How to Prepare an SF-1 to Obtain Printing and Publication Services 
 Updated 03/15/07

1.  The SF-1, "Printing and Binding Requisition", form is available on the ITA Intranet "Our Place" at .  Read the Form SF-1 carefully. Fill out only the blocks that are pertinent. Leave blank any that do not apply or that you are unsure how to complete, such as paper stock and ink. 

2. Questions regarding individual printing and related services requests should be directed to the ITA Publications Staff (Room 3420, telephone number 202-482-5487). Questions related to forms printing and administrative services, such as open Xerox requisitions, certificates, and framing, should be referred to the Customer Service Center in the Department's Office of Administrative Operations (Room 2856, telephone number 202-482-3061).

3. Enter the complete accounting code(s) to be used for the requested service. Questions regarding appropriation codes should be directed to your Office of Financial Management (OFM) budget analyst. (Refer to OFM-7)

4. Enter the name and telephone number of the office point of contact who is able to answer specific questions regarding the request. Cost estimates for the printing (and mailing, if required) should be obtained from the ITA Publications Staff. Cost estimates for forms printing and administrative services should be obtained from the incoming requisitions desk. (The signature of the resource coordinator, if required by an individual office or unit, should be placed in this area.)

5. The SF-1 should be signed by an official in your office who is authorized to obligate funds.

6. All SF-1s for printing that will be distributed to the public, along with the material to be reproduced, must be submitted to the ITA Publications Staff in Room 3420. They will obtain the budget approval, requisition numbers, and forward the SF-1 to the incoming requisitions desk.

7. The completed SF-1 for administrative printing and services should be hand carried to the following offices:      

  1. Budget Division, Room 4124, to obtain the signature of your OFM Budget Analyst;
  2. Accounting and Financial Systems Division, Room 4113, the SF-1 to obtain a General Printing Office (GPO) Requisition Number; and
  3. O/S Customer Service Center in Room 2856.

NOTE:  All SF-1s for reprinting of ITA Forms and Stationery must be reviewed and approved by the ITA Forms Manager, Office of Organization and Management Support (OOMS), Room 4001, prior to the approval by the Budget Division.

For additional information contact: Diana Smith at 202-482-3265 or John Ward, ITA Publication Staff,  at 202-482-5487.