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Switzerland Local time: 08:56 AM

Useful Swiss Links

Swiss Government Website Links

Federal Customs Administration:
Contains general information on payment of duty and taxes when importing goods into Switzerland as well as a list of duty exemptions and traveler information on bringing in personal possessions such as: cars, food, pets, plants and fruits, arms and munitions, and wine.

Federal Office for Economic Development and Labor:
Information on doing business in Switzerland. Handbook for investors containing information such as investment climate, establishing a business, financing, taxes, etc. Can be downloaded.

Federal Office for Statistics: Key data for the country of Switzerland as well as economic and financial data, such as consumer price index, GDP, unemployment rates etc.

Swiss Federal Communications Commission:
Swiss regulator of telecommunications - responsible for, among other things, for the assignment of telecommunication licences and the approval of national frequency and numbering plans. Contains text of government decrees concerning telecommunication services and installations.

Federal Office for Communications:
The licencing agency for communications equipment and services. Contains information about licencing of telecommunication operators, radio & television, mobile & satellite services, including application forms. List of approved telecommunications equipment, technical requirements, frequencies, accredited test laboratories, etc.

Federal Office for Public Health:
Responsible for supervising the enforcement of laws, rules and regulations governing food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products in Switzerland. Contains press releases on health related subjects, such as AIDS, addictions, medications, chemicals, etc.

Intercantonal Approving Agency for Medical Products:
Registration agency for health care products and pharmaceuticals. Contains registration information and forms that can be downloaded.

Fed. Office for the Environment, Forestry and the Landscape:
Regulating agency for environmental protection; equivalent to the Environmental Protection Agency. Contains environmental reports and press releases on topics such as air, climate, energy, forestry, natural hazards, etc.

Other Swiss-based Websites

Swiss Electrotechnical Association (SEV):
Safety Certification Laboratory; equivalent to the UL Underwriters Laboratories. This site provides an overview of SEV's consultation, inspection, and certification services. Lists also all applicable norms (SEV sells the relevant publications), etc.

WEEE in Switzerland:

Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce:
Promotes and facilitates better business relations between the USA and Switzerland. The website also lists upcoming events organized by the Chamber as well as essential Swiss business laws, which they have translated into English.