BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


AACC 2008 Clinical Lab Expo

AACC 2008 Clinical Lab Expo, July 27-31, 2008, Washington, D.C.

Join our official Indonesian trade delegation to AACC 2008 Clinical Lab Expo, July 27-31, 2008, Washington, D.C.

Your participation as member of our official trade delegation will provide you the following benefits:

  • Free Exhibits registration
  • Matchmaking meetings with corporate officers of exhibiting U.S. companies
  • Access to the International Business Center where U.S. Department of Commerce staff will assist international buyers identify and meet U.S. exhibitors;
  • A special group travel package and handling

The Expo is the world’s largest meeting devoted to clinical chemistry and clinical laboratory science in general. More than 600 exhibiting companies attracted more than 19,000 participants, drawing every significant manufacturer from anywhere in the world along with most of the start-up companies bringing new technologies to the market.

150+ companies (of the 600 exhibiting) at AACC 2008 Clinical Lab Expo in Washington, DC - USA on July 29-31 are looking for partners and clients worldwide. We can help you connect with them. Please go to this link Select the companies that you are interested in, provide your contact information on the form available and we will immediately e-mail you direct contact information (contact name, personal e-mail, phone, fax, detailed product description, etc.) for the companies you checked. Your contact information will also be automatically passed on to the companies you have selected. We can also facilitate an introduction to these companies.

Unique spin off opportunity for international delegates to Silicon Valley!

In 2008, the U.S. Commercial Service prepared a unique opportunity for international delegates to take advantage of the spin off program to Silicon Valley after the visit of AACC show. More information about the program can be found in the attached document.

Spin off opportunity to Silicon Valley

Contact: Gabriela Zelaya, Trade Specialist, Silicon Valley Export Assistance Center
Tel: 1 (408) 535-2744; Fax: 1 (408) 535-2758

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Take the first step to join the Official Indonesian Trade Delegation to AACC Clinical Lab Expo by completing the online form below and contact Ms. Sharon Chandra, U.S. Embassy Jakarta at (021)526-2850.

For more information on AACC Clinical Lab Expo, please refer to the event's web site:

AACC 2008

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