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photograph of Jeanne M. Hogarth
Jeanne M. Hogarth
Program Manager
Consumer Education and Research Section
Division of Consumer and Community Affairs

Contact Information

Fields of Interest
Consumer Finance
Consumer Information and Protection

Ph.D., Family & Consumer Economics, The Ohio State University, 1981
M.S., Family & Consumer Economics, The Ohio State University, 1979
B.S., Education, Bowling Green State University, 1971

Professional Experience
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1995-present
Associate Professor, Cornell University, 1982-1995
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, 1981-1982
High School Teacher, Olmsted Falls, Ohio, 1971-1978

Selected Publications

  • ''Are Families Who Use E-Banking Better Financial Managers?'' (with Christoslav Anguelov), Financial Counseling and Planning, vol. 15 (2004), pp. 61-78.
  • ''Numbers versus Words: Quantitative and Qualitative Satisfaction Data'' (with Marianne Hilgert), Journal of Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior, vol. 17 (2004), pp. 103-16.
  • ''Why Don't Households Have a Checking Account?'' (with Christoslav Anguelov and Jinkook Lee), Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 38 (Summer 2004), pp. 1-34.
  • ''Consumers' Problems with Credit Cards and Exit Behaviors'' (with Marianne Hilgert and Jane Kolodinsky), Journal of Services Marketing, vol. 18 (Summer 2004), pp. 19-34.
  • ''U.S. Consumers and Electronic Banking, 1995 to 2003'' (with Christoslav Anguelov and Marianne Hilgert), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 90 (Winter 2004), pp. 1-18.
  • ''Can the Poor Save?'' (with Christoslav Anguelov), Financial Counseling and Planning, vol. 14 (Winter 2003), pp. 1-18.
  • ''Houshold Financial Management: The Connection Between Knowledge and Behavior'' (with Marianne Hilgert and Sandra Beverly), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 89 (July 2003), pp. 309-22.
  • ''Consumer Complaints and Redress: An Important Mechanism for Protecting and Empowering Consumers'' (with Maureen English), International Journal of Consumer Studies, vol. 26 (May 2002), pp. 217-26.
  • ''Consumer Information Search for Home Mortgages: Who, What, How Much, and What Else?'' (with Jinkook Lee), Financial Services Review, vol. 9 (2001), pp. 277-93.
  • ''The Adoption of Electronic Banking Technologies by U.S. Consumers'' (with Jane Kolodinsky and Marianne Hilgert), International Journal of Bank Marketing, vol. 22 (2004), pp. 238-59.

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