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photograph of Thomas King
Thomas King
Monetary and Financial Stability Section
Division of Monetary Affairs

Contact Information

Fields of Interest
Banking and Financial Institutions
Econometrics and Statistics

Ph.D., Economics, Washington University, 2005
M.A., Economics, Washington University, 2000
B.A., Economics, Northwestern University, 1996

Professional Experience
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2006-present
Associate Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2000-2006

Selected Publications

  • Financial Market Perceptions of Recession Risk (with Andrew T. Levin and Roberto Perli), Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2007-57. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2007.
  • ''Discipline and Liquidity in the Interbank Market,'' Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (forthcoming).
  • ''In Search of the Natural Rate of Unemployment'' (with James Morley), Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 54 (March 2007), pp. 550-564.
  • ''Are the Causes of Bank Distress Changing?'' (with Dan Nuxoll and Tim Yeager), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review (January 2006).
  • ''Did FDICIA Enhance Market Discipline on Community Banks?'' (with John Hall, Andy Meyer, and Mark Vaughan), in Georege G. Kaufman, ed., Prompt Corrective Action in Banking: 10 Years Later. Oxford: JAI Press, 2002.

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Last update: December 12, 2007