Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Management & Operations in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan:
A Guidebook for Creating an Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach

Front Cover

Interim Draft

November 2007

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Transit Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
Toll-Free "Help Line" 866-367-7487

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Contact Information: Wayne Berman, FHWA Office of Operations

[ Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation ] [ Cover Letter ] [ Preface ]
empty cell
empty cell 1.1 Creating an Objectives-Driven Approach to Management and Operations
empty cell 1.2 What is Management & Operations?
empty cell 1.3 Motivation for Integrating M&O in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan
empty cell 1.4 SAFETEA-LU Requirements
empty cell 1.5 The Role of Regional Operations Objectives and the Congestion Management Process
empty cell 1.6 Overview of this Guidebook
Chapter 2 An Objectives-Driven Performance-Based Approach to M&O in the MTP
empty cell 2.1 Motivation for a New Approach to M&O in the MTP
empty cell 2.2 A Framework for Objectives-Driven Performance-Based M&O in Planning
empty cell 2.3 Benefits of Applying Regional Operations Objectives in the MTP
empty cell 2.4 The Role of M&O Goals
empty cell 2.5 The Role of Regional Operations Objectives
empty cell 2.6 What do Regional Operations Objectives Look Like
Chapter 3 Getting Started - Engaging Stakeholders in Developing Regional Operations Objectives
empty cell 3.1 Regional Coordination and Collaboration
empty cell 3.2 Who Is Involved
empty cell 3.3 Engaging Participants
empty cell 3.4 Institutionalizing the Process
Chapter 4 How to Use Operations Objectives in the MTP
empty cell 4.1 How Operations Objectives Are Applied in the Planning Process
empty cell 4.2 Developing Performance Measures for M&O
empty cell 4.3 Using Performance Measures for M&O
empty cell 4.4 Selecting M&O Strategies and Projects
Chapter 5 Outcomes
empty cell 5.1 The Resulting MTP and TIP
empty cell 5.2 On-Going Monitoring and Evaluation
Chapter 6 Self-Assessment
Appendix A M&O in the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process - Getting Started
Appendix B Understanding the Communications and Information Needs of Elected Officials for Transportation Planning and Operations
Appendix C Acronyms
Appendix D Glossary
Appendix E References
Office of Operations