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Environmental Financial Advisory Board Publications 1991-2002

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

The information, letters, advisories, reports and recommendations listed on these pages are the products of the Environmental Financial Advisory Board, an independent board created under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, to provide independent advice and recommendations on the subject of environmental finance to the EPA Administrator. These papers reflect opinions and views of the independent EFAB, and not necessarily the views or opinions of the US EPA or any other government agency.

2002 Publications

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For more information on Brownfield Reports and/or the Guidebook of Financial Tools , contact:
Timothy McProuty, Environmental Finance Program Lead
e-mail: mcprouty.timothy(@)epa.gov

To order Reports, contact:
EFIN Internet Librarian (ASRCMS, contractor)
e- mail: efin(@)epa.gov

For assistance please contact the EFIN Librarian.

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