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Submerged Heritage Preserve Program

image of navigation buoy
Look for this navigation buoy
to start your underwater adventure

Submerged Heritage preserves are historic shipwrecks and other submerged archaeological resources marked by a round mooring buoy, which provides access to the site, and a barrel-shaped navigation buoy.

Lake George's Submerged Heritage preserves opened to divers in 1993, with two preserves-The "Sunken Fleet of 1758" and the motor launch "Forward." In 1995, a third preserve, the "Land Tortoise"-a 1758 floating gun battery, opened. In 1997, a 23-foot-long colonial bateau was submerged at the "Sunken Fleet of 1758" preserve to enhance the site for scuba divers. In 1997-1998, the motor launch "Forward" Preserve, now sometimes referred to as the "Forward" Underwater Classroom, was enhanced by the addition of several stations enabling divers to learn about the ecology of the lake.

Rules and Regulations for Submerged Preserve Sites

New York State and federal laws make these resources the shared cultural and historic legacy and property of the people of New York. These laws help preserve this heritage so that future generations can enjoy and learn it.

image of radeau boat from 1758
The radeau (French for raft) was to
serve as a floating artillery platform
(Thomas Davies drawing 1759)

Please take nothing but photographs. Removing artifacts or damaging resources is forbidden by law and deprives others of the opportunity to view and study them. Removing artifacts or damaging shipwrecks, trail lines, signage or buoys in the preserve system may also jeopardize continuation of the Submerged Heritage Preserve sites. These shipwrecks are fragile; please do not touch them.

If you observe a violation, please report it to authorities by dialing 911, cellular phone*911. All violations will be investigated and violators prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Suggested Reading

The following books are suggested to increase divers' awareness of Lake George's underwater world and promote stewardship of the lake's finite resources.

Abbass, D.K. and Joseph W. Zarzynski. The Radeau Land Tortoise-North America's Oldest Intact Warship. New York: M-Z Information, 1993.

Bellico, Russell P. Sails and Steam in the Mountains-A Maritime and Military History of Lake George and Lake Champlain. New York: Mountain Press, 1992.

Parkman, Francis. Montcalm and Wolfe. Massachusetts: Brown and Company, 1885.

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