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Website Survey

We Value Your Opinion!

Because this is an anonymous survey, we will be unable to reply individually to survey responses. If you have a question, please refer to our contact us page for referrals. All survey responses will be kept confidential, and we will use the collected information only to plan future improvements to the website.

Thank you.

1. About how often do you visit the DEC web site? (select only one)

2. What type of user group best describes you? (select all that apply)

3. How did you find the DEC web site? (select all that apply)

4. What were you looking for on the DEC web site?

5. How easy was it to find the information that you were looking for?
(select only one)

6. If you were unable to find what you were looking for on the DEC site,
did you use the contact us page to find out how to reach DEC staff?

(select only one)

7. What do you like most about our new web site? (select only one)
  • New homepage
  • Left hand navigation
  • Topic based structure
  • Right hand column
  • Bread crumbs at the top of the page
  • New page layout

8. Did you use any of the following features while visiting
the DEC web site?
(select all that apply)

9. Do you find the text on the DEC web site to be easy to read?
(select all that apply)

10. If you use a screen-reader or other assistive technology,
did it work properly at the DEC web site?
(select only one)

11. Do you find information on the DEC web site to be...
(select only one per category)
a. Accurate?
b. Complete?
c. Easy to understand?

12. Is there any information that we should add to this site?
(select only one)

13. If there is anything else that you would like to tell
the webmaster of this site, please do so below.