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Northwest/Arctic (10) Telecommunications and Network Services

John Norton
(253) 931-7519

Northwest/Arctic Region (10)
(253) 931-7000

Agencies can save significantly on telecommunication services through GSA's region-specific contracts.

GSA can help agencies find the newest telecommunications products and services that best support their missions. Contact GSA - using the phone numbers or email on the right - to inquire about any telecommunications product or service.

Most importantly, GSA can help agencies sort through the maze of technological options available. GSA's Northwest/Arctic Region provides local telecommunications contract services as well as expanded procurement services to customers in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Products and services offered include:

  • Local telephone service,
  • Long distance and international phone calling plans,
  • Wireless communications,
  • Cell phones, wireless pdas, and smart phones,
  • Internet access,
  • Video teleconferencing,
  • Wire and cable installation and support,
  • Satellite equipment and services,
  • Project integration including design, procurement, installation and follow-on support,
  • And more.

GSA assists customer agencies in defining requirements, identifying solutions, ordering services, and managing the ongoing provision of services, including billing operations. GSA manages voice and data systems for federal agencies in most government-owned and leased buildings in major cities. A variety of advanced voice communications (dial tone) and data transmission facilities are offered to federal agencies on a common-user basis.