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SFIS Values Library Service

The Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) Values Library Service is one offering of DoD’s Business Enterprise Information Services (BEIS). Employing a service-oriented architecture (SOA), the SFIS Library Service establishes the authoritative source for the domain values of SFIS data and is accessible anytime, anywhere via the Internet.

The BEIS delivers enterprise business services capabilities to support the Department of Defense (DoD) and provides enterprise-level visibility to the data through the Library Service.   BEIS is a services oriented architecture, utilizing various web services to interact with business systems and users throughout the DoD enterprise.

Much of the codified data used within Department of Defense (DoD) business systems is dynamic. For example country codes are updated regularly. The SFIS library service makes this SFIS data available to the DoD enterprise using a Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. The SFIS Library Service retrieves data from the authoritative sources to publish these domain values of SFIS data*.

The BEIS gathers the domain values for the SFIS data elements from Treasury, Office of Management and Budget, Office of the Undersecretary Defense (Comptroller), the Office of the Undersecretary Defense (AT&L), and the Components.  To ensure the data is delivered to consumers both timely and accurately, the data in the SFIS library service is managed and maintained by data stewards. These domain values are used to build the SFIS Code Value Listing including the code value and its title. The Master Appropriation Data is provided from an interface with U.S. Treasury.

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* Some of the Phase I SFIS data elements are not part of the SFIS Library Service.  Program Report Code, Public Law Number, and Contingency Code are not currently standardized at the Enterprise level.  The Unique Identifiers that are part of the SFIS Phase I data elements are acquired outside the SFIS Library Service.  For each of these, the user interacts with a separate repository to use the unique identifier data. The Unique Identifiers in SFIS Phase I are Demand Unique Identifier, Asset Unique Identifier, Allocation Unique Identifier, and Organization Unique Identifier. Business Partner Number is available at the Business Partner Network website.
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