Figure 1. Women age 18+ with Pap test in past 3 years and women age 40+ with mammogram in past 2 years, by race/ethnicity, income, and education

This is a graph showing the percentage of women age 18+ with Pap test in past 3 years and the number of women age 40+ with mammogram in past 2 years, by race/ethnicity, income, and education. Pap test in past 3 years (age 18+): Total = 81%, White = 82%, Black = 84%, Asian = 66%, AI/AN = 76%, Hispanic = 77%, Poor = 73%, Near poor = 75%, Middle income = 81%, High income = 88%, Less than high school = 74%, High school graduate = 81%, At least some college = 86%; Mammogram in past 2 years (age 40+): Total = 70%, White = 72%, Black = 68%, Asian = 56%, AI/AN = 49%, Hispanic = 62%, Poor = 55%, Near poor = 56%, Middle income = 69%, High income = 81%, Less than high school = 57%, High school graduate = 69%, At least some college = 76%.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health Interview Survey, 2000.

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