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News for January 2008

01/31/08Federal Press Release FDA Alerts Health Care Providers to Risk of Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior with Antiepileptic Medications
News article Folic Acid May Help Prevent Premature Birth
News article Health Tip: Boys and Body Image
News article Health Tip: Experience Grief as a Healthy Emotion
News article Mercury in Childhood Vaccines Excreted Quickly
01/30/08Federal Press Release New Study Shows Tobacco Control Programs Cut Adult Smoking Rates
Federal Press Release Study Shows Variety of Approaches Help Children Overcome Auditory Processing and Language Problems
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 30, 2008
News article Concussion Raises PTSD Risk for Iraq Vets
News article Deep Brain Stimulation May Improve Recall
News article Drug-Related Images Trigger Brain's Reward Center
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 30, 2008
News article Health Tip: Teens, Talk With Your Parents
News article Health Tip: Understanding an Aneurysm
News article Heating Plastic Bottles Releases Potentially Harmful Chemical
News article High-Dose Chemo Helps Beat Rare Brain Cancer
News article Middle Age a Low Point for Most
News article Minimally Invasive Surgery Fixes Aneurysms
News article Personality Traits Don't Affect Breast Cancer Risk
News article Protein Linked With Poor Prognosis in Early-Stage Breast Cancer
News article Study Challenges New Benchmark for High-Volume Heart Transplant Hospitals
News article Super Bowl Fans Should Heed Heart Risk Finding
01/29/08Federal Press Release New Report Provides Information on HIV Prevalence in the U.S. Household Population
News article Anti-Clotting Drug Helps Infants With Heart Ills
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 29, 2008
News article Clot-Busting Drug Offers New Approach to DVT
News article Digital Mammography Better Than Film for Some Women
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 29, 2008
News article Health Tip: Risk Factors for Melanoma
News article Health Tip: Coping With a Cough
News article MicroRNAs May Predict Colon Cancer Prognosis
News article Researchers Map Paths Governing Neuron Function
News article Secondhand Smoke Worsens Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
News article Sex Hormones Don't Seem to Affect Prostate Cancer Risk
News article Stents Slightly Better Than Bypass for Blocked Left Coronary Artery
News article Study Finds Both Coated Stents Perform the Same
News article Surgeons' Characteristics Influence Breast Cancer Care
01/28/08News article Alzheimer's Research Target May Be a Dead End
News article Breast-Feeding Protected Mice From Asthma
News article Caffeine Could Spell Trouble for Diabetics
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 28, 2008
News article Cold Meds Send 7,000 U.S. Kids to ER Each Year
News article Diabetes Rates Continue to Soar
News article Diuretics Best for Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome
News article Drop of Flu Vaccine Under Tongue Bars Infection
News article Embryos Discarded During IVF Create Stem Cell Lines
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 28, 2008
News article Health Tip: Exercise for Teens
News article Health Tip: Use Sunscreen Year-Round
News article Mouse Model of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Developed
News article Sedentary Lifestyle Accelerates Aging
News article Study Links Snoring to Chronic Bronchitis
01/27/08News article Health Highlights: Jan. 27, 2008
News article Radon Gas More Deadly Than Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
01/26/08News article Allergy Shots Are Effective Treatment for Symptoms
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 26, 2008
01/25/08News article Anti-Clotting Drug Trial Shortened by Bleeding Problems
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 25, 2008
News article Colonoscopy 'Coaches' Play Lifesaving Role
News article Diabetes' Health Toll Hits $174 Billion Annually
News article Doctors Review End-of-Life Care Guidelines
News article FDA Will Wait for Trial Results on Vytorin
News article Geriatrician Care Guards Against Risk of Inappropriate Meds
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 25, 2008
News article Health Tip: Coping With Urinary Incontinence
News article Health Tip: Don't Suddenly Stop Taking an Antidepressant
News article Newer Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs Lower Production of B Cells
News article Oral Contraceptives Cut Ovarian Cancer Risk
News article Short Birth Length Boosts Men's Suicide Risk
News article Teens, Young Adults Missing Out on Latest Cancer Advances
News article Vitamin E, Lutein May Fight Cataracts
01/24/08News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 24, 2008
News article Driving Skills Decline Among People With Early Alzheimer's
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 24, 2008
News article Health Tip: Pack for the Hospital Before Giving Birth
News article Health Tip: Understanding Shingles
News article Infection With Common Parasite Raises Schizophrenia Risk
News article Key Anthrax Virulence Factor Discovered
News article Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise in Small Trial
News article New Colon Cancer Test Might Spot Trouble Earlier
News article Next Generation of Parents More Likely to Back Genetic Testing
News article Pet Turtles Linked to Rise in Salmonella Infections
News article Putting on Pedometer Helps Walkers Shed Pounds
News article Stem Cells Finally Found in Pancreas
News article Surprise in Lab Helps ID Drug to Fight ALS
01/23/08News article A Little Regular Exercise Extends Men's Lives
News article Advanced Therapy Aids Stroke Patients
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 23, 2008
News article Co-Pays Contribute to Drop in Preventive Care
News article Genetics May Determine Antidepressants' Effectiveness
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 23, 2008
News article Health Tip: Eating During Pregnancy
News article Health Tip: Preventing Back Injury
News article Melanomas Present Unique Appearance
News article New Therapies Could Change Organ Transplants
News article NSAIDs No Better for Low Back Pain
News article Peripheral Arterial Disease Costlier to Treat Than Heart Trouble
News article Specific Brain Region Governs Problem-Solving Skills
News article Surgery Better Than Stents for Multiple Blockages
News article Too Few U.S. Adults Getting Needed Vaccinations
01/22/08News article Another Study Links Western Diet to Heart, Health Risks
News article Caffeine May Lower Ovarian Cancer Risk
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 22, 2008
News article Gastric Lap-Band Surgery Can Send Diabetes Into Remission
News article Genetics Influence Blood Pressure Medications
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 22, 2008
News article Health Tip: Follow Instructions on OTC Pain Relievers
News article Health Tip: Too Many Tears?
News article Hormone Therapy Only Helps Some Older Men With Prostate Cancer
News article Implants Double Infection Risk After Breast Reconstruction
News article Lack of Vitamin E Linked to Physical Decline
News article Liver Cancer Drug Raises Blood Pressure
News article Project Will Map Genomes of 1,000 People Worldwide
News article Same-Sex Couples Just as Committed as Heterosexual Counterparts
News article U.S. Deaths Down From Heart Disease, Stroke
01/21/08News article 'Drug-Free' Stent Coating Shows Promise
News article Different Neural Pathways at Work Going Under, Coming Out of Anesthesia
News article Dinosaurs Had Teen Pregnancies, Too
News article Eating Out Doesn't Guarantee Weight Gain
News article Exercise Program Eases Arthritis
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 21, 2008
News article Health Tip: Before an MRI
News article Health Tip: Learning to Use Crutches
News article High Blood Sugar Boosts Women's Heart Disease Risk
News article New Batch of Lupus Genes Discovered
News article New HIV Drug Sanctioned When Others Fail
News article New Test Screens For Flu and Other Viruses
News article Once Again, Caffeine Linked to Miscarriage
News article One Strain Behind Epidemic of Staph Infections
News article Saline Nasal Wash Helps Kids Fight Colds, Flu
News article Smoking Worsens Prognosis for IPF Patients
News article Two-Drug Combination Approved for High Blood Pressure
01/20/08News article Embryonic Stem Cells Create Healthy Muscle in Mice
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 20, 2008
News article Illness Presents Diabetics With Special Challenges
01/19/08News article FDA Warns Clot Risk Higher in Birth Control Patch Than Pill
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 19, 2008
News article Smallest Air Pollution Particles Hurt Heart Most
01/18/08Federal Press Release FDA Approves New HIV Drug After Priority Review
Federal Press Release FDA Approves Update to Label on Birth Control Patch
News article Aspirin Resistance Boosts Heart Risks in Cardiac Patients
News article Bone-Strengthening Drugs May Be Overprescribed
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 18, 2008
News article Combo Therapy Shows Promise in Treating Brain Tumors
News article DNA Fingerprints Predict Brain Disorders
News article Genes Linked to Height Also Tied to Osteoarthritis Risk
News article Genetically Engineered Clotting Solution Approved
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 18, 2008
News article Health Tip: Douching Isn't Recommended
News article Health Tip: Extreme Shyness
News article Heart Association Renews Call for CPR Training
News article Immune Therapy May Help Some Heart Failure Patients
News article Mediterranean Diet for Mom Fends Off Asthma, Allergies in Kids
News article Mislabeled Supplement Spurred Prostate Cancer: Report
News article Molecule May Trigger Psoriasis
News article Older Surgical Patients Face Greater Risk of Cognitive Problems
01/17/08Federal Press Release FDA Recommendations Regarding Use of OTC Cough and Cold Products
News article Biological Link Between BRCA1 and Breast Cancer Detailed
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 17, 2008
News article Cold Meds Not Safe for Kids Under 2, FDA Warns
News article Gene That Creates Cerebral Cortex Discovered
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 17, 2008
News article Health Tip: Binge Drinking
News article Health Tip: Dealing With a Canker Sore
News article Latest Study Says Statins Don't Slow Alzheimer's
News article Malnutrition Responsible for a Third of Child Deaths Worldwide
News article Minor Leg Injuries Might Boost Blood Clot Risk
News article Modified-Release Prednisone May Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis
News article Report Urges More Research Into Cell Phones
News article Study Gets Closer to Origins of Leukemia
News article U.S. Abortion Rate Falls to Lowest Level in Decades
01/16/08Federal Press Release CDC To Launch Study on Unexplained Illness
News article Adult Drug Effective in Treating Psoriasis in Children
News article Antidepressant Effectiveness Probably Overstated: Report
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 16, 2008
News article DNA Analysis Could Help Customize Treatments for MS
News article Genetic Breast Cancer Test Approved
News article Genetic Mutations Boost Prostate Cancer Risk
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 16, 2008
News article Health Tip: If You Have Sinus Problems
News article Health Tip: Keep Your Health Resolutions This Year
News article HRT Raises Risk of Lobular Breast Cancer
News article Researchers Hone in on Cancer Stem Cells for Melanoma
News article Sealant Helps Stem Bleeding During Surgery
News article Sickle Cell Patients in More Pain Than Thought
News article Specialized System Speeds Heart Attack Treatment
News article U. S. Food Safety: Protect Yourself Against Food Poisoning
News article U.S. Food Safety: A Shopping List of Solutions
News article U.S. Food Safety: Solutions at a Glance
News article Vitamin D May Curb Falls in High-Risk Older Women
01/15/08News article Antiretroviral Drugs May Prevent Vaginal Transmission of HIV
News article Calcium Supplements Could Raise Heart Risks in Postmenopausal Women
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 15, 2008
News article Combo Treatment Best for Elderly Lymphoma Patients
News article ER Wait Times Getting Longer
News article Foods From Cloned Animals Safe to Eat: FDA
News article Gay Men More Likely to Contract 'Superbug'
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 15, 2008
News article Health Tip: After a Car Accident
News article Health Tip: Taking a Laxative
News article Maternal Distress Raises Risk of Childhood Asthma
News article MS Drug Tysabri Approved for Crohn's Disease
News article Rate of Traumatic Stress Triples Among U.S. Troops
News article Study Finds Doctors Not Reporting Medical Mistakes
News article Tysabri Approved for Crohn's Disease
News article U.S. Food Safety: Foodborne Illnesses a Menu for Disaster
News article U.S. Food Safety: The Import Alarm Keeps Sounding
01/14/08Federal Press Release FDA Approves New Genetic Test for Breast Cancer Patients
News article Biotechnology Builds a New Heart
News article Black Americans Still Wary of Clinical Trials
News article Brain Scans Shed Light on Why People Overeat
News article Chemical Signals Go Awry in Fragile X Syndrome
News article Cholesterol Drug Zetia Doesn't Cut Heart Attack Risk: Study
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 14, 2008
News article Columbus Carried Syphilis From New World to Europe, Study Suggests
News article Depression, Obesity Coexist in Many Middle-Aged Women
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 14, 2008
News article Health Tip: Cell Phone Safety
News article Health Tip: Use a Child-Safety Gate
News article Low Testosterone Could Weaken Older Men's Bones
News article Stem Cells Modified to Home in Where They're Needed
News article Study Spotlights Marketing's Impact on the Brain
News article U.S. Food Safety: A Grocery List of Tainted Products
News article U.S. Food Safety: Home-Grown Problems Abound
01/13/08News article 5 Problems With Feet That Men Shouldn't Walk Away From
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 13, 2008
News article Seven New Cholesterol Genes Discovered
01/12/08News article Health Highlights: Jan. 12, 2008
News article Helmets Save Lives in Winter Sports
News article Schedules Revised for Flu, Meningitis Vaccines
News article Vaccines for Ovarian and Breast Cancer in Early Trials
01/11/08Federal Press Release Health Groups Release 2008 Immunization Schedules
News article 14 New Blood-Typing Tests Approved
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 11, 2008
News article Dual Treatment Helps Wean Patients From Ventilators
News article Fungus Sheds Light on Development of Human Genders
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 11, 2008
News article Health Tip: What's Involved in a Sneeze
News article Health Tip: Working and Breast-feeding
News article High-Tech Device Cuts Errors in Mixing Meds
News article Industrial Solvent May Increase Risk for Parkinsonism
News article Science Could Erase Stigma of Anorexia
News article Statin Therapy Helps Diabetic Patients
News article Strength Training Eases Chronic Neck Pain
News article Sun Savvy Sadly Lacking Among Americans
News article Too Much Sugar-Free Gum Linked to Severe Weight Loss
News article Vitamin C May Play Role in Stroke Prevention
01/10/08News article Brain Circuits That Suppress Memory Found
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 10, 2008
News article Dementia Diagnosis Typically Means Death Within Five Years
News article FDA Warns Against Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy
News article Gene Plays Role in Risk of Autism
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 10, 2008
News article Health Tip: Postpartum Depression
News article Health Tip: Preparing for Puberty
News article New Proteins That Help HIV Grow Identified
News article Priming Heart Before an Attack Could Limit Damage
News article Smoke-Free Workplace Laws, Cigarette Taxes on the Rise
News article Transplant Drug Shrinks Tumors in Women With Rare Lung Disease
News article Years-Long Search Unlocks Deadly Genetic Disease
01/09/08Federal Press Release FDA Takes Action Against Compounded Menopause Hormone Therapy Drugs
News article 5 Factors Help Predict Psychosis in Children
News article Chromosome Abnormalities Raise Risk for Autism
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 9, 2008
News article Drink a Little, Stay Active, Save Your Heart
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 9, 2008
News article Health Tip: Chapped Hands
News article Health Tip: Walk for Good Health
News article Hospitals Score Poorly on Preventing Urinary Tract Infection
News article Short Chat With Doc Can Curb Problem Drinking
News article Standard Septic Shock Treatments Ineffective
News article Test Finds Rare Heart Defect in Some Young Athletes
News article Tiny RNA Molecules Control Breast Cancer's Spread
News article Women With IBS Unable to Switch Off Pain Response
01/08/08News article Anxiety Raises Heart Attack Risk
News article BRCA Mutations Don't Raise Breast Cancer Risk Equally
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 8, 2008
News article Diabetes Drug May Cut Med-Related Weight Gain
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 8, 2008
News article Health Tip: Help Your Newborn Sleep Longer
News article Health Tip: Low-Sodium Meals
News article Lowering Co-Pays on Some Drugs Help Fight Chronic Diseases
News article Medicare Drug Plan Fuels Health-Care Spending
News article New Meningitis Vaccine Works in Infants
News article New Weight-Loss Drug Shows Promise in Early Study
News article Rural Residents Get Fewer Organ Transplants: Study
News article School Social Standing Linked to Teen Girls' Weight Gain
News article Small Lifestyle Changes Can Boost Longevity
News article Smoking in Movies Linked to Kids Lighting Up
01/07/08News article Breast-Feeding Seems to Protect Against Some Allergies
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 7, 2008
News article Eye Care Lacking in Many Who Buy Contact Lenses Online
News article Fatherhood Tied to Higher Prostate Cancer Risk
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 7, 2008
News article Health Tip: Help Ease Growing Pains
News article Health Tip: Stay Safe on the Stairs
News article High Levels of Stress After 9/11 Raised Heart Disease Risk
News article Low Vitamin D Linked to Heart Risk
News article No Change in Cancer Care 'Race Gap' Since 1990s
News article Parental Control of Eating Leads to Lighter Toddlers
News article Some Immature Brain Cells May Promote Tumors
News article Study Casts Doubt on Vaccine-Autism Link
News article Team Finds 118 Genes That Might Play Role in Cancer
News article Youth Suicide Warnings Are Slowing Antidepressant Sales
01/06/08News article Breast Is Best for Reducing Stress
News article College Drinking Games Lead to Higher Blood Alcohol Levels
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 6, 2008
01/05/08News article Fitness Begins at Home
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 5, 2008
01/04/08Federal Press Release Information on Participating in Clinical Trials Now Available on
News article 46 Million Americans Suffer From Arthritis
News article Almost Half of 10-Year-Olds Have Tasted Alcohol
News article Antidepressants Help HIV-Infected Patients Stick to Treatment
News article Brief Chat With ER Docs Can Curb Problem Drinking
News article Cell Phones Put Traffic on Hold
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 4, 2008
News article Fingers Point to Risk for Arthritic Knees
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 4, 2008
News article Health Tip: Get Children Tested for Lead Poisoning
News article Localized Breast Cancer Cells Have Potential to Spread
News article Not All Women Need Digital Mammograms
News article Protein Nasal Spray Revives Sleep-Deprived Monkeys
News article Research Gets Closer to Origin of Parkinson's Disease
News article Treating Childhood Pneumonia at Home Could Save Lives in Developing Countries
01/03/08News article Almost Half of Doctors Have Prescribed Placebos
News article Body Abnormalities, Childhood Cancer May Share Genes
News article Breast Cancer Gene Might Extend Ovarian Cancer Survival
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 3, 2008
News article Combo Therapy Cuts Prostate Cancer Death Rates
News article Defibrillation Comes Late in 30 Percent of Hospital Cases
News article Exercise Eases Some Menopause Symptoms
News article FDA Reports New Risks Posed by Anemia Drugs
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 3, 2008
News article Health Tip: Caring for a Surgical Incision
News article Health Tip: Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
News article Hookah Smoking as Tough on Lungs as Cigarettes
News article Lack of Deep Sleep Raises Diabetes Risk
News article Rapid Test for MRSA Approved
News article Stomach Flu Spread By Contaminated Computer Keyboards
News article Study Spotlights a Natural Infection Fighter
01/02/08Federal Press Release FDA Clears First Quick Test For Drug-Resistant Staph Infections
News article Clinical Trials Update: Jan. 2, 2008
News article Colon Cancer Gene Traced to Arrival in United States
News article Genetic Variation Doubles Risk of Liver Cancer
News article Health Departments Slow to Respond to Disease Outbreaks
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 2, 2008
News article Health Tip: Caring for a Minor Burn
News article Health Tip: Heal Baby's Diaper Rash
News article Minorities Less Likely to Get Powerful Painkillers in ER
News article Most Free Drug Samples Go to Wealthy and Insured
News article New Cancer Drug Boosts Blood Pressure
News article Relatives of Parkinson's Patients at Higher Psychiatric Risk
News article Research Yields Clues to Recurrent Prostate Cancer
News article Restless Legs Syndrome May Cause Heart Problems: Study
News article Scientists Report Refinements to Brain Surgery
News article Testosterone Supplements Provide Little Benefit
01/01/08News article Children Who Sleep Less Weigh More
News article Happy Marriage Eases Wife's Workday Tension
News article Health Highlights: Jan. 1, 2008
News article Health Tip: Cosmetics Safety
News article Health Tip: Make Reading a Daily Activity
News article Resolve to Get Enough Zzzzs This Year
News article Women Who Stay Religious Less Likely to Have Anxiety Disorder

Last updated Nov 04, 2008 22:45:01

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