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Florida DOT District IV 2006 budget supports a variety of SMART SunGuide transportation management center programs.
For the past three years, Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) District IV developed an...(January 2007)

From the 511 Deployment Coalition case study: total costs (to design, implement, and operate for one year) averaged $2.5 million among six statewide systems and $1.8 million among three metropolitan systems.
Since the initial launch of 511 in 2001, numerous statewide and metropolitan traveler information...(November 2006)

Alaska 511 traveler information system under the CARS/511 pooled fund consortium cost approximately $1,210,000 to develop and implement.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) received funds from the...(24 July 2006)

The costs to operate and maintain the Kentucky 511 Traffic and Travel Information System tourism service for 2003 to 2006 was $4,138,213.
The Kentucky 511 Traffic and Travel Information System was expanded to include tourism information...(May 2006)

Florida DOT District IV 2005 budget supports a variety of SMART SunGuide transportation management center programs.
For the past two years, Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) District IV developed an annual...(31 January 2006)

The cost of O&M at the Arizona TMC was estimated at $2 million per year.
The Transportation Management Center Staffing and Scheduling for Day-to-Day Operations technical...(January 2006)

The cost to enhance the Arizona regional, multi-modal 511 traveler information system was just under $1.5 million.
The Arizona 511 Model Deployment included a number of key enhancements to the previous statewide...(30 September 2005)

Annual operating costs for the Greater Yellowstone Regional Traveler and Weather Information Systems (GYRTWIS) 511 system in Montana were about $196,000 per year for 2004 and 2005.
In January 2003, Montana DOT (MDT) implemented its 511 system to provide travelers with traffic...(July 2004 and July 2006)

Sample costs collected by the 511 Deployment Coalition represent what deployers may encounter when planning or implementing a 511 system.
The 511 Coalition collected cost data representative of actual 511 deployments from around the...(May 2004)

The cost to implement the pre-enhanced Arizona Department of Transportation 511 system was estimated at $355,000; operating costs for 2002 were estimated at $137,000.
This report presents an analysis of the existing, pre-enhanced 511 traveler information system...(17 February 2004)

First year funding for the Nebraska 511 traveler information system was $120,000; estimated annual operations and maintenance costs are $110,000.
Nebraska's Department of Roads (NDOR) and the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) have teamed up to deploy...(December 2001/January 2002)



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