................          6           6           6           7
(Actual dollars)........................        615         605         633         665
(2007 constant dollars)...............……        675         642         651         665

\r Revised.  NA  Not Available.
\1 Excludes one-family homes on 10 acres or more.

 rRevised.  NA  Not Available.
  1Excludes one-family homes on 10 acres or more.

Go to Housing Vacancies and Homeownership Annual Statistics: 2007

Contact Bob Callis or Linda Cavanaugh at (301)763-3199 or visit ask.census.gov for further information on the Housing Vacancy Survey.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: February 20, 2008