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Public Service Announcement: You work hard to keep your students safe from bullies and drugs. But what about chemicals? (Photo of teacher

Use this public service announcement to promote responsible chemical management in your organization. Ask your EPA headquarters contact for more information.

While every school is unique, all schools can benefit from a comprehensive chemical management program to ensure they are safe from chemical risks. A school or school district does not need to immediately implement every aspect of a chemical management program to see positive results. Incrementally incorporating better chemical management into a school district's policies and procedures will lead to improvement as additional aspects are adopted.

What Can You Do?

Most schools need support to conduct a chemical cleanout and implement a prevention program. Building partnerships with others in the community, especially state, tribal, and local government agencies, chemical suppliers and distributors, and waste handlers, is a necessary step in developing a successful chemical management program.

To start a program:

Select the following links for a description of team roles:

Please visit the Resources page for specific guidance on developing a chemical management program.

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