STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT DATA: MARCH 1997 OHIO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS State Population Estimate (July, 1997) 11186331 Total Employees Full-Time (Full-time + Equivalent Payroll Function Part-time) Employment March Total 674510 561229 1534747056 Financial Administration 17155 16095 46346358 Central Administration 18011 9626 24097789 Judicial & Legal 18654 17512 44088533 Police Protection 33187 29822 91624806 with Power of Arrest 24035 22457 74628930 Other 9152 7365 16995876 Fire Protection 22919 14160 43895343 Firefighters 21963 13612 42667009 Fire Other 956 548 1228334 Corrections 24341 23999 64961408 Streets & Highways 21947 20766 58696488 Airports 1223 1164 3215159 Water Transportation 53 46 118219 Public Welfare 27668 26709 66001082 Health 22417 20160 51940423 Hospitals 30352 28637 72308178 Social Insurance Admin 2978 2951 9183659 Solid Waste Mgmt 3515 3307 8266318 Sewage Disposal 6471 6362 17602843 Parks & Recreation 11605 8284 18661978 Housing & Comm Dev 5056 4861 11980453 Natural Resources 5095 4687 12423567 Water Supply 7464 7177 19059250 Electric Power 1471 1450 4855214 Gas Supply 67 67 206043 Transit 6381 6106 18607457 Elem & Sec Total 242725 210068 585130421 Instructional 156160 143694 460921064 Other 86565 66374 124209357 Higher Educ. Total 108421 69874 191289983 Instructional 36232 24073 94665997 Other 72189 45801 96623986 Other Education 2297 2225 7767768 Libraries 10266 7366 15096835 State Liquor Stores 2 2 3897 Other & Unallocable 22769 17746 47317584