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STS-123 Launch Dress Rehearsal at Kennedy
STS-123 astronauts depart Kennedy in their jets
Back to Houston
At the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the jet aircraft carrying STS-123 crew members line up for takeoff on the return trip to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston for final launch preparations and time with their families before liftoff. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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STS-123 Mission Specialist Takao Doi

Eager to Fly
Mission Specialist Takao Doi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, shows his enthusiasm for his upcoming flight during an interview in Kennedy's news room. The crew of Endeavour will deliver the first section of the Kibo laboratory and the two-armed robotic system called Dextre to the International Space Station. Photo credit: NASA/Amanda Diller
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Endeavour astronauts pose at 195-foot level

Training a Success
After completing a simulated launch countdown, the STS-123 astronauts paused to take a group photo at the 195-foot level of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39A. From left are Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan and Robert L. Behnken, Pilot Gregory H. Johnson, Commander Dominic Gorie, and Mission Specialists Mike Foreman, Garrett Reisman and Takao Doi. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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Mission Specialists Mike Foreman, Takao Doi and Garrett Reisman
Mission Specialists Mike Foreman, Takao Doi and Garrett Reisman are safely secured in their seats inside the orbiter to begin the simulated launch countdown exercise. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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Endeavour astronauts pose in White Room
All Aboard
Pilot Gregory Johnson, left, and Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan pause in front space shuttle Endeavour's open hatch before climbing into their seats for the last TCDT exercise which includes a simulated launch countdown and mock engine cutoff. Photo credit: NASA/Jim Grossmann
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STS-123 astronauts walk out of Operations and Checkout  Building

Headed for the Pad
The crew of mission STS-123 smile and wave as they leave the Operations and Checkout Building on their way to the Launch Pad 39A for a simulated launch countdown exercise. Photo credit: NASA/KimShiflett Photo credit: NASA/Kim
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Mission Specialists Garrett Reisman and Robert Behnken checkout payload bay
Perusing the Payload
Mission Specialists Garrett Reisman, left, and Robert Behnken are harnessed and tethered for safety while they check out the hardware in Endeavour's payload bay. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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STS-123 astronauts practice launch pad egress

Basket Practice
The Endeavour crew members practice leaving the slidewire basket during emergency egress training. Mission Specialist Takao Doi observes as Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan steadies the basket so Mission Specialist Garrett Reisman can jump to the ground. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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STS-123 astronauts pose in front of Endeavour
Standing Shoulder to Shoulder
The STS-123 crew members take a break from training for a group photo in front of space shuttle Endeavour on Launch Pad 39A. From left are Pilot Gregory H. Johnson; Commander Dominic Gorie and Mission Specialists Mike Foreman, Garrett Reisman, Rick Linnehan, Takao Doi and Robert L. Behnken. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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M-113 armored personnel carrier driving training
Driving the M-113
Endeavour Commander Dominic Gorie practices driving an M-113 armored personnel carrier. Behind him are, from left, Mission Specialists Mike Foreman and Garrett Reisman, astronaut rescue team leader Capt. George Hoggard, Pilot Gregory H. Johnson and Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan. Each crew member practices driving the M-113 as part of his training on emergency egress procedures in the unlikely event of an emergency at the launch pad. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan and Pilot Gregory H. Johnson Warm Welcome
Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan and Pilot Gregory H. Johnson share a hearty greeting after arriving at Kennedy's Shuttle Landing Facility. Endeavour's seven astronauts arrived at the space center in T-38 training aircraft for the terminal countdown demonstration test or TCDT. The launch dress rehearsal gives astronauts and ground crews an opportunity to participate in simulated countdown activities, familiarize themselves with the equipment they'll be using during the actual launch and practice emergency evacuation training. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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Elaine M. Marconi
NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center