BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Houston, TX

Middle East / North Africa Trade Mission

Get There Now!  The Jordan and Egypt Trade Mission lead by the Commerce Department in Houston

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Opportunities Await in the Middle East and North Africa, Where the Business is Hotter than the Sand.

U.S. participants are sought for the Women and Minority Business Trade Mission to Jordan and Egypt. Offered by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Commercial Service, the trade mission will put you in direct contact with prospective representatives, distributors, partners, and end-users in dynamic markets. Women and minority-owned firms as well as high-level executives are encouraged to apply.  For direct contact and further information from the trade mission leader, please fill out this simple form below and download the iterinery on this page.

 Key US sectors for to Jordan and Egypt: 

  • Telecommunications Equipment and Services
  • Environmental Equipment and Services 
  • Oil and Gas Field Machinery Services
  • Automotive Parts and Service Equipment
  • Electricity and Power Generation Food
  • Processing and Packaging Equipment 
  • Hotel and Restaurant Equipment 
  • Medical Equipment 
  • Educational Training & Services

QUESTIONS? Contact Nya Igambi at  or (713) 209-3112

MENA Trade Mission 2008 (46KB)

MENA 2008 Itinerary (12KB)

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