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About AFM

Facilities Division

Real Property Management Branch
Customer Service Plan


The Real Property Management Branch (RPMB), Facilities Division (FD), is committed to providing quality real estate management support services to its customers. This document addresses the types of services provided, the means of delivering the services, and a means for measuring provisions of these services.

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Work Unit Description

The RPMB Realty Specialists provide advice, guidance and support, as well as administer real estate activities for all REE Agencies on a nationwide basis. Activities include acquisition by purchase or lease, and disposal of real property; development of REE-wide Policy and Procedures, and other management activities, such as inventory data tracking in the Corporate Property Automated Information System (CPAIS).

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Identification of Customers


  • ARS Areas and Locations
  • ARS, Administrator and National Program Staff
  • ARS, Budget and Program Management Staff
  • ARS, Administrative Financial Management
  • ARS, Information Staff
  • ARS, National Agricultural Library
  • REE, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
  • REE, Economics Research Service
  • REE, National Agricultural Statistics Service
  • USDA, Radiation Safety Staff



  • U.S. Congress
  • USDA, Departmental Administration
  • USDA, Office of the General Counsel
  • General Services Administration (GSA)
  • Department of Interior
  • Department of Justice
  • National Capital Planning Commission
  • The United States Commission of Fine Arts
  • State, County, and Local Governments
  • Universities
  • National Capital Planning Commission
  • Commercial Firms
  • Private Citizens

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Work Services

Realty Specialists administer long-term leasing, disposals (including location closures), and the acquisition of real property, as well as assure compliance with Federal programs/policies; such as, Federal Protective Service security levels, smoking, and signage policies. In addition, Realty Specialists have the mandate to provide support and direction to their customers on actions, such as short-term leasing, easements, revocable permits, use of ARS Quarters (housing rentals), supervision of federally owned and leased real property to meet accountability and control requirements. Each Area Office maintains its own records and updates the CPAIS data base. Reports generated from CPAIS are provided to assist the Office of the Administrator, National Program Staff, and AFM. Extensive details on execution of RPMB responsibilities can be found in Directive/Manual 245.1, although there are many other Directives affecting RPMB.

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Code of Conduct

Customer satisfaction is a never-ending quest for RPMB. Putting the customer first, therefore, is the cornerstone and fundamental principle of the RPMB customer service philosophy. There is a total commitment to involving the customer throughout the implementation of the real estate management program. RPMB customers are treated with courtesy and respect, and are responded to in a timely and accurate manner. Customers are offered choices, and provided information that is clear, thorough, and reliable. The goal is to provide the most accurate, efficient, and innovative services support to all internal and external customers into the 21st Century.

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Organization's Performance Standards

DISPOSALS: twelve - eighteen months
LEASES: six - twelve months
LAND ACQUISITIONS: six - twelve months
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Partnership Relationship

Implementing the REE RPMB program is accomplished via a partnership consisting of Program Management, Facilities Division, other Administrative and Financial Management Divisions/Branches, Area office and location management, universities, commercial firms, and private citizens. Customer feedback and suggestions for improvement in service delivery is always welcome and encouraged. Comments and questions can be directed to the following phone number:

RPMB 301-504-1224

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Periodic Review and Assessment

Feedback on the RPMB implementation of the real estate management program will be solicited on an annual basis for the purpose of determining if program delivery is being provided according to the customer standards.


All FD Customer Service Plans