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March/April 2008 · Vol. 71 · No. 5

March/April 2008


PEL: A Path to Streamlining And Stewardship
by Gina Barberio, Rachael Barolsky, Michael Culp, and Robert Ritter
FHWA's Planning and Environment Linkages program works to ease project delivery through efficient and integrated decisionmaking.

Scoring Intersection Safety
by Ann H. Do, Daniel Carter, Charles Zegeer, and William Hunter
New indices can help highway engineers create safer environments for pedestrians and bicyclists at intersections.

The Environmental First Lady
by Kathleen A. Bergeron
This tribute to Lady Bird Johnson (1912-2007) pays homage to her efforts to beautify America's highways by encouraging wildflower planting and junkyard screening.

PLAN Go Slows
by Wayne J. Overman and Mark M. Boggs
Tennessee's 25-year, $85 billion transportation plan allows for growth in population, the economy, and freight movement, but the State is looking at different financial options to fund it.

Integrated Corridor Management
by Brian Cronin, Steve Mortensen, and Dale Thompson
USDOT and eight pioneer sites are addressing congestion, empowering travelers, and improving travel time reliability.

March/April 2008 · Vol. 71 · No. 5


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