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Last updated 10/10/2008

OST Electronic Reading Room

In accordance with 5 USC 552(a)(2), the following four categories of records (“Reading Room” records) are available without the need for a FOIA request.  Only Reading Room records created on or after November 1, 1996 must be made available electronically, and we make them available here.  For access to pre-November 1, 1996 Reading Room records created by the Office of the Secretary (OST), please contact OST’s FOIA Requester Service Center at (202) 366-4542 or the following conventional (paper) Reading Room:

DOT Dockets Office, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Room W12-140, Washington, D.C. 20590; hours of operation: 9:00-5:00 ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays;
telephone (202) 366-9322, (202) 366-9826, or (800) 647-5527.  A computer terminal and printer are available at this location for accessing Electronic Reading Room records. 

As for OST’s non-Reading Room records, we publish many of them on other OST Web sites or in the Federal Register, and our regulations are published in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Category 1 – Final Opinions/Orders in Adjudicated Cases

Category 2 – Policy Statements/Interpretations

Category 3 – Manuals/Instructions to Staff Affecting the Public

Category 4 – Records Frequently Requested Under FOIA


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