Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Managing Habitat for Grassland Birds
A Guide for Wisconsin

Suggested Reading

A selection of basic references on grassland birds in Wisconsin and the Midwest.
This offering is by no means comprehensive.

Best, L.B., K.E. Freemark, J.J. Dinsmore, and M. Camp.
   1995.  A review and synthesis of bird habitat use in agricultural landscapes 
          of Iowa.  American Midland Naturalist 134:1-29.

Graber, R.R. and J.W. Graber. 
   1963.  A comparative study of bird populations in Illinois, 1906-1909 and 
          1956-1958. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 28:378-528.

Henderson, R.A. and D.W. Sample.
   1995.  Grassland communities. Pp. 116-129 in J. Addis, R. Eckstein, 
          A. Forbes, D Gebken, R Henderson, J. Kotar, B. Les, P. Matthiae, W. 
          McCown, S. Miller, B. Moss, D. Sample, M. Staggs, and K. Visser. 
          Wisconsin's biodiversity as a management issue: a report to 
          Department of Natural Resources managers. Wisconsin Department of 
          Natural Resources, Madison, WI.

Herkert, J.R., R.E. Szafoni, V.M. Kleen, and J.E. Schwegman.
   1993.  Habitat establishment, enhancement, and management for forest and 
          grassland birds in Illinois. Illinois Department of Conservation. 
          Natural Heritage Technical Publication 1.

Herkert, J.R., D.W. Sample, and R.E. Warner.
   1996.  Management of midwestern grassland landscapes for the conservation of 
          migratory birds. Pp.89-116 in F.R. Thompson III, ed. Managing mid-
          western landscape for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds.
          U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, North Central Forest 
          Experiment Station, St. Paul. General Technical Report GTR-NC-187.

Hoffman, R.M., and D.W. Sample.
   1988.  Birds of wet-mesic and wet prairies in Wisconsin. Passenger Pigeon 

Johnson, R.G. and S.A. Temple.
    1986. Assessing habitat quality for birds nesting in fragmented tallgrass 
          prairies. Pp. 245-249 in J. Verner, M.L. Morrison, and C.J. Ralph, 
          eds. Wildlife 2000: modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial 
          vertebrates. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.

Johnson, R.G. and S.A. Temple.
   1990.  Nest predation and brood parasitism of tallgrass prairie birds. 
          Journal of Wildlife Management 54:106-111.

Kahl, R.B., T.S. Baskett, J.A. Ellis, and J.N. Burroughs.
   1985.  Characteristics of summer habitats of selected nongame birds in 
          Missouri. University of Missouri-Columbia, College of Agriculture, 
          Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Bulletin 1056.

Koford, R.R., and L.B. Best.
   1996.  Management of agricultural landscapes for the conservation of 
          neotropical migratory birds. Pp. 68-88 in F.R. Thompson III, ed. 
          Managing midwestern landscapes for the conservation of neotropical 
          migratory birds. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, North 
          Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul. General Technical Report 

Mossman, M.J. and D. W. Sample.
   1990.  Birds of Wisconsin sedge meadows. Passenger Pigeon 52:39-55.

Mossman, M.J., E. Epstein, and R.M. Hoffman.
   1991.  Birds of Wisconsin pine and oak barrens. Passenger Pigeon 53:137-163.

Rodenhouse, N.L., L.B. Best, R.J. O'Connor, and E.K. Bollinger.
   1995.  Effects of agricultural practices and farmland structures. Pp. 269-
          293 in T.E. Martin and D.M. Finch, eds. Ecology and management of 
          neotropical migratory birds. Oxford University Press, New York.

Ryan, M.R.
   1986.  Nongame management in grassland and agricultural ecosystems. Pp. 117-
          136 in J.B. Hale, L.B. Best, R.L. Clawson eds. Management of nongame 
          wildlife in the Midwest: a developing art. North Central Section, The 
          Wildlife Society.

Sample, D.W.
   1989.  Grassland birds in southern Wisconsin: habitat preference, population 
          trends, and response to land use changes. University of Wisconsin, 
          Madison. M.S. Thesis.

Sample, D.W., and R.M. Hoffman.
   1989.  Birds of dry-mesic and dry prairies in Wisconsin. Passenger Pigeon 

Sample, D.W., and M.J. Mossman.
   1994.  Birds of Wisconsin oak savannas: past, present, and future. Pp. 155-
          159 in J.S. Fralish, R.C. Anderson, J.E. Ebinger, and R. Szafoni, 
          eds. Proceedings of the North American Conference on Barrens and 
          Savannas. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National 
          Program Office.

Skinner, R.M., T.S. Baskett, and M.D. Blenden.
   1984.  Bird habitat on Missouri prairies. Missouri Department of 
          Conservation. Terrestrial Series 14.

Swanson, D.A.
   1996.  Nesting ecology and nesting habitat requirements of Ohio's grassland-
          nesting birds: a literature review. Ohio Department of Natural 
          Resources Division of Wildlife. Ohio Fish and Wildlife Report 13.

Wiens, J.A.
   1969.  An approach to the study of ecological relationships among grassland 
          birds. Ornithological Monograph No. 8 American Ornithologist's Union. 
          Allen Press, Inc. Lawrence, Kansas.

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