Secretary Spellings Receives Final Report of the Commission on the Future of Higher Education
Archived Information

September 19, 2006
Contact: Samara Yudof, Katherine McLane
(202) 401-1576

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U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today made the following statement on the receipt of the Commission on the Future of Higher Education's final report:

"Higher education in America should be affordable and accessible to all and accountable for the important service it provides to students and the nation. One year ago today, I created the Commission on the Future of Higher Education to launch a national dialogue on the vital issues central to a quality higher education. We must examine the system in order to determine whether our colleges and universities are meeting the needs of America's diverse and changing student population and preparing it for the competitive global economy. Today the Commission presented to me its final report with a series of recommendations designed to improve the accessibility, affordability and accountability of our higher education system and maintain it as the finest in the world. I look forward to announcing my plans for the future of higher education on Sept. 26 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., outlining the course forward as we work together to find solutions that will meet the needs of students, parents, taxpayers, and our colleges and universities."

Highlights of the Commission's final recommendations to Secretary Spellings are available at

To view the Commission's final report, please visit

For additional information on the Secretary's Commission on the Future of Higher Education, visit



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Last Modified: 11/30/2006