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Leadership Team Biographies

Paul A. Brinkley, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation

Mr. Brinkley was appointed Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation in March 2005. He joined the Department of Defense in August 2004 as the first Highly Qualified Expert (HQE) appointee under a Congressional program established to attract experts with state-of-the-art knowledge in fields of emerging importance to the Department's mission. Mr. Brinkley leads business transformation for the Department of Defense (DoD), working across the military services and defense agencies to drive rapid transformation of business processes and systems to ensure improved support to the warfighter and improved financial accountability. He also oversees the Business Transformation Agency, the organization accountable for delivery of common processes and systems supporting logistics, acquisition, finance, and personnel activity across the DoD.

In June 2006, Mr. Brinkley was tasked by the Deputy Secretary of Defense to lead the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations, Iraq. The primary focus of the Task Force is to reinvigorate the Iraqi economy, restoring employment and creating prosperity with focused efforts in industrial revitalization, adoption of modern banking practices, private sector development, global market access, and foreign direct investment. Economic vitality is viewed as a cornerstone element of modern counter-insurgency doctrine, helping to reduce violence and improve security for US servicemen and women.

Prior to joining the Department of Defense, Mr. Brinkley served as Senior Vice President of Customer Advocacy and Chief Information Officer for JDS Uniphase Corporation, the world leader in optical technologies used in the communications, display, and security markets with major operations in North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. He also served as Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Management, launching central supply management, planning, scheduling, and logistics functions. While at JDS Uniphase, he led one of the largest, most rapid business transformation efforts in the technology industry sector - migrating 40 acquired companies with over 25,000 employees in locations across North America, Europe, and Asia onto common operations, customer service, personnel, financial, and product development systems and processes in less than 18 months. Mr. Brinkley's earlier experience includes senior management and technical roles in operations, engineering, and information technology with Nortel Networks.

Mr. Brinkley holds bachelor's and master's degrees in industrial engineering from Texas A&M University and completed coursework requirements for a Ph.D. in operations research at North Carolina State University. A licensed professional engineer, he is the recipient of four U.S. patents for systems and process technologies, including a system incorporating unique algorithms for inventory optimization in multi-tiered distribution networks. He has published research on process optimization, production economics, and artificial intelligence in journals including the International Journal of Systems Science, Interfaces, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, and Technometrics. Mr. Brinkley has also served on the economic development advisory council to the Fujian Provincial Government in the People's Republic of China.

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Mark E. Krzysko, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Processes

Mr. Krzysko assumed his position as Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Processes on January 9, 2006. As a senior leader in the Department of Defense (DoD), Mr. Krzysko is driving the implementation of strategic sourcing across the Department. In this role, he is responsible for transforming business capabilities and determining new sourcing opportunities. He also serves as the Department lead for sourcing initiatives across the federal government.

Most recently, Mr. Krzysko served as Director of the Supply Chain Systems Transformation Directorate (SCST). As the focal point for supply chain systems, he was responsible for transformation, implementation and oversight of enterprise-level capabilities for the acquisition, logistics and procurement communities. In addition, Mr. Krzysko advised the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation on supply chain matters and served as the functional process proponent to the Department's Business Transformation efforts. Mr. Krzysko joined the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy office as Deputy Director of E-Business in 2002. He was responsible for transformation of the acquisition community into a strategic business enterprise, including driving the adoption of e-business practices, leading the move to modernize processes and systems, and managing the investment review process and portfolio of business systems. Mr. Krzysko served as the Director of Electronic Commerce Solutions for the Naval Air Systems Command from 2000 to 2002. Prior to this post, he served in various senior-level acquisition positions at the Naval Air Systems Command. In addition, he served as Program Manager of Partnering, the Acquisition Business Process Re-engineering Effort, and as Acquisition Program Manager for the Program Executive Office for Tactical Aircraft.

Mr. Krzysko holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance from the University of Maryland, University College, and a Master of General Administration, Financial Management from the same institution.

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Elizabeth McGrath, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Business Transformation)

Ms. McGrath currently serves as the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Business Transformation). Ms. McGrath's responsibilities include integrating and coordinating with the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) organizations, ensuring all business transformation requirements are aligned to the PSA goals and objectives. Ensuring
coordination maximizes synergies and capabilities between the Under Secretary of Defense functions for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Personnel and Readiness (P&R), and Comptroller (C).

Preceding her current position, Ms. McGrath served as the Deputy Director for Systems Integration, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). At DFAS, Ms. McGrath replaced the Department of Defense's (DoD's) numerous legacy systems via her finance and accounting migration strategy, executed with a collective annual budget of approximately $130M-$1B over the life cycle. Also managing the financial architecture supporting DoD-wide standard financial systems, working to integrate it with the Department's evolving Enterprise Architecture. The project scope included logistics, personnel, medical, acquisition and financial missions including many Acquisition Category IAM and III Programs. Prior to joining DFAS, Ms. McGrath served in a variety of Program Management roles culminating in Program Executive Office (PEO) level oversight responsibility. She possesses extensive knowledge of acquisition-related statutes, regulations and policies with over 15 years applied acquisition experience with Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS). Internationally, she served as the Business and Acquisition Manager with the United Kingdom and held numerous other financial, acquisition and Program Management positions within the U.S. Department of the Navy.

Ms. McGrath holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from George Mason University and is a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute (FEI). She is certified Acquisition Level III in Program Management, Financial Management and Logistics, is a member of the DoD Acquisition Professional Community.

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K. Eileen Giglio , Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategic Plans and Initiatives

Ms. Giglio currently serves as the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategic Plans and Initiatives. Ms. Giglio's responsibilities include coordinating the alignment of strategic Business Transformation efforts with those of other Department initiatives such as Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and Defense Acquisition Performance Assessment Project (DAPA). She is responsible for integration and communication of ideas for business transformation initiatives and will oversee the modeling and testing of assessments applicable to Business Transformation from external reviews. She will ensure these efforts, and others from the Defense Science and Defense Business Boards, are applied efficiently and synergistically for the benefit of the Department. In this capacity Ms Giglio drives change management to result in comprehensive, integrated and transparent processes to support the DUSD (BT) and his direct reports, including the ADUSD for Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Policy. Ms. Giglio also serves as the Director of the Defense Acquisition Performance Assessment Panel Liaison Office and manages the Panel’s resource center, events, implementation issues and responses to inquiries. She is also responsible for the functional requirements for the USXPORTS System and commercial requests for DoD technology exports.

Ms. Giglio formerly served as the Deputy Director of the Defense Acquisition Performance Assessment Project. Prior to that assignment, she served as the Director, Special Projects in the Office of International Technology Security for the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L). During the course of her career, Ms. Giglio has served at the White House, State Department, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and as a Defense Legislative Assistant to Representative Hal Daub (R-Nebraska). She was one of the original employees at the On-Site Inspection Agency, serving as Chief of Congressional Affairs and Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Her career has been dedicated to national security policy issues serving as a government liaison with the press, the Congress and industry.

Ms. Giglio is a Senior Executive Fellow of Harvard University's JFK School of Government. She graduated from the University of Nebraska with a major in Political Science and a minor in German.

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Dennis E. Wisnosky, Chief Technical Officer of the Department of Defense (DoD) Business Mission Area

Mr. Wisnosky is Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Department of Defense (DoD) Business Mission Area within the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation (OUSD (BT)).

As Chief Technical Officer, Mr. Wisnosky is responsible for providing expert guidance and oversight in the design, development, and modification of the federated architectures supporting the Department's Business Mission Area. This role incorporates oversight of the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) - the corporate level systems, processes, and data standards that are common across the DoD, in addition to the business architectures of the services and defense agencies. Mr. Wisnosky ensures that the federated architectures of the BMA fully support the Department's vision, mission, strategy and priorities for Business Transformation, and that each tier of the overall architecture is clearly defined with appropriate focused accountability aligned to the management structure of the DoD. He verifies that the BEA and component architectures remain consistent and compliant with the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), and will support and collaborate with the DoD Components to unify architecture planning, development, and maintenance through a federated approach. Mr. Wisnosky also serves as an advisor on the development of requirements and extension of DoD net-centric enterprise services in collaboration with the office of the DoD Chief Information Officer.

Mr. Wisnosky has over 25 years of experience in Information Technology (IT) consulting and training, including extensive experience in business process reengineering and enterprise architecture efforts. His specialty is deriving solutions to effectively move organizations from their "as-is" state of inefficiency to their "to-be" state of achieving strategic and tactical objectives. Mr. Wisnosky is recognized as a creator of the Integrated Definition (IDEFs) language, the standard for modeling and analysis in management and business improvement efforts. In addition, he is the author of several books including DoDAF Wizdom, considered the decisive source within DoD and other government organizations for managing enterprise architecture projects. Mr. Wisnosky holds a bachelor's degree in Physics and Mathematics fiom California University of Pennsylvania, a master's in Management Science from the University of Dayton, and a master's in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.

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John E. Nyere, Special Assistant for Supply Chain Systems

Mr. Nyere currently serves as the Special Assistant for Supply Chain Systems in the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation.

Mr. Nyere has 34 years of federal sector program management, leadership, technical and functional experience as both a uniformed and private sector professional. His fifteen years of extensive, continually progressive, multifunctional DoD logistics experience included corporate oversight, key leadership positions, materiel management/readiness, supply, maintenance, transportation, and medical service operations/plans/programs. He has eighteen years of information technology (IT) experience principally in logistics, but also in communications and other functional IT systems. For the last seven years, Mr. Nyere headed his own company. During that period, Mr. Nyere was the Y2K test coordinator for logistics. He led the Interface Assessment Working Group, a DoD-wide body, through the process of plan development, test planning, test execution and critical date rollovers. For his Y2K efforts, Mr. Nyere was awarded the Presidential Y2K Medal by the USD (AT&L) for contributions to the nation. Subsequently, he focused on efforts related to enterprise integration and architected logistics processes for the Department of Defense. He contributed to both the Materiel Supply and Services Management components of the Business Enterprise Architecture and the Enterprise Transition Plan.

He is a member of the Supply Chain Council and advises its Technical Development Steering Committee. He recently led the Supply Chain Council's development and release of the Design Chain Operational Reference (DCOR) model Version 1 in March 2006. The DCOR model was originally developed by HP and was conveyed to the Council in 2004. He is a graduate of Washington State University and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.

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