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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Improving Health Care Quality

Choosing Quality Health Care

Here are some tips for including quality in your health care decisions. Such decisions involve health plans, doctors, treatments, hospitals, and long-term care.

Look for a health plan that:

  • Has been given high ratings by its members on the things that are important to you.
  • Does a good job of helping people stay well and get better.
  • Has the doctors and hospitals you want or need.
  • Provides the benefits (covered services) you need.
  • Provides services where and when you need them.

Look for a doctor who:

  • Has received high ratings for quality of care.
  • Has the training and experience to meet your needs.
  • Takes steps to prevent illness—for example, will talk to you about getting the screening tests that are right for you.
  • Can get you admitted to or treat you at the hospital of your choice.
  • Is part of your health plan, unless you are willing to pay extra.
  • Will work with you to make decisions about your health care.

When choosing a treatment, make sure you understand:

  • Your diagnosis.
  • How soon you need to be treated.
  • Your treatment choices.
  • Whether the treatments are based on the latest scientific evidence.
  • The benefits and risks of each treatment.
  • The costs of each treatment.
  • How much experience your doctor has in treating your condition.

Look for a hospital that:

  • Is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
  • Is rated highly by the State and by consumer groups or other organizations.
  • Is one where your doctor can treat you.
  • Is covered by your health plan.
  • Has a lot of experience and success with your condition.
  • Monitors quality of care and works to improve quality.

Look for a long-term-care facility that:

  • Has been found by State agencies and other groups to provide quality care.
  • Provides a level of care, including staff and services, that will meet your needs.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care