Action Plan:  a plan which identifies performance targets, performance indicators  (outcomes and outputs), and strategies used to achieve an objective.  The identified means by which a goal and objective will be achieved.

Administrative and Financial Management (AFM):  the Headquarters and ARS Area  Administrative Offices staff responsible for providing mission area administrative and financial management policy and operational support to REE customers.

"administrative and financial management community":  all staff in the REE mission area who carry out administrative operations.  This includes Headquarters AFM staff, ARS Area and Location Administrative Offices, and administrative liaison staff in the REE agencies.

Business Area Analysis (BAA):  a detailed study of each functional area defined  within the scope of the strategic plan; its data, functions, and the information required to fulfill those functions.  These studies identify specific processes, their information inputs and outputs, and entities (the objects about which data might be kept).

Business Process Reengineering:  a methodology which reinvents cross-functional  processes, jobs, structures, and controls of an enterprise with a distinct emphasis on satisfying customer needs and requirements.

Consolidated Assistance Review and Evaluation (CARE):  an ARS review program that addresses operational and management activities of locations through a consolidated approach and provides sufficient assurance about the effectiveness and efficiency of the administrative and financial management activities performed at a location.

Current Research Information System (CRIS):  USDA's computer-based management information system for ongoing agricultural and forestry research designed to provide technical information to scientists and coordinated program planning information for research administrators and managers.

Customers:  public, cooperators, employees and management of the REE agencies who receive or are affected by administrative and financial management services.

Demonstration Project (Demo):  a 5-year research initiative authorized by Congress to test and evaluate alternative recruitment and selection procedures which are responsive to local recruitment needs and which facilitate the attainment of a quality workforce reflective of society.

Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS):  a single, integrated, seamless  financial management information system, with distributed databases, that incorporates all USDA financial systems.

Goal:  further elaborates on the strategic outcome.  A broad result, aim, end, or  achievement toward which the effort of the AFM organization is directed.

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA):  the statute that  required Federal agencies to create a framework for more effective planning, budgeting, program evaluation, and fiscal accountability of Federal programs, including the development of strategic plans.

Objective:  a subgoal more specific, less broad, and usually of a shorter timeframe  (12 to 18 months) than a goal.

Partner:  an individual, organization, agency, unit of Government, or entity that  participates with and contributes to REE in performance of mission-related projects of mutual interest such as land grant and state universities.

Performance Indicator:  a particular value or characteristic used to measure output  or outcome.  It indicates whether the performance target has been met.

Performance Target:  a target level of performance expressed as a tangible, measurable objective, against which actual performance can be compared, including a goal expressed as a quantitative standard, value, or rate.  In the AFM Strategic Plan, performance targets are the key actions, achievable over 12-18 months, that will help make significant progress towards achieving AFM's strategic objectives.

Quality Partnership:  the quality program throughout AFM that focuses on customer service, continuous process improvement, employee participation, leadership, and recognition.

REE Program Results Teams:  teams of REE administrative and program personnel  established to make recommendations to the Under Secretary and Agency Administrators for improving the quality, recognition, and relevance of work in the REE mission area.

Stakeholder:  individuals that are affected by or involved in a process or function of AFM.  Individuals that have a vested interest in the process or function effected by a strategic planning objective.

Strategic Outcome: a desired societal state or end result to which AFM efforts are  ultimately directed.  Provides direction and guidance to AFM staff toward actions that fulfill the mission of AFM.

Strategies:  specific approaches used to achieve performance targets within an  action plan.

Introduction      AFM Mission Statement      Our Planning Process     Customer Input
Planning Assumptions       Annual Performance Planning      Strategic Outcomes, Goals and Objectives
Flowchart       Accomplishments       Glossary        Acknowledgement