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Light Weight Thermal Paper
       from China, Germany, Korea
     ITC Injury Determination  (11/16/07)
DOC initiates AD / CVD Investigations  (10/30/07)

Coated Free Sheet Paper from China
     ITC Injury Determination  (11/20/07)
DOC Final Determination (10/18/07)

             Fact Sheets:  China    Indonesia     Korea
Preliminary DOC determination  (5/30/07)
      ITC votes to Continue Case  (12/15/06)
Antidumping Investigation initiated  (11/21/06)

Lined Paper Products
  ITC Injury Determination  (9/06/06)
DOC Final Determination  (8/31/06) 
Amended Prelim Determination in AD Investigation  (5/19/06)
Prelim Determination in AD Investigation - India, China (4/10/06)
  Prelim Determination in AD Investigation - Indonesia (3/21/06)
Prelim Results of CVD Investigation - India, Indonesia (2/7/06)
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations (9/30/05)

Softwood Lumber from Canada     
      U.S. Implements Agreement  (10/12/06)
      Preliminary Results in 3rd Administrative Review  (6/1/06)
      NAFTA Panel decision (3/17/06) IA Statement
      Final Results in 2nd Administrative Review  (12/06/05)
      Fact Sheet
      Final Results of AD Duty Administrative Review (12/20/04)
      Final Results of CV Duty Administrative Review (12/20/04)

   Reports from American Forest & Paper Assn:

ITC to investigate
Competitive Conditions in
Wood Flooring and
Hardwood Plywood


  Trade Agreements


DOC - Import Administration

International Trade Commission

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